mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 14:57:29 +08:00
refactor runtime context from class instance to using/given
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ tasks.withType(ScalaCompile).configureEach {
scalaCompileOptions.encoding = proj_file_encoding.name()
scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters.add "-language:postfixOps"
// scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters.add("-Yexplicit-nulls")
// scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters.add "-language:experimental.saferExceptions"
@ -196,10 +194,15 @@ publishing {
publications {
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
main (MavenPublication) {
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
from components.java
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
groupId = proj_group
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
artifactId = proj_archive_name
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
version = proj_version
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ MORNY_COMMIT_PATH = https://github.com/Eyre-S/Coeur-Morny-Cono/commit/%s
VERSION = 1.0.0-RC5
USE_DELTA = true
CODENAME = beiping
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import cc.sukazyo.restools.ResourcesPackage
object MornyAssets {
class AssetsException (caused: Throwable) extends Exception("Cannot read assets file.", caused)
val pack: ResourcesPackage = ResourcesPackage(MornyAssets.getClass, "assets_morny")
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon.MornyDaemons
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.{exceptionLog, logger}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur.THREAD_MORNY_EXIT
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.TelegramUpdatesListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event.MornyEventListeners
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event.{MornyEventListeners, MornyOnInlineQuery, MornyOnTelegramCommand, MornyOnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.query.MornyQueries
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.ExtraAction
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.TelegramBot
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.GetMe
@ -17,53 +18,15 @@ object MornyCoeur {
val THREAD_MORNY_EXIT = "morny-exiting"
private var INSTANCE: MornyCoeur|Null = _
val coeurStartTimestamp: Long = ServerMain.systemStartupTime
def account: TelegramBot = INSTANCE.account
def username: String = INSTANCE.username
def userid: Long = INSTANCE.userid
def config: MornyConfig = INSTANCE.my_config
def trusted: MornyTrusted = INSTANCE.trusted
def extra: ExtraAction = INSTANCE.extra
def available: Boolean = INSTANCE != null
def callSaveData(): Unit = INSTANCE.saveDataAll()
def exitReason: AnyRef|Null = INSTANCE.whileExit_reason
def exit (status: Int, reason: AnyRef): Unit =
INSTANCE.whileExit_reason = reason
System exit status
def init (using config: MornyConfig): Unit = {
if (INSTANCE ne null)
logger error "Coeur already started!!!"
logger info "Coeur starting..."
INSTANCE = MornyCoeur()
logger info "start telegram event listening"
if config.commandLoginRefresh then
logger info "resetting telegram command list"
logger info "Coeur start complete."
class MornyCoeur (using config: MornyConfig) {
def my_config: MornyConfig = config
class MornyCoeur (using val config: MornyConfig) {
given MornyCoeur = this
///>>> BLOCK START instance configure & startup stage 1
logger info "Coeur starting..."
logger info s"args key:\n ${config.telegramBotKey}"
if config.telegramBotUsername ne null then
@ -76,13 +39,47 @@ class MornyCoeur (using config: MornyConfig) {
///<<< BLOCK END instance configure & startup stage 1
/** [[TelegramBot]] account of this Morny */
val account: TelegramBot = __loginResult.account
/** [[account]]'s telegram username */
val username: String = __loginResult.username
/** [[account]]'s telegram user id */
val userid: Long = __loginResult.userid
val trusted: MornyTrusted = MornyTrusted(using this)
/** current Morny's [[MornyTrusted]] instance */
val trusted: MornyTrusted = MornyTrusted()
/** current Morny's [[ExtraAction]] toolset */
val extra: ExtraAction = ExtraAction as __loginResult.account
var whileExit_reason: AnyRef|Null = _
private val updatesListener: TelegramUpdatesListener = TelegramUpdatesListener()
val daemons: MornyDaemons = MornyDaemons()
updatesListener.manager register MornyOnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock()
val commands: MornyCommands = MornyCommands()
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
val queries: MornyQueries = MornyQueries()
updatesListener.manager register MornyOnTelegramCommand(using commands)
updatesListener.manager register MornyOnInlineQuery(using queries)
val events: MornyEventListeners = MornyEventListeners(using updatesListener.manager)
/** inner value: about why morny exit, used in [[daemon.MornyReport]]. */
private var whileExit_reason: AnyRef|Null = _
def exitReason: AnyRef|Null = whileExit_reason
val coeurStartTimestamp: Long = ServerMain.systemStartupTime
///>>> BLOCK START instance configure & startup stage 2
logger info "start telegram event listening"
account setUpdatesListener updatesListener
if config.commandLoginRefresh then
logger info "resetting telegram command list"
logger info "Coeur start complete."
///<<< BLOCK END instance configure & startup stage 2
def saveDataAll(): Unit = {
// nothing to do
@ -90,15 +87,19 @@ class MornyCoeur (using config: MornyConfig) {
private def exitCleanup (): Unit = {
if config.commandLogoutClear then
private def configure_exitCleanup (): Unit = {
Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread(() => exitCleanup(), THREAD_MORNY_EXIT))
def exit (status: Int, reason: AnyRef): Unit =
whileExit_reason = reason
System exit status
private case class LoginResult(account: TelegramBot, username: String, userid: Long)
private def login (): LoginResult|Null = {
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class MornyConfig {
* morny 的事件忽略前缀时间<br>
* <br>
* {@link cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event.OnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock}
* {@link cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event.MornyOnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock}
* 会根据这里定义的时间戳取消掉比此时间更早的事件链
public final long eventOutdatedTimestamp;
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.internal.BuildConfigField
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.{exceptionLog, logger}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon.MornyReport
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.FileUtils
import java.io.IOException
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ object MornySystem {
case n: NoSuchAlgorithmException =>
logger error exceptionLog(n)
MornyReport.exception(n, "<coeur-md5/calculation-error>")
// MornyReport.exception(n, "<coeur-md5/calculation-error>") // todo: will not implemented
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ object ServerMain {
Thread.currentThread setName THREAD_MORNY_INIT
MornyCoeur.init(using config build)
MornyCoeur(using config build)
catch {
case _: CheckFailure.NullTelegramBotKey =>
logger.info("Parameter required has no value:\n --token.")
