mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 05:57:14 +08:00
use EventEnv as event encapsulate instead of Update
- make MornyOnTelegramCommand provides InputCommand - change OnUniMeowTrigger consume InputCommand
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ MORNY_ARCHIVE_NAME = morny-coeur
MORNY_CODE_STORE = https://github.com/Eyre-S/Coeur-Morny-Cono
MORNY_COMMIT_PATH = https://github.com/Eyre-S/Coeur-Morny-Cono/commit/%s
VERSION = 1.1.1
VERSION = 1.1.1.xiongan-dev1
USE_DELTA = false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.boundary
class EventEnv (
val update: Update
) {
private var _isOk: Int = 0
private val variables: mutable.HashMap[Class[?], Any] = mutable.HashMap.empty
def isEventOk: Boolean = _isOk > 0
//noinspection UnitMethodIsParameterless
def setEventOk: Unit =
_isOk = _isOk + 1
def provide (i: Any): Unit =
variables += (i.getClass -> i)
def use [T] (t: Class[T]): ConsumeProvider[T] = ConsumeProvider(t)
class ConsumeProvider[T] (t: Class[T]) {
def consume (consumer: T => Unit): ConsumeResult = {
variables get t match
case Some(i) => consumer(i.asInstanceOf[T]); ConsumeResult(true)
case None => ConsumeResult(false)
class ConsumeResult (success: Boolean) {
def onfail (processor: => Unit): Unit = {
if !success then processor
@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
trait EventListener () {
def onMessage (using Update): Boolean = false
def onEditedMessage (using Update): Boolean = false
def onChannelPost (using Update): Boolean = false
def onEditedChannelPost (using Update): Boolean = false
def onInlineQuery (using Update): Boolean = false
def onChosenInlineResult (using Update): Boolean = false
def onCallbackQuery (using Update): Boolean = false
def onShippingQuery (using Update): Boolean = false
def onPreCheckoutQuery (using Update): Boolean = false
def onPoll (using Update): Boolean = false
def onPollAnswer (using Update): Boolean = false
def onMyChatMemberUpdated (using Update): Boolean = false
def onChatMemberUpdated (using Update): Boolean = false
def onChatJoinRequest (using Update): Boolean = false
def onMessage (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onEditedMessage (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onChannelPost (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onEditedChannelPost (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onInlineQuery (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onChosenInlineResult (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onCallbackQuery (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onShippingQuery (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onPreCheckoutQuery (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onPoll (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onPollAnswer (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onMyChatMemberUpdated (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onChatMemberUpdated (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
def onChatJoinRequest (using EventEnv): Unit = {}
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.UpdatesListener
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.boundary
/** Contains a [[mutable.Queue]] of [[EventListener]], and delivery telegram [[Update]].
@ -23,46 +24,43 @@ class EventListenerManager (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends UpdatesListener {
def register (listeners: EventListener*): Unit =
this.listeners ++= listeners
private class EventRunner (using event: Update) extends Thread {
this setName s"evt-${event.updateId()}-nn"
private class EventRunner (using update: Update) extends Thread {
this setName s"upd-${update.updateId()}-nn"
private def updateThreadName (t: String): Unit =
this setName s"evt-${event.updateId()}-$t"
this setName s"upd-${update.updateId()}-$t"
override def run (): Unit = {
for (i <- listeners) {
object status:
var _status = 0
def isOk: Boolean = _status > 0
def check (u: Boolean): Unit = if u then _status = _status + 1
given env: EventEnv = EventEnv(update)
boundary { for (i <- listeners) {
try {
if event.message ne null then status check i.onMessage
if update.message ne null then i.onMessage
if event.editedMessage ne null then status check i.onEditedMessage
if update.editedMessage ne null then i.onEditedMessage
if event.channelPost ne null then status check i.onChannelPost
if update.channelPost ne null then i.onChannelPost
if event.editedChannelPost ne null then status check i.onEditedChannelPost
if update.editedChannelPost ne null then i.onEditedChannelPost
if event.inlineQuery ne null then status check i.onInlineQuery
if update.inlineQuery ne null then i.onInlineQuery
if event.chosenInlineResult ne null then status check i.onChosenInlineResult
if update.chosenInlineResult ne null then i.onChosenInlineResult
if event.callbackQuery ne null then status check i.onCallbackQuery
if update.callbackQuery ne null then i.onCallbackQuery
if event.shippingQuery ne null then status check i.onShippingQuery
if update.shippingQuery ne null then i.onShippingQuery
if event.preCheckoutQuery ne null then status check i.onPreCheckoutQuery
if update.preCheckoutQuery ne null then i.onPreCheckoutQuery
if event.poll ne null then status check i.onPoll
if update.poll ne null then i.onPoll
if event.pollAnswer ne null then status check i.onPollAnswer
if update.pollAnswer ne null then i.onPollAnswer
if event.myChatMember ne null then status check i.onMyChatMemberUpdated
if update.myChatMember ne null then i.onMyChatMemberUpdated
if event.chatMember ne null then status check i.onChatMemberUpdated
if update.chatMember ne null then i.onChatMemberUpdated
if event.chatJoinRequest ne null then status check i.onChatJoinRequest
if update.chatJoinRequest ne null then i.onChatJoinRequest
} catch case e => {
val errorMessage = StringBuilder()
errorMessage ++= "Event throws unexpected exception:\n"
@ -77,8 +75,8 @@ class EventListenerManager (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends UpdatesListener {
logger error errorMessage.toString
coeur.daemons.reporter.exception(e, "on event running")
