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synced 2025-03-21 18:34:07 +08:00
fix EventEnv stackTrack problem, new method for GivenContext
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ object MornyConfiguration {
val MORNY_CODE_STORE = "https://github.com/Eyre-S/Coeur-Morny-Cono"
val MORNY_COMMIT_PATH = "https://github.com/Eyre-S/Coeur-Morny-Cono/commit/%s"
val VERSION = "2.0.0-alpha5"
val VERSION = "2.0.0-alpha6"
val VERSION_DELTA: Option[String] = None
val CODENAME = "guanggu"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import cc.sukazyo.messiva.utils.StackUtils
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.{classTag, ClassTag}
class EventEnv (
@ -29,11 +28,11 @@ class EventEnv (
//noinspection UnitMethodIsParameterless
def setEventOk: Unit =
_status += State.OK(StackUtils.getStackTrace(1)(1))
_status += State.OK(StackUtils.getStackTrace(1).head)
//noinspection UnitMethodIsParameterless
def setEventCanceled: Unit =
_status += State.CANCELED(StackUtils.getStackTrace(1)(1))
_status += State.CANCELED(StackUtils.getStackTrace(1).head)
def state: State|Null =
_status.lastOption match
@ -1,9 +1,55 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.GivenContext.ContextNotGivenException
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.{classTag, ClassTag}
object GivenContext {
class ContextNotGivenException extends NoSuchElementException
/** A mutable collection that can store(provide) any typed value and read(use/consume) that value by type.
* ## Simple Guide
* {{{
* val cxt = GivenContext()
* class BaseClass {}
* class MyImplementation extends BaseClass {}
* cxt.provide(true) // this provides a Boolean
* cxt.provide[BaseClass](new MyImplementation()) // although this object is of type MyImplementation, but it is stored
* // as BaseClass so you can (and actually can only) read it using BaseClass
* cxt << "string"
* cxt << classOf[Int] -> 1 // you can also manually set the stored type using this method
* cxt >> { (i: Int) => println(i) } || { println("no Int data in the context") }
* val bool =
* cxt.use[String, Boolean] { s => println(s); true } || { false } // when using .use, the return value must declared
* cxt.consume[String] { s => println(s) } // you can use .consume if you don't care the return
* // and this will return a cxt.ConsumeResult[Any]
* val cxtResultOpt = // use toOption if you do not want fallback calculation
* cxt.use[Int, String](int => s"int: $int").toOption // this returns Option[String]
* val cxtResultOpt2 =
* cxt >> { (int: Int) => s"int: $int" } |? // this returns Option[String] too
* // cxt >> { (int: Int) => cxt >> { (str: String) => { str + int } } } |? // this below is not good to use due to .flatUse
* // is not supported yet. It will return a
* // cxt.ConsumeResult[Option[String]] which is very bad
* try { // for now, you can use this way to use multiple data
* val int = cxt.use[Int] // this returns CxtOption[Int] which is Either[ContextNotGivenException, Int]
* .toTry.get
* val str = cxt >> classOf[String] match // this >> returns the same with the .use above
* case Right(s) => s
* case Left(err) => throw err // this is ContextNotGivenException
* val bool = cxt >!> classOf[Boolean] // the easier way to do the above
* } catch case e: ContextNotGivenException => // if any of the above val is not available, it will catch the exception
* e.printStackTrace()
* }}}
class GivenContext {
private type ImplicitsMap [T <: Any] = mutable.HashMap[Class[?], T]
@ -11,19 +57,31 @@ class GivenContext {
private val variables: ImplicitsMap[Any] = mutable.HashMap.empty
private val variablesWithOwner: ImplicitsMap[ImplicitsMap[Any]] = mutable.HashMap.empty
def provide (i: Any): Unit =
variables += (i.getClass -> i)
def << (i: Any): Unit =
def provide [T: ClassTag] (i: T): Unit =
variables += (classTag[T].runtimeClass -> i)
def << [T: ClassTag] (is: (Class[T], T)): Unit =
val (_, i) = is
def << [T: ClassTag] (i: T): Unit =
def >>[T: ClassTag] (consumer: T => Unit): ConsumeResult =
def use [T: ClassTag] (consumer: T => Unit): ConsumeResult =
private type CxtOption[T] = Either[ContextNotGivenException, T]
def use [T: ClassTag]: CxtOption[T] =
variables get classTag[T].runtimeClass match
case Some(i) => consumer(i.asInstanceOf[T]); ConsumeResult(true)
case None => ConsumeResult(false)
def consume [T: ClassTag] (consume: T => Unit): ConsumeResult =
case Some(i) => Right(i.asInstanceOf[T])
case None => Left(ContextNotGivenException())
def use [T: ClassTag, U] (consumer: T => U): ConsumeResult[U] =
this.use[T] match
case Left(_) => ConsumeFailed[U]()
case Right(i) => ConsumeSucceed[U](consumer(i))
def >> [T: ClassTag] (t: Class[T]): CxtOption[T] =
def >!> [T: ClassTag] (t: Class[T]): T =
def >>[T: ClassTag, U] (consumer: T => U): ConsumeResult[U] =
def consume [T: ClassTag] (consume: T => Any): ConsumeResult[Any] =
def / [O: ClassTag] (owner: O): OwnedContext[O] =
@ -33,26 +91,46 @@ class GivenContext {
class OwnedContext [O: ClassTag] {
def provide (i: Any): Unit =
def provide [T: ClassTag] (i: T): Unit =
(variablesWithOwner getOrElseUpdate (classTag[O].runtimeClass, mutable.HashMap.empty))
.addOne(i.getClass -> i)
def << (i: Any): Unit =
.addOne(classTag[T].runtimeClass -> i)
def << [T: ClassTag] (is: (Class[T], T)): Unit =
val (_, i) = is
def << [T: ClassTag] (i: T): Unit =
def >> [T: ClassTag] (consumer: T => Unit): ConsumeResult =
def use [T: ClassTag] (consumer: T => Unit): ConsumeResult =
def use [T: ClassTag]: CxtOption[T] =
variablesWithOwner(classTag[O].runtimeClass) get classTag[T].runtimeClass match
case Some(i) => consumer(i.asInstanceOf[T]); ConsumeResult(true)
case None => ConsumeResult(false)
case Some(i) => Right(i.asInstanceOf[T])
case None => Left(ContextNotGivenException())
def use [T: ClassTag, U] (consumer: T => U): ConsumeResult[U] =
use[T] match
case Left(_) => ConsumeFailed[U]()
case Right(i) => ConsumeSucceed[U](consumer(i))
def >> [T: ClassTag] (t: Class[T]): CxtOption[T] =
def >!> [T: ClassTag] (t: Class[T]): T =
def >> [T: ClassTag, U] (consumer: T => U): ConsumeResult[U] =
def consume [T: ClassTag] (consume: T => Any): ConsumeResult[Any] =
class ConsumeResult (success: Boolean) {
trait ConsumeResult[U]:
def toOption: Option[U]
def |? : Option[U] = toOption
def || (processor: => Unit): Unit = {
if !success then processor
def || (processor: =>U): U
private class ConsumeSucceed[U] (succeedValue: U) extends ConsumeResult[U]:
override def toOption: Option[U] = Some(succeedValue)
override def || (processor: => U): U = succeedValue
private class ConsumeFailed[U] extends ConsumeResult[U]:
override def toOption: Option[U] = None
override def || (processor: => U): U = processor
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