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
trait EventListener {
trait EventListener (using MornyCoeur) {
def onMessage (using Update): Boolean = false
def onEditedMessage (using Update): Boolean = false
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.{Log, MornyCoeur}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.{exceptionLog, logger}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon.MornyReport
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.event.EventRuntimeException
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.postfixOps
object EventListenerManager {
class EventListenerManager (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
private val listeners = mutable.Queue.empty[EventListener]
@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ object EventListenerManager {
) indent 4) ++= "\n"
case _ =>
logger error errorMessage.toString
MornyReport.exception(e, "on event running")
coeur.daemons.reporter.exception(e, "on event running")
if (status isOk) return
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.UpdatesListener
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import java.util
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
object TelegramUpdatesListener extends UpdatesListener {
class TelegramUpdatesListener (using MornyCoeur) extends UpdatesListener {
val manager = EventListenerManager()
override def process (updates: util.List[Update]): Int = {
for (update <- updates.asScala)
EventListenerManager.publishUpdate(using update)
manager.publishUpdate(using update)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.{DeleteMessage, GetChatMember, SendSticke
import scala.language.postfixOps
object DirectMsgClear extends ISimpleCommand {
class DirectMsgClear (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ISimpleCommand {
override val name: String = "r"
override val aliases: Array[ICommandAlias] | Null = null
@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ object DirectMsgClear extends ISimpleCommand {
logger debug "executing command /r"
if (event.message.replyToMessage == null) return;
logger trace "message is a reply"
if (event.message.replyToMessage.from.id != MornyCoeur.userid) return;
if (event.message.replyToMessage.from.id != coeur.userid) return;
logger trace "message replied is from me"
if (System.currentTimeMillis/1000 - event.message.replyToMessage.date > 48*60*60) return;
logger trace "message is not outdated(48 hrs ago)"
val isTrusted = MornyCoeur.trusted isTrusted event.message.from.id
val isTrusted = coeur.trusted isTrusted event.message.from.id
// todo:
// it does not work. due to the Telegram Bot API doesn't provide
// nested replyToMessage, so currently the trusted check by
// replyToMessage.replyToMessage will not work!
// it does not work. due to the Telegram Bot API doesn't provide
// nested replyToMessage, so currently the trusted check by
// replyToMessage.replyToMessage will not work!
def _isReplyTrusted: Boolean =
if (event.message.replyToMessage.replyToMessage == null) false
else if (event.message.replyToMessage.replyToMessage.from.id == event.message.from.id) true
@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ object DirectMsgClear extends ISimpleCommand {
if (isTrusted || _isReplyTrusted) {
MornyCoeur.extra exec DeleteMessage(
coeur.extra exec DeleteMessage(
event.message.chat.id, event.message.replyToMessage.messageId
def _isPrivate: Boolean = event.message.chat.`type` == Chat.Type.Private
def _isPermission: Boolean =
(MornyCoeur.extra exec GetChatMember(event.message.chat.id, event.message.from.id))
(coeur.extra exec GetChatMember(event.message.chat.id, event.message.from.id))
if (_isPrivate || _isPermission) {
MornyCoeur.extra exec DeleteMessage(event.message.chat.id, event.message.messageId)
coeur.extra exec DeleteMessage(event.message.chat.id, event.message.messageId)
} else MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
} else coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_403
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.command
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.logger
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon.MornyReport
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data.TelegramStickers
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.CommonEncrypt
@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ import java.util.Base64
import scala.language.postfixOps
/** Provides Telegram Command __`/encrypt`__. */
object Encryptor extends ITelegramCommand {
class Encryptor (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ITelegramCommand {
override val name: String = "encrypt"
override val aliases: Array[ICommandAlias] | Null = null
@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ object Encryptor extends ITelegramCommand {
val mod_uppercase = if (args.length > 1) {
if (args.length < 3 && _is_mod_u(args(1))) true
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_404
@ -74,11 +73,11 @@ object Encryptor extends ITelegramCommand {
val _r = event.message.replyToMessage
if ((_r ne null) && (_r.document ne null)) {
try {XFile(
MornyCoeur.account getFileContent (MornyCoeur.extra exec GetFile(_r.document.fileId)).file,
coeur.account getFileContent (coeur.extra exec GetFile(_r.document.fileId)).file,
)} catch case e: IOException =>
logger warn s"NetworkRequest error: TelegramFileAPI:\n\t${e.getMessage}"
MornyReport.exception(e, "NetworkRequest error: TelegramFileAPI")
coeur.daemons.reporter.exception(e, "NetworkRequest error: TelegramFileAPI")
} else if ((_r ne null) && (_r.photo ne null)) {
try {
@ -92,22 +91,23 @@ object Encryptor extends ITelegramCommand {
if (_photo_origin eq null) throw IllegalArgumentException("no photo from api.")
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.UseRandom.rand_id
MornyCoeur.account getFileContent (MornyCoeur.extra exec GetFile(_photo_origin.fileId)).file,
coeur.account getFileContent (coeur.extra exec GetFile(_photo_origin.fileId)).file,
} catch
case e: IOException =>
//noinspection DuplicatedCode
logger warn s"NetworkRequest error: TelegramFileAPI:\n\t${e.getMessage}"
MornyReport.exception(e, "NetworkRequest error: TelegramFileAPI")
coeur.daemons.reporter.exception(e, "NetworkRequest error: TelegramFileAPI")
case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
logger warn s"FileProcess error: PhotoSize:\n\t${e.getMessage}"
MornyReport.exception(e, "FileProcess error: PhotoSize")
coeur.daemons.reporter.exception(e, "FileProcess error: PhotoSize")
} else if ((_r ne null) && (_r.text ne null)) {
} else {
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(event.message.messageId)
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ object Encryptor extends ITelegramCommand {
) } catch case _: IllegalArgumentException =>
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_404 // todo: is here better erro notify?