if (status isOk) return
if env.isEventOk then boundary.break()
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.query.{InlineQueryUnit, MornyQueries}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.TelegramExtensions.Bot.exec
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ import scala.reflect.ClassTag
class MornyOnInlineQuery (using queryManager: MornyQueries) (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
override def onInlineQuery (using update: Update): Boolean = {
override def onInlineQuery (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
import event.update
val results: List[InlineQueryUnit[_]] = queryManager query update
@ -27,12 +28,13 @@ class MornyOnInlineQuery (using queryManager: MornyQueries) (using coeur: MornyC
resultAnswers += r.result
if (results isEmpty) return false
if (results isEmpty) return;
coeur.account exec AnswerInlineQuery(
update.inlineQuery.id, resultAnswers toArray:_*
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.logger
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.command.MornyCommands
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Message, Update}
class MornyOnTelegramCommand (using commandManager: MornyCommands) (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = {
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
given update: Update = event.update
def _isCommandMessage(message: Message): Boolean =
if message.text eq null then false
@ -17,17 +18,19 @@ class MornyOnTelegramCommand (using commandManager: MornyCommands) (using coeur:
else if message.text startsWith "/ " then false
else true
if !_isCommandMessage(update.message) then return false
if !_isCommandMessage(update.message) then return
val inputCommand = InputCommand(update.message.text drop 1)
event provide inputCommand
logger trace ":provided InputCommand for event"
if (!(inputCommand.command matches "^\\w+$"))
logger debug "not command"
else if ((inputCommand.target ne null) && (inputCommand.target != coeur.username))
logger debug "not morny command"
logger debug "is command"
commandManager.execute(using inputCommand)
if commandManager.execute(using inputCommand) then
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
class MornyOnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
private def isOutdated (timestamp: Int): Boolean =
coeur.config.eventIgnoreOutdated && (timestamp < (coeur.coeurStartTimestamp/1000))
private def checkOutdated (timestamp: Int)(using event: EventEnv): Unit =
if coeur.config.eventIgnoreOutdated && (timestamp < (coeur.coeurStartTimestamp/1000)) then
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = isOutdated(update.message.date)
override def onEditedMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = isOutdated(update.editedMessage.date)
override def onChannelPost (using update: Update): Boolean = isOutdated(update.channelPost.date)
override def onEditedChannelPost (using update: Update): Boolean = isOutdated(update.editedChannelPost.date)
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = checkOutdated(event.update.message.date)
override def onEditedMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = checkOutdated(event.update.editedMessage.date)
override def onChannelPost (using event: EventEnv): Unit = checkOutdated(event.update.channelPost.date)
override def onEditedChannelPost (using event: EventEnv): Unit = checkOutdated(event.update.editedChannelPost.date)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data.TelegramStickers
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramFormatter.*
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.TelegramExtensions.Bot.exec
@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ class OnCallMe (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
private val me = coeur.config.trustedMaster
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = {
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
import event.update
if update.message.text == null then return false
if update.message.chat.`type` != (Chat.Type Private) then return false
if update.message.text == null then return;
if update.message.chat.`type` != (Chat.Type Private) then return
//noinspection ScalaUnnecessaryParentheses
val success = if me == -1 then false else
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ class OnCallMe (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
case cc if cc startsWith "cc::" =>
case _ =>
return false
if success then
coeur.account exec SendSticker(
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ class OnCallMe (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
TelegramStickers ID_501
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data.TelegramStickers
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.TelegramExtensions.Bot.exec
@ -52,26 +52,28 @@ class OnCallMsgSend (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
case _ => null
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = {
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
import event.update
val message = update.message
if message.chat.`type` != Chat.Type.Private then return false
if message.text eq null then return false
if !(message.text startsWith "*msg") then return false
if message.chat.`type` != Chat.Type.Private then return;
if message.text eq null then return;
if !(message.text startsWith "*msg") then return;
if (!(coeur.trusted isTrusted message.from.id))
coeur.account exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_403
return true
if (message.text == "*msgsend") {
if (message.replyToMessage eq null) return answer404
if (message.replyToMessage eq null) { answer404; return }
val messageToSend = MessageToSend from message.replyToMessage
if ((messageToSend eq null) || (messageToSend.message eq null)) return answer404
if ((messageToSend eq null) || (messageToSend.message eq null)) { answer404; return }
val sendResponse = coeur.account execute messageToSend.toSendMessage()
if (sendResponse isOk) {
@ -89,20 +91,21 @@ class OnCallMsgSend (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