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ object Encryptor extends ITelegramCommand {
case "sha256" => genResult_hash(input, SHA256)
case "sha512" => genResult_hash(input, SHA512)
case _ =>
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_404
@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ object Encryptor extends ITelegramCommand {
// output
result match
case _file: EXFile =>
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendDocument(
coeur.extra exec SendDocument(
case _text: EXTextLike =>
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramParseEscape.escapeHtml as h
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(event.message.messageId)
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ object Encryptor extends ITelegramCommand {
* </blockquote>
private def echoHelp(chat: Long, replyTo: Int): Unit =
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
s"""<b><u>base64</u></b>, b64
|<b><u>base64url</u></b>, base64u, b64u
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.command
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event.OnEventHackHandle
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event.OnEventHackHandle.{registerHack, HackType}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data.TelegramStickers
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
@ -9,7 +7,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendSticker
import scala.language.postfixOps
object EventHack extends ITelegramCommand {
class EventHack (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ITelegramCommand {
override val name: String = "event_hack"
override val aliases: Array[ICommandAlias] | Null = null
@ -18,15 +16,17 @@ object EventHack extends ITelegramCommand {
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit = {
import coeur.daemons.eventHack.{registerHack, HackType}
val x_mode = if (command.args nonEmpty) command.args(0) else ""
def done_ok =
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_WAITING
def done_forbiddenForAny =
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_403
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ object EventHack extends ITelegramCommand {
x_mode match
case "any" =>
if (MornyCoeur.trusted isTrusted event.message.from.id)
if (coeur.trusted isTrusted event.message.from.id)
doRegister(HackType ANY)
else done_forbiddenForAny
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.{GetChatMember, SendMessage}
import scala.language.postfixOps
object GetUsernameAndId extends ITelegramCommand {
class GetUsernameAndId (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ITelegramCommand {
override val name: String = "user"
override val aliases: Array[ICommandAlias] | Null = null
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ object GetUsernameAndId extends ITelegramCommand {
val args = command.args
if (args.length > 1)
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
"[Unavailable] Too much arguments."
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ object GetUsernameAndId extends ITelegramCommand {
if (args nonEmpty) {
try args(0) toLong
catch case e: NumberFormatException =>
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
s"[Unavailable] ${e.getMessage}"
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ object GetUsernameAndId extends ITelegramCommand {
} else if (event.message.replyToMessage eq null) event.message.from.id
else event.message.replyToMessage.from.id
val response = MornyCoeur.account execute GetChatMember(event.message.chat.id, userId)
val response = coeur.account execute GetChatMember(event.message.chat.id, userId)
if (response.chatMember eq null)
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
"[Unavailable] user not found."
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ object GetUsernameAndId extends ITelegramCommand {
val user = response.chatMember.user
if (user.id == Standardize.CHANNEL_SPEAKER_MAGIC_ID)
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
TelegramUserInformation getFormattedInformation user
).replyToMessageId(event.message.messageId()).parseMode(ParseMode HTML)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
import scala.language.postfixOps
object IP186Query {
class IP186Query (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
private enum Subs (val cmd: String):
case IP extends Subs("ip")
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ object IP186Query {
if (command.args isEmpty)
if event.message.replyToMessage eq null then null else event.message.replyToMessage.text
else if (command.args.length > 1)
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
"[Unavailable] Too much arguments."
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ object IP186Query {
else command.args(0)
if (target eq null)
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
"[Unavailable] No ip defined."
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ object IP186Query {
case Subs.WHOIS.cmd => IP186QueryHandler.query_whoisPretty(target)
case _ => throw IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown 186-IP query method ${command.command}")
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ object IP186Query {
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(event.message.messageId)
} catch case e: Exception =>
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
s"""[Exception] in query:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import scala.collection.{mutable, SeqMap}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.language.postfixOps
object MornyCommands {
class MornyCommands (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
private type CommandMap = SeqMap[String, ISimpleCommand]
private def CommandMap (commands: ISimpleCommand*): CommandMap =
@ -22,41 +22,47 @@ object MornyCommands {
stash += (alias.name -> i)
private val $MornyHellos = MornyHellos()
private val $IP186Query = IP186Query()
private val $MornyInformation = MornyInformation()
private val $MornyInformationOlds = MornyInformationOlds(using $MornyInformation)
private val $MornyManagers = MornyManagers()
//noinspection NonAsciiCharacters
private val $喵呜 = 喵呜()
private val commands: CommandMap = CommandMap(
//noinspection NonAsciiCharacters
//noinspection NonAsciiCharacters
//noinspection NonAsciiCharacters
val commands_uni: CommandMap = CommandMap(
def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Boolean = {
@ -69,7 +75,7 @@ object MornyCommands {
private def nonCommandExecutable (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Boolean = {
if command.target eq null then false
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_404
@ -79,14 +85,14 @@ object MornyCommands {
def automaticTGListUpdate (): Unit = {
val listing = commands_toTelegramList
MornyCoeur.extra exec SetMyCommands(listing:_*)
coeur.extra exec SetMyCommands(listing:_*)
logger info
s"""automatic updated telegram command list :
def automaticTGListRemove (): Unit = {
MornyCoeur.extra exec DeleteMyCommands()
coeur.extra exec DeleteMyCommands()
logger info "cleaned up command list"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendSticker
import scala.language.postfixOps
object MornyHellos {
class MornyHellos (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
object On extends ITelegramCommand {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ object MornyHellos {
override val description: String = "检查是否在线"
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit =
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ object MornyHellos {
override val description: String = "打招呼"
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit =
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_HELLO
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.command
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data.MornyInformation.{getAboutPic, getMornyAboutLinksHTML}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request.ParseMode
@ -8,22 +9,22 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendPhoto
import scala.language.postfixOps
object MornyInfoOnStart extends ISimpleCommand {
class MornyInfoOnStart (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ISimpleCommand {
override val name: String = "start"
override val aliases: Array[ICommandAlias] | Null = null
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit = {
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendPhoto(
coeur.extra exec new SendPhoto(
s"""欢迎使用 <b>Morny Cono</b>,<i>来自安妮的侍从小鼠</i>。
|Morny 具有各种各样的功能。
|(你可以随时通过 /info 重新获得这些信息)"""
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.command
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.{BuildConfig, MornyAbout, MornyCoeur, MornySystem}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data.{TelegramImages, TelegramStickers}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.{BuildConfig, MornyCoeur, MornySystem}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data.MornyInformation.*