).replyToMessageId(update.message.messageId).parseMode(ParseMode HTML)
return true
val messageToSend: MessageToSend =
val raw: Message =
if (message.text == "*msg")
if message.replyToMessage eq null then return answer404
if message.replyToMessage eq null then { answer404; return }
else message.replyToMessage
else if (message.text startsWith "*msg")
else return answer404
else { answer404; return }
val _toSend = MessageToSend from raw
if _toSend eq null then return answer404
if _toSend eq null then { answer404; return }
else _toSend
val targetChatResponse = coeur.account execute GetChat(messageToSend.targetId)
@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ class OnCallMsgSend (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(update.message.messageId)
if messageToSend.message eq null then return true
if messageToSend.message eq null then { answer404; return }
val testSendResponse = coeur.account execute
if (!(testSendResponse isOk))
@ -140,15 +143,15 @@ class OnCallMsgSend (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(update.message.messageId)
private def answer404 (using update: Update): Boolean =
private def answer404 (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
coeur.account exec SendSticker(
TelegramStickers ID_404
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.logger
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder
@ -13,35 +13,38 @@ import scala.language.postfixOps
class OnEventHackHandle (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
import coeur.daemons.eventHack.trigger
private def trigger (chat_id: Long, from_id: Long)(using event: EventEnv): Unit =
given Update = event.update
if coeur.daemons.eventHack.trigger(chat_id, from_id) then
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(update.message.chat.id, update.message.from.id)
override def onEditedMessage (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(update.editedMessage.chat.id, update.editedMessage.from.id)
override def onChannelPost (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(update.channelPost.chat.id, 0)
override def onEditedChannelPost (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(update.editedChannelPost.chat.id, 0)
override def onInlineQuery (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(0, update.inlineQuery.from.id)
override def onChosenInlineResult (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(0, update.chosenInlineResult.from.id)
override def onCallbackQuery (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(0, update.callbackQuery.from.id)
override def onShippingQuery (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(0, update.shippingQuery.from.id)
override def onPreCheckoutQuery (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(0, update.preCheckoutQuery.from.id)
override def onPoll (using update: Update): Boolean =
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(event.update.message.chat.id, event.update.message.from.id)
override def onEditedMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(event.update.editedMessage.chat.id, event.update.editedMessage.from.id)
override def onChannelPost (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(event.update.channelPost.chat.id, 0)
override def onEditedChannelPost (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(event.update.editedChannelPost.chat.id, 0)
override def onInlineQuery (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(0, event.update.inlineQuery.from.id)
override def onChosenInlineResult (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(0, event.update.chosenInlineResult.from.id)
override def onCallbackQuery (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(0, event.update.callbackQuery.from.id)
override def onShippingQuery (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(0, event.update.shippingQuery.from.id)
override def onPreCheckoutQuery (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(0, event.update.preCheckoutQuery.from.id)
override def onPoll (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(0, 0)
override def onPollAnswer (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(0, update.pollAnswer.user.id)
override def onMyChatMemberUpdated (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(update.myChatMember.chat.id, update.myChatMember.from.id)
override def onChatMemberUpdated (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(update.chatMember.chat.id, update.chatMember.from.id)
override def onChatJoinRequest (using update: Update): Boolean =
trigger(update.chatJoinRequest.chat.id, update.chatJoinRequest.from.id)
override def onPollAnswer (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(0, event.update.pollAnswer.user.id)
override def onMyChatMemberUpdated (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(event.update.myChatMember.chat.id, event.update.myChatMember.from.id)
override def onChatMemberUpdated (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(event.update.chatMember.chat.id, event.update.chatMember.from.id)
override def onChatJoinRequest (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
trigger(event.update.chatJoinRequest.chat.id, event.update.chatJoinRequest.from.id)
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon.{MedicationTimer, MornyDaemons}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Message, Update}
class OnMedicationNotifyApply (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
override def onEditedMessage (using event: Update): Boolean =
override def onEditedChannelPost (using event: Update): Boolean =
override def onEditedMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
override def onEditedChannelPost (using event: EventEnv): Unit =
private def editedMessageProcess (edited: Message): Boolean = {
if edited.chat.id != coeur.config.medicationNotifyToChat then return false
private def editedMessageProcess (edited: Message)(using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
if edited.chat.id != coeur.config.medicationNotifyToChat then return;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event.OnQuestionMarkReply.isAllMessageMark