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data.TelegramStickers
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.CommonFormat.{formatDate, formatDuration}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramParseEscape.escapeHtml as h
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
@ -10,12 +11,10 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request.ParseMode
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.{SendMessage, SendPhoto, SendSticker}
import java.lang.System
import java.net.InetAddress
import java.rmi.UnknownHostException
import scala.language.postfixOps
// todo: maybe move some utils method outside
object MornyInformation extends ITelegramCommand {
class MornyInformation (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ITelegramCommand {
private case object Subs {
val STICKERS = "stickers"
@ -47,43 +46,8 @@ object MornyInformation extends ITelegramCommand {
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
def getVersionGitTagHTML: String = {
if (!MornySystem.isGitBuild) return ""
val g = StringBuilder()
val cm = BuildConfig.COMMIT substring(0, 8)
val cp = MornySystem.currentCodePath
if (cp == null) g++= s"<code>$cm</code>"
else g++= s"<a href='$cp'>$cm</a>"
if (!MornySystem.isCleanBuild) g++= ".<code>δ</code>"
g toString
def getVersionAllFullTagHTML: String = {
val v = StringBuilder()
v ++= s"<code>${MornySystem VERSION_BASE}</code>"
if (MornySystem isUseDelta) v++=s"-δ<code>${MornySystem VERSION_DELTA}</code>"
if (MornySystem isGitBuild) v++="+git."++=getVersionGitTagHTML
v ++= s"*<code>${MornySystem.CODENAME toUpperCase}</code>"
v toString
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
def getRuntimeHostname: String|Null = {
try InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName
catch case _:UnknownHostException => null
def getAboutPic: Array[Byte] = TelegramImages.IMG_ABOUT get
def getMornyAboutLinksHTML: String =
s"""<a href='${MornyAbout MORNY_SOURCECODE_LINK}'>source code</a> | <a href='${MornyAbout MORNY_SOURCECODE_SELF_HOSTED_MIRROR_LINK}'>backup</a>
|<a href='${MornyAbout MORNY_ISSUE_TRACKER_LINK}'>反馈 / issue tracker</a>
|<a href='${MornyAbout MORNY_USER_GUIDE_LINK}'>使用说明书 / user guide & docs</a>"""
private def echoInfo (chatId: Long, replyTo: Int): Unit = {
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendPhoto(
coeur.extra exec new SendPhoto(
@ -128,15 +92,15 @@ object MornyInformation extends ITelegramCommand {
val send_mid = SendMessage(send_chat, mid)
val send_sticker = SendSticker(send_chat, file_id)
if (send_replyTo != -1) send_mid.replyToMessageId(send_replyTo)
val result_send_mid = MornyCoeur.extra exec send_mid
val result_send_mid = coeur.extra exec send_mid
MornyCoeur.extra exec send_sticker
coeur.extra exec send_sticker
private[command] def echoVersion (using event: Update): Unit = {
val versionDeltaHTML = if (MornySystem.isUseDelta) s"-δ<code>${h(MornySystem.VERSION_DELTA)}</code>" else ""
val versionGitHTML = if (MornySystem.isGitBuild) s"git $getVersionGitTagHTML" else ""
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
// language=html
@ -153,7 +117,7 @@ object MornyInformation extends ITelegramCommand {
private[command] def echoRuntime (using event: Update): Unit = {
def sysprop (p: String): String = System.getProperty(p)
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
/* language=html */
@ -171,16 +135,16 @@ object MornyInformation extends ITelegramCommand {
|- <code>${h(formatDate(BuildConfig.CODE_TIMESTAMP, 0))} [UTC]</code>
|- [<code>${BuildConfig.CODE_TIMESTAMP}</code>]
|- <code>${h(formatDuration(System.currentTimeMillis - MornyCoeur.coeurStartTimestamp))}</code>
|- [<code>${System.currentTimeMillis - MornyCoeur.coeurStartTimestamp}</code>]
|- <code>${h(formatDate(MornyCoeur.coeurStartTimestamp, 0))}</code>
|- [<code>${MornyCoeur.coeurStartTimestamp}</code>]"""
|- <code>${h(formatDuration(System.currentTimeMillis - coeur.coeurStartTimestamp))}</code>
|- [<code>${System.currentTimeMillis - coeur.coeurStartTimestamp}</code>]
|- <code>${h(formatDate(coeur.coeurStartTimestamp, 0))}</code>
|- [<code>${coeur.coeurStartTimestamp}</code>]"""
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(event.message.messageId)
private def echo404 (using event: Update): Unit =
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec new SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_404
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.command
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
object MornyInformationOlds {
class MornyInformationOlds (using base: MornyInformation) {
object Version extends ISimpleCommand:
override val name: String = "version"
override val aliases: Array[ICommandAlias] | Null = null
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit = MornyInformation.echoVersion
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit = base.echoVersion
object Runtime extends ISimpleCommand:
override val name: String = "runtime"
override val aliases: Array[ICommandAlias] | Null = null
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit = MornyInformation.echoRuntime
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit = base.echoRuntime
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendSticker
import scala.language.postfixOps
object MornyManagers {
class MornyManagers (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
object Exit extends ITelegramCommand {
@ -24,23 +24,23 @@ object MornyManagers {
val user = event.message.from
if (MornyCoeur.trusted isTrusted user.id) {
if (coeur.trusted isTrusted user.id) {
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_EXIT
logger info s"Morny exited by user ${user toLogTag}"
MornyCoeur.exit(0, user)
coeur.exit(0, user)
} else {
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_403
logger info s"403 exit caught from user ${user toLogTag}"
MornyReport.unauthenticatedAction("/exit", user)
coeur.daemons.reporter.unauthenticatedAction("/exit", user)
@ -59,23 +59,23 @@ object MornyManagers {
val user = event.message.from
if (MornyCoeur.trusted isTrusted user.id) {
if (coeur.trusted isTrusted user.id) {
logger info s"call save from command by ${user toLogTag}"
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_SAVED
} else {
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_403
logger info s"403 save caught from user ${user toLogTag}"
MornyReport.unauthenticatedAction("/save", user)
coeur.daemons.reporter.unauthenticatedAction("/save", user)
@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request.ParseMode
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
import scala.language.postfixOps
object MornyOldJrrp extends ITelegramCommand {
class MornyOldJrrp (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ITelegramCommand {
override val name: String = "jrrp"
override val aliases: Array[ICommandAlias] | Null = null
@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ object MornyOldJrrp extends ITelegramCommand {
case _ => "..."
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramParseEscape.escapeHtml as h
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
// language=html
f"${user.fullnameRefHTML} 在(utc的)今天的运气指数是———— <code>$jrrp%.2f%%</code> ${h(ending)}"
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.{SendMessage, SendSticker}
import java.io.IOException
import scala.language.postfixOps
object Nbnhhsh extends ITelegramCommand {
class Nbnhhsh (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ITelegramCommand {
// language=html
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ object Nbnhhsh extends ITelegramCommand {
else null
if (queryTarget == null)
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_404
@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ object Nbnhhsh extends ITelegramCommand {
logger debug s"**exec as ${_word.name}"
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
message toString
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(event.message.messageId)
} catch case e: IOException => {
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
s"""[Exception] in query:
@ -6,18 +6,17 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request.ParseMode
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
import javax.annotation.Nonnull
import javax.annotation.Nullable
import javax.annotation.{Nonnull, Nullable}
import scala.language.postfixOps
object Testing extends ISimpleCommand {
class Testing (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ISimpleCommand {
override val name: String = "test"
override val aliases: Array[ICommandAlias] | Null = null
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit = {
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
// language=html
"<b>Just</b> a TEST command."
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import scala.annotation.unused
import scala.language.postfixOps
//noinspection NonAsciiCharacters
object 喵呜 {
class 喵呜 (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
object 抱抱 extends ISimpleCommand {
override val name: String = "抱抱"
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ object 喵呜 {
override val paramRule: String = ""
override val description: String = "抽取一个神秘盒子"
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit = {
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec new SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_PROGYNOVA
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ object 喵呜 {
private def replyingSet (whileRec: String, whileNew: String)(using event: Update): Unit = {
val isNew = event.message.replyToMessage == null
val target = if (isNew) event.message else event.message.replyToMessage
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
if (isNew) whileNew else whileRec
).replyToMessageId(target.messageId).parseMode(ParseMode HTML)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
//noinspection NonAsciiCharacters
object 私わね extends ISimpleCommand {
class 私わね (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ISimpleCommand {
override val name: String = "me"
override val aliases: Array[ICommandAlias] | Null = null
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ object 私わね extends ISimpleCommand {
if ((1 over 521) chance_is true) {
val text = "/打假"
MornyCoeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec new SendMessage(
@ -1,27 +1,21 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListenerManager
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
object MornyEventListeners {
class MornyEventListeners (using manager: EventListenerManager) (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
def registerAllEvents(): Unit = {
OnUniMeowTrigger(using coeur.commands),
@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object OnInlineQuery extends EventListener {
class MornyOnInlineQuery (using queryManager: MornyQueries) (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
override def onInlineQuery (using update: Update): Boolean = {
val results: List[InlineQueryUnit[_]] = MornyQueries query update
val results: List[InlineQueryUnit[_]] = queryManager query update
var cacheTime = Int.MaxValue
var isPersonal = InlineQueryUnit.defaults.IS_PERSONAL
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ object OnInlineQuery extends EventListener {
if (results isEmpty) return false
MornyCoeur.extra exec AnswerInlineQuery(
coeur.extra exec AnswerInlineQuery(
update.inlineQuery.id, resultAnswers toArray:_*
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.command.MornyCommands
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Message, Update}
object OnTelegramCommand extends EventListener {
class MornyOnTelegramCommand (using commandManager: MornyCommands) (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = {
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ object OnTelegramCommand extends EventListener {
if (!(inputCommand.command matches "^\\w+$"))
logger debug "not command"
else if ((inputCommand.target ne null) && (inputCommand.target != MornyCoeur.username))
else if ((inputCommand.target ne null) && (inputCommand.target != coeur.username))
logger debug "not morny command"
logger debug "is command"
MornyCommands.execute(using inputCommand)
commandManager.execute(using inputCommand)
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
object OnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock extends EventListener {
class MornyOnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
private def isOutdated (timestamp: Int): Boolean =
timestamp < (MornyCoeur.config.eventOutdatedTimestamp/1000)
timestamp < (coeur.config.eventOutdatedTimestamp/1000)
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = isOutdated(update.message.date)
override def onEditedMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = isOutdated(update.editedMessage.date)
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.{ForwardMessage, GetChat, SendMessage, Se
import scala.language.postfixOps
object OnCallMe extends EventListener {
class OnCallMe (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
private val me = MornyCoeur.config.trustedMaster
private val me = coeur.config.trustedMaster
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = {
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ object OnCallMe extends EventListener {
case _ =>
return false
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_SENT
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ object OnCallMe extends EventListener {
private def requestItem (user: User, itemHTML: String, extra: String|Null = null): Unit =
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
s"""request $itemHTML
|from ${user.fullnameRefHTML}${if extra == null then "" else "\n"+extra}"""
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ object OnCallMe extends EventListener {
private def requestLastDinner (req: Message): Unit = {
var isAllowed = false
var lastDinnerData: Message|Null = null
if (MornyCoeur.trusted isTrusted_dinnerReader req.from.id) {
if (coeur.trusted isTrusted_dinnerReader req.from.id) {
// todo: have issues
// i dont want to test it anymore... it might be deprecated soon
lastDinnerData = (MornyCoeur.extra exec GetChat(MornyCoeur.config.dinnerChatId)).chat.pinnedMessage
val sendResp = MornyCoeur.extra exec ForwardMessage(
// i dont want to test it anymore... it might be deprecated soon
lastDinnerData = (coeur.extra exec GetChat(coeur.config.dinnerChatId)).chat.pinnedMessage
val sendResp = coeur.extra exec ForwardMessage(
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ object OnCallMe extends EventListener {
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.CommonFormat.{formatDate, formatDuration}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramParseEscape.escapeHtml as h
def lastDinner_dateMillis: Long = lastDinnerData.forwardDate longValue;
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
"<i>on</i> <code>%s [UTC+8]</code>\n- <code>%s</code> <i>before</i>".formatted(
h(formatDate(lastDinner_dateMillis, 8)),
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ object OnCallMe extends EventListener {
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(sendResp.message.messageId)
isAllowed = true
} else {
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_403
@ -87,6 +87,6 @@ object OnCallMe extends EventListener {
private def requestCustom (message: Message): Unit =
requestItem(message.from, "<u>[???]</u>")
MornyCoeur.extra exec ForwardMessage(me, message.chat.id, message.messageId)
coeur.extra exec ForwardMessage(me, message.chat.id, message.messageId)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object OnCallMsgSend extends EventListener {
class OnCallMsgSend (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
private val REGEX_MSG_SENDREQ_DATA_HEAD: Regex = "^\\*msg(-?\\d+)(\\*\\S+)?(?:\\n([\\s\\S]+))?$"r
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ object OnCallMsgSend extends EventListener {
if message.text eq null then return false
if !(message.text startsWith "*msg") then return false
if (!(MornyCoeur.trusted isTrusted message.from.id))
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
if (!(coeur.trusted isTrusted message.from.id))
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_403
@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ object OnCallMsgSend extends EventListener {
if (message.replyToMessage eq null) return answer404
val messageToSend = MessageToSend from message.replyToMessage
if ((messageToSend eq null) || (messageToSend.message eq null)) return answer404
val sendResponse = MornyCoeur.account execute messageToSend.toSendMessage()
val sendResponse = coeur.account execute messageToSend.toSendMessage()
if (sendResponse isOk) {
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_SENT
} else {
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
// language=html
s"""<b><u>${sendResponse.errorCode} FAILED</u></b>