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.TelegramExtensions.Bot.exec
@ -12,19 +12,20 @@ import scala.util.boundary
class OnQuestionMarkReply (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
override def onMessage (using event: Update): Boolean = {
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
import event.update
if event.message.text eq null then return false
if update.message.text eq null then return
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.UseMath.over
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.UseRandom.chance_is
if (1 over 8) chance_is false then return false
if !isAllMessageMark(using event.message.text) then return false
if (1 over 8) chance_is false then return;
if !isAllMessageMark(using update.message.text) then return;
coeur.account exec SendMessage(
event.message.chat.id, event.message.text
update.message.chat.id, update.message.text
@ -1,23 +1,28 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.command.MornyCommands
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.logger
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
class OnUniMeowTrigger (using commands: MornyCommands) (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = {
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
if update.message.text eq null then return false
var ok = false
for ((name, command) <- commands.commands_uni)
val _name = "/"+name
if (_name == update.message.text)
command.execute(using InputCommand(_name))
ok = true
event use classOf[InputCommand] consume { input =>
logger trace s"got input command {$input} from event-context"
for ((name, command_instance) <- commands.commands_uni) {
logger trace s"checking uni-meow $name"
if (name == input.command)
logger trace "checked"
command_instance.execute(using input, event.update)
} onfail { logger trace "not command (for uni-meow)" }
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.TelegramExtensions.Bot.exec
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ class OnUserRandom (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
private val USER_OR_QUERY = "^(.+)(?:还是|or)(.+)$" r
private val USER_IF_QUERY = "^(.+)(?:吗\\?|?|\\?|吗?)$" r
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = {
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
import event.update
if update.message.text == null then return false
if !(update.message.text startsWith "/") then return false
if update.message.text == null then return;
if !(update.message.text startsWith "/") then return
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.UseRandom.rand_half
val query = update.message.text substring 1
@ -29,17 +30,17 @@ class OnUserRandom (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
if rand_half then _con1 else _con2
case USER_IF_QUERY(_con) =>
// for capability with [[OnQuestionMarkReply]]
if OnQuestionMarkReply.isAllMessageMark(using _con) then return false
if OnQuestionMarkReply.isAllMessageMark(using _con) then return;
(if rand_half then "不" else "") + _con
case _ => null
//noinspection DuplicatedCode
if result == null then return false
if result == null then return;
coeur.account exec SendMessage(
update.message.chat.id, result
@ -51,23 +52,23 @@ class OnUserRandom (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
private val word_pattern = "^([\\w\\W]*)?(?:尊嘟假嘟|(?:O\\.o|o\\.O))$"r
private val keywords = Array("尊嘟假嘟", "O.o", "o.O")
override def onMessage (using event: Update): Boolean = {
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
import event.update
if event.message.text == null then return false
if update.message.text == null then return
var result: String|Null = null
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.UseRandom.rand_half
for (k <- keywords)
if event.message.text endsWith k then
if update.message.text endsWith k then
result = if rand_half then "尊嘟" else "假嘟"
//noinspection DuplicatedCode
if result == null then return false
if result == null then return;
coeur.account exec SendMessage(
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListener
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramFormatter.*
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.formatting.TelegramParseEscape.escapeHtml as h
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.UniversalCommand
@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ class OnUserSlashAction (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
private val TG_FORMAT = "^\\w+(@\\w+)?$"r
override def onMessage (using update: Update): Boolean = {
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
import event.update
val text = update.message.text
if text == null then return false
if text == null then return;
if (text startsWith "/") {
@ -39,14 +40,14 @@ class OnUserSlashAction (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
actions(0) match
// ignore Telegram command like
case TG_FORMAT(_) =>
return false
// ignore Path link
case x if x contains "/" => return false
case x if x contains "/" => return;
case _ =>
val isHardParse = actions(0) isBlank
def hp_len(i: Int) = if isHardParse then i+1 else i
if isHardParse && actions.length < 2 then return false
if isHardParse && actions.length < 2 then return
val v_verb = actions(hp_len(0))
val hasObject = actions.length != hp_len(1)
val v_object =
@ -70,9 +71,9 @@ class OnUserSlashAction (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends EventListener {
if hasObject then h(v_object+" ") else ""
).parseMode(ParseMode HTML).replyToMessageId(update.message.messageId)
} else false
@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
package live
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventEnv
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.test.utils.BiliToolTest
@main def LiveMain (args: String*): Unit = {
val env: EventEnv = EventEnv(null)
env provide "abcdefg"
env use classOf[String] consume { (str: String) => println(str) } onfail { println("no str found in the env") }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user