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ object OnCallMsgSend extends EventListener {
if _toSend eq null then return answer404
else _toSend
val targetChatResponse = MornyCoeur.account execute GetChat(messageToSend.targetId)
val targetChatResponse = coeur.account execute GetChat(messageToSend.targetId)
if (targetChatResponse isOk) {
def getChatDescriptionHTML (chat: Chat): String =
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramFormatter.*
@ -113,12 +113,12 @@ object OnCallMsgSend extends EventListener {
s"""<i><u>${h(chat.id toString)}</u>@${h(chat.`type`.name)}</i>${if (chat.`type` != Chat.Type.Private) ":::" else ""}
|${chat.typeTag} <b>${h(chat.safe_name)}</b> ${chat.safe_linkHTML}"""
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(update.message.messageId)
} else {
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
// language=html
s"""<b><u>${targetChatResponse.errorCode} FAILED</u></b>
@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ object OnCallMsgSend extends EventListener {
if messageToSend.message eq null then return true
val testSendResponse = MornyCoeur.account execute messageToSend.toSendMessage(update.message.chat.id)
val testSendResponse = coeur.account execute messageToSend.toSendMessage(update.message.chat.id)
if (!(testSendResponse isOk))
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
// language=html
s"""<b><u>${testSendResponse.errorCode}</u> FAILED</b>
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ object OnCallMsgSend extends EventListener {
private def answer404 (using update: Update): Boolean =
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendSticker(
coeur.extra exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_404
@ -11,69 +11,37 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.postfixOps
object OnEventHackHandle extends EventListener {
class OnEventHackHandle (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
private case class Hacker (from_chat: Long, from_message: Long):
override def toString: String = s"$from_chat/$from_message"
enum HackType:
case USER
case GROUP
case ANY
private val hackers = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Hacker]
def registerHack (from_message: Long, from_user: Long, from_chat: Long, t: HackType): Unit =
val record = t match
case HackType.USER => s"(($from_user))"
case HackType.GROUP => s"{{$from_chat}}"
case HackType.ANY => "[[]]"
hackers += (record -> Hacker(from_chat, from_message))
logger debug s"add hacker track $record"
private def onEventHacked (chat: Long, fromUser: Long)(using update: Update): Boolean = {
logger debug s"got event signed {{$chat}}(($fromUser))"
val x: Hacker =
if hackers contains s"(($fromUser))" then (hackers remove s"(($fromUser))")get
else if hackers contains s"{{$chat}}" then (hackers remove s"{{$chat}}")get
else if hackers contains "[[]]" then (hackers remove "[[]]")get
else return false
logger debug s"hacked event by $x"
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramParseEscape.escapeHtml as h
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
// language=html
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(x.from_message toInt)
import coeur.daemons.eventHack.trigger
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(update.message.chat.id, update.message.from.id)
trigger(update.message.chat.id, update.message.from.id)
override def onEditedMessage (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(update.editedMessage.chat.id, update.editedMessage.from.id)
trigger(update.editedMessage.chat.id, update.editedMessage.from.id)
override def onChannelPost (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(update.channelPost.chat.id, 0)
trigger(update.channelPost.chat.id, 0)
override def onEditedChannelPost (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(update.editedChannelPost.chat.id, 0)
trigger(update.editedChannelPost.chat.id, 0)
override def onInlineQuery (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(0, update.inlineQuery.from.id)
trigger(0, update.inlineQuery.from.id)
override def onChosenInlineResult (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(0, update.chosenInlineResult.from.id)
trigger(0, update.chosenInlineResult.from.id)
override def onCallbackQuery (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(0, update.callbackQuery.from.id)
trigger(0, update.callbackQuery.from.id)
override def onShippingQuery (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(0, update.shippingQuery.from.id)
trigger(0, update.shippingQuery.from.id)
override def onPreCheckoutQuery (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(0, update.preCheckoutQuery.from.id)
trigger(0, update.preCheckoutQuery.from.id)
override def onPoll (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(0, 0)
trigger(0, 0)
override def onPollAnswer (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(0, update.pollAnswer.user.id)
trigger(0, update.pollAnswer.user.id)
override def onMyChatMemberUpdated (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(update.myChatMember.chat.id, update.myChatMember.from.id)
trigger(update.myChatMember.chat.id, update.myChatMember.from.id)
override def onChatMemberUpdated (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(update.chatMember.chat.id, update.chatMember.from.id)
trigger(update.chatMember.chat.id, update.chatMember.from.id)
override def onChatJoinRequest (using update: Update): Boolean =
onEventHacked(update.chatJoinRequest.chat.id, update.chatJoinRequest.from.id)
trigger(update.chatJoinRequest.chat.id, update.chatJoinRequest.from.id)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon.{MedicationTimer, MornyDaemons}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Message, Update}
object OnMedicationNotifyApply extends EventListener {
class OnMedicationNotifyApply (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
override def onEditedMessage (using event: Update): Boolean =
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ object OnMedicationNotifyApply extends EventListener {
private def editedMessageProcess (edited: Message): Boolean = {
if edited.chat.id != MornyCoeur.config.medicationNotifyToChat then return false
if edited.chat.id != coeur.config.medicationNotifyToChat then return false
@ -2,21 +2,13 @@ package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event.OnQuestionMarkReply.isAllMessageMark
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
import scala.language.postfixOps
object OnQuestionMarkReply extends EventListener {
private val QUESTION_MARKS = Set('?', '?', '¿', '⁈', '⁇', '‽', '❔', '❓')
def isAllMessageMark (using text: String): Boolean = {
var isAll = true
for (c <- text)
if !(QUESTION_MARKS contains c) then isAll = false
class OnQuestionMarkReply (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
override def onMessage (using event: Update): Boolean = {
@ -27,7 +19,7 @@ object OnQuestionMarkReply extends EventListener {
if (1 over 8) chance_is false then return false
if !isAllMessageMark(using event.message.text) then return false
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
event.message.chat.id, event.message.text
@ -35,3 +27,16 @@ object OnQuestionMarkReply extends EventListener {
object OnQuestionMarkReply {
private val QUESTION_MARKS = Set('?', '?', '¿', '⁈', '⁇', '‽', '❔', '❓')
def isAllMessageMark (using text: String): Boolean = {
var isAll = true
for (c <- text)
if !(QUESTION_MARKS contains c) then isAll = false
@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.command.MornyCommands
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
object OnUniMeowTrigger extends EventListener {
class OnUniMeowTrigger (using commands: MornyCommands) (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = {
if update.message.text eq null then return false
var ok = false
for ((name, command) <- MornyCommands.commands_uni)
for ((name, command) <- commands.commands_uni)
val _name = "/"+name
if (_name == update.message.text)
command.execute(using InputCommand(_name))
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
import scala.language.postfixOps
object OnUserRandom extends EventListener {
class OnUserRandom (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
private val USER_OR_QUERY = "^(.+)(?:还是|or)(.+)$"r
private val USER_IF_QUERY = "^(.+)(?:吗\\?|?|\\?|吗?)$"r
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ object OnUserRandom extends EventListener {
if result == null then return false
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
update.message.chat.id, result
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
import scala.language.postfixOps
object OnUserSlashAction extends EventListener {
class OnUserSlashAction (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
private val TG_FORMAT = "^\\w+(@\\w+)?$"r
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ object OnUserSlashAction extends EventListener {
else update.message.replyToMessage
MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
"%s %s%s %s %s!".format(
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.query
import javax.annotation.Nullable
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import javax.annotation.Nullable
trait ITelegramQuery {
def query (event: Update): List[InlineQueryUnit[_]] | Null
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.query
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.query
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object MornyQueries {
class MornyQueries (using MornyCoeur) {
private val queryInstances = Set[ITelegramQuery](
def query (event: Update): List[InlineQueryUnit[_]] = {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request.{InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTex
import scala.language.postfixOps
object MyInformation extends ITelegramQuery {
class MyInformation extends ITelegramQuery {
private val ID_PREFIX = "[morny/info/me]"
private val TITLE = "My Account Information"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request.{InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTex
import scala.language.postfixOps
object RawText extends ITelegramQuery {
class RawText extends ITelegramQuery {
private val ID_PREFIX = "[morny/r/text]"
private val TITLE = "Raw Text"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request.{InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTex
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object ShareToolBilibili extends ITelegramQuery {
class ShareToolBilibili extends ITelegramQuery {
private val TITLE_BILI_AV = "[bilibili] Share video / av"
private val TITLE_BILI_BV = "[bilibili] Share video / BV"
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request.InlineQueryResultArticle
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object ShareToolTwitter extends ITelegramQuery {
class ShareToolTwitter extends ITelegramQuery {
private val TITLE_VX = "[tweet] Share as VxTwitter"
private val TITLE_VX_COMBINED = "[tweet] Share as VxTwitter(combination)"
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.logger
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request.ParseMode
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
import scala.collection.mutable
class EventHacker (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
private case class Hacker (from_chat: Long, from_message: Long):
override def toString: String = s"$from_chat/$from_message"
enum HackType:
case USER
case GROUP
case ANY
private val hackers = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Hacker]
def registerHack (from_message: Long, from_user: Long, from_chat: Long, t: HackType): Unit =
val record = t match
case HackType.USER => s"(($from_user))"
case HackType.GROUP => s"{{$from_chat}}"
case HackType.ANY => "[[]]"
hackers += (record -> Hacker(from_chat, from_message))
logger debug s"add hacker track $record"
def trigger (chat: Long, fromUser: Long)(using update: Update): Boolean = {
logger debug s"got event signed {{$chat}}(($fromUser))"
val x: Hacker =
if hackers contains s"(($fromUser))" then (hackers remove s"(($fromUser))") get
else if hackers contains s"{{$chat}}" then (hackers remove s"{{$chat}}") get
else if hackers contains "[[]]" then (hackers remove "[[]]") get
else return false
logger debug s"hacked event by $x"
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramParseEscape.escapeHtml as h
coeur.extra exec SendMessage(
// language=html
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(x.from_message toInt)
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.{exceptionLog, logger}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon.MedicationTimer.calcNextRoutineTimestamp
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Message, MessageEntity}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.{EditMessageText, SendMessage}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.response.SendResponse
@ -10,15 +11,15 @@ import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object MedicationTimer extends Thread {
class MedicationTimer (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends Thread {
private val NOTIFY_MESSAGE = "🍥⏲"
private val DAEMON_THREAD_NAME_DEF = "MedicationTimer"
private val use_timeZone = MornyCoeur.config.medicationTimerUseTimezone
private val use_timeZone = coeur.config.medicationTimerUseTimezone
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.SetHasAsScala
private val notify_atHour: Set[Int] = MornyCoeur.config.medicationNotifyAt.asScala.toSet.map(_.intValue)
private val notify_toChat = MornyCoeur.config.medicationNotifyToChat
private val notify_atHour: Set[Int] = coeur.config.medicationNotifyAt.asScala.toSet.map(_.intValue)
private val notify_toChat = coeur.config.medicationNotifyToChat
@ -42,17 +43,22 @@ object MedicationTimer extends Thread {
s"""unexpected error occurred on NotificationTimer
logger info "Medication Timer stopped."
private def sendNotification(): Unit = {
val sendResponse: SendResponse = MornyCoeur.extra exec SendMessage(notify_toChat, NOTIFY_MESSAGE)
val sendResponse: SendResponse = coeur.extra exec SendMessage(notify_toChat, NOTIFY_MESSAGE)
if sendResponse isOk then lastNotify_messageId = sendResponse.message.messageId
else lastNotify_messageId = null
@throws[InterruptedException | IllegalArgumentException]
private def waitToNextRoutine (): Unit = {
Thread sleep calcNextRoutineTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis, use_timeZone, notify_atHour)
def refreshNotificationWrite (edited: Message): Unit = {
if lastNotify_messageId != (edited.messageId toInt) then return
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.CommonFormat.formatDate
@ -60,7 +66,7 @@ object MedicationTimer extends Thread {
val entities = ArrayBuffer.empty[MessageEntity]
if edited.entities ne null then entities ++= edited.entities
entities += MessageEntity(MessageEntity.Type.italic, edited.text.length + "\n-- ".length, editTime.length)
MornyCoeur.extra exec EditMessageText(
coeur.extra exec EditMessageText(
edited.text + s"\n-- $editTime --"
@ -68,23 +74,22 @@ object MedicationTimer extends Thread {
lastNotify_messageId = null
object MedicationTimer {
private[daemon] def calcNextRoutineTimestamp (baseTimeMillis: Long, zone: ZoneOffset, notifyAt: Set[Int]): Long = {
if (notifyAt isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("notify time is not set")
var time = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(
baseTimeMillis/1000, ((baseTimeMillis%1000)*1000*1000) toInt,
baseTimeMillis / 1000, ((baseTimeMillis % 1000) * 1000 * 1000) toInt,
time = time plusHours 1
while (!(notifyAt contains (time getHour))) {
while (!(notifyAt contains(time getHour))) {
time = time plusHours 1
(time toInstant zone) toEpochMilli
@throws[InterruptedException | IllegalArgumentException]
private def waitToNextRoutine (): Unit = {
Thread sleep calcNextRoutineTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis, use_timeZone, notify_atHour)
@ -3,13 +3,17 @@ package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.logger
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
object MornyDaemons {
class MornyDaemons (using val coeur: MornyCoeur) {
val medicationTimer: MedicationTimer = MedicationTimer()
val reporter: MornyReport = MornyReport()
val eventHack: EventHacker = EventHacker()
def start (): Unit = {
logger info "ALL Morny Daemons starting..."
// TrackerDataManager.init();
logger info "Morny Daemons started."
@ -17,12 +21,12 @@ object MornyDaemons {
def stop (): Unit = {
logger.info("ALL Morny Daemons stopping...")
// TrackerDataManager.DAEMON.interrupt();
// TrackerDataManager.trackingLock.lock();
try { MedicationTimer.join() }
try { medicationTimer.join() }
catch case e: InterruptedException =>
logger.info("ALL Morny Daemons STOPPED.")
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.{MornyCoeur, MornyConfig}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.{exceptionLog, logger}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.command.MornyInformation
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data.MornyInformation.getVersionAllFullTagHTML
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.event.EventRuntimeException
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramFormatter.*
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramParseEscape.escapeHtml as h
@ -12,14 +13,11 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.User
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.{BaseRequest, SendMessage}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.response.BaseResponse
object MornyReport {
private def unsupported: Boolean = (!MornyCoeur.available) || (MornyCoeur.config.reportToChat == -1)
class MornyReport (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
private def executeReport[T <: BaseRequest[T, R], R<: BaseResponse] (report: T): Unit = {
if unsupported then return
try {
MornyCoeur.extra exec report
coeur.extra exec report
} catch case e: EventRuntimeException.ActionFailed => {
logger warn
s"""cannot execute report to telegram:
@ -31,7 +29,6 @@ object MornyReport {
def exception (e: Throwable, description: String|Null = null): Unit = {
if unsupported then return
def _tgErrFormat: String = e match
case api: EventRuntimeException.ActionFailed =>
// language=html
@ -39,7 +36,7 @@ object MornyReport {
case _ => ""
// language=html
s"""<b>▌Coeur Unexpected Exception </b>
|${if description ne null then h(description)+"\n" else ""}
@ -49,9 +46,8 @@ object MornyReport {
def unauthenticatedAction (action: String, user: User): Unit = {
if unsupported then return
// language=html
s"""<b>▌User unauthenticated action</b>
|action: ${h(action)}
@ -62,14 +58,14 @@ object MornyReport {
def onMornyLogin(): Unit = {
// language=html
s"""<b>▌Morny Logged in</b>
|-v ${MornyInformation.getVersionAllFullTagHTML}
|as user ${MornyCoeur.username}
|-v $getVersionAllFullTagHTML
|as user ${coeur.username}
|as config fields:
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML))
@ -103,17 +99,16 @@ object MornyReport {
echo dropRight 1 toString
def onMornyExit (causedBy: AnyRef|Null): Unit = {
if unsupported then return
val causedTag = causedBy match
def onMornyExit (): Unit = {
val causedTag = coeur.exitReason match
case u: User => u.fullnameRefHTML
case n if n == null => "UNKNOWN reason"
case a: AnyRef => /*language=html*/ s"<code>${h(a.toString)}</code>"
// language=html
s"""<b>▌Morny Exited</b>
|from user @${MornyCoeur.username}
|from user @${coeur.username}
|by: $causedTag"""
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.{BuildConfig, MornyAbout, MornySystem}
import java.net.InetAddress
import java.rmi.UnknownHostException
object MornyInformation {
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
def getVersionGitTagHTML: String = {
if (!MornySystem.isGitBuild) return ""
val g = StringBuilder()
val cm = BuildConfig.COMMIT substring(0, 8)
val cp = MornySystem.currentCodePath
if (cp == null) g ++= s"<code>$cm</code>"
else g ++= s"<a href='$cp'>$cm</a>"
if (!MornySystem.isCleanBuild) g ++= ".<code>δ</code>"
g toString
def getVersionAllFullTagHTML: String = {
val v = StringBuilder()
v ++= s"<code>${MornySystem VERSION_BASE}</code>"
if (MornySystem isUseDelta) v ++= s"-δ<code>${MornySystem VERSION_DELTA}</code>"
if (MornySystem isGitBuild) v ++= "+git." ++= getVersionGitTagHTML
v ++= s"*<code>${MornySystem.CODENAME toUpperCase}</code>"
v toString
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
def getRuntimeHostname: String | Null = {
try InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName
catch case _: UnknownHostException => null
def getAboutPic: Array[Byte] = TelegramImages.IMG_ABOUT get
def getMornyAboutLinksHTML: String =
s"""<a href='${MornyAbout MORNY_SOURCECODE_LINK}'>source code</a> | <a href='${MornyAbout MORNY_SOURCECODE_SELF_HOSTED_MIRROR_LINK}'>backup</a>
|<a href='${MornyAbout MORNY_ISSUE_TRACKER_LINK}'>反馈 / issue tracker</a>
|<a href='${MornyAbout MORNY_USER_GUIDE_LINK}'>使用说明书 / user guide & docs</a>"""
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.{exceptionLog, logger}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyAssets
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon.MornyReport
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyAssets.AssetsException
import java.io.IOException
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.Using
import java.io.IOException
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.{exceptionLog, logger}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon.MornyReport
object TelegramImages {
@ -14,19 +15,17 @@ object TelegramImages {
private var cache: Array[Byte]|Null = _
def get:Array[Byte] =
if cache eq null then read()
if cache eq null then throw IllegalStateException("Failed to get assets file image.")
private def read (): Unit = {
Using ((MornyAssets.pack getResource assetsPath)read) { stream =>
try { this.cache = stream.readAllBytes() }
catch case e: IOException => {
logger error
s"""Cannot read resource file:
MornyReport.exception(e, "Cannot read resource file.")
throw AssetsException(e)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user