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synced 2025-03-13 14:57:29 +08:00
cha MornyHellos.On can reply 'o' in private chat
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
<option name="MAIN_CLASS_NAME" value="cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.ServerMain" />
<module name="Coeur Morny Cono" />
<option name="PROGRAM_PARAMETERS" value="--quiet --debug --username sukazyo_deving_bot --master 793274677 --trusted-chat -1 --outdated-block --trusted-reader-dinner 1040613596 -medc 793274677 -medt 0,2,18,19 -medtz 8 --dinner-chat -1001670950261" />
<option name="VM_PARAMETERS" value="-Djava.net.useSystemProxies=true" />
<option name="WORKING_DIRECTORY" value="$ProjectFileDir$/run" />
<extension name="coverage">
@ -194,12 +194,16 @@ class MornyCoeur (modules: List[MornyModule])(using val config: MornyConfig)(tes
// register core/api events
eventManager register MornyOnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock()
eventManager register MornyOnTelegramCommand(using commands)
eventManager register MornyOnInlineQuery(using queries)
eventManager register _messageThreading.NextMessageCatcher
{ // register core commands
// register core/api events
eventManager register MornyOnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock()
eventManager register MornyOnTelegramCommand(using commands)
eventManager register MornyOnInlineQuery(using queries)
eventManager register _messageThreading.NextMessageCatcher
// register core commands
import bot.command.*
val $MornyHellos = MornyHellos()
val $MornyInformation = MornyInformation()
@ -223,10 +227,15 @@ class MornyCoeur (modules: List[MornyModule])(using val config: MornyConfig)(tes
// register core utils events
eventManager register $MornyHellos.PrivateChat_O
// register core http api service
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.http.services as http_srv
_httpServerContext register4API http_srv.Ping()
// register core http api service
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.http.services as http_srv
_httpServerContext register4API http_srv.Ping()
// Coeur Initializing Event
modules.foreach(it => it.onInitializing(OnInitializingContext(
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.bot.command
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.bot.api.{ICommandAlias, ITelegramCommand}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.bot.api.{EventEnv, EventListener, ICommandAlias, ITelegramCommand}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.bot.api.ICommandAlias.ListedAlias
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.bot.api.messages.MessagingContext
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.data.TelegramStickers
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.TelegramExtensions.Chat.notOfType
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.TelegramExtensions.Requests.unsafeExecute
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Chat, Update}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendSticker
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.TelegramBot
@ -23,10 +25,13 @@ class MornyHellos (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
override val description: String = "检查是否在线"
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit =
this.sendSticker(using MessagingContext.extract(using event.message))
def sendSticker (using cxt: MessagingContext.WithMessage): Unit =
@ -47,4 +52,18 @@ class MornyHellos (using coeur: MornyCoeur) {
object PrivateChat_O extends EventListener {
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
import event.update
if update.message.chat notOfType Chat.Type.Private then
if update.message.text == "o" || update.message.text == "O" then
On.sendSticker(using MessagingContext.extract(using update.message))
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.event.EventRuntimeException
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.EpochDateTime.EpochSeconds
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.TelegramBot
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.*
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Chat as TChat, ChatMember as TChatMember, File as TFile, Message as TMessage, MessageEntity as TMessageEntity, Update as TUpdate, User as TUser}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.{BaseRequest, GetChatMember}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.response.BaseResponse
@ -54,43 +54,43 @@ object TelegramExtensions {
object Update { extension (update: Update) {
object Update { extension (update: TUpdate) {
/** Get the [[Chat]] that the update comes from.
/** Get the [[TChat]] that the update comes from.
* For the update types that is non-chat related, or the update types that framework does not
* supported yet, this method will return [[None]].
* ### Supported Update Types
* Belows are the supported update types that will return a valid [[Chat]].
* Belows are the supported update types that will return a valid [[TChat]].
* - [[Update.message]]: Chat that the message belongs.
* - [[Update.editedMessage]]: Chat that the edited message belongs.
* - [[Update.channelPost]]: Chat that the channel post message belongs.
* - [[Update.editedChannelPost]]: Chat that the edited channel post message belongs.
* - [[Update.callbackQuery]]: Chat that the callback query's source message (a callback query
* - [[TUpdate.message]]: Chat that the message belongs.
* - [[TUpdate.editedMessage]]: Chat that the edited message belongs.
* - [[TUpdate.channelPost]]: Chat that the channel post message belongs.
* - [[TUpdate.editedChannelPost]]: Chat that the edited channel post message belongs.
* - [[TUpdate.callbackQuery]]: Chat that the callback query's source message (a callback query
* is triggered from a inline message button, that inline message is the source message) belongs.
* - [[Update.myChatMember]]: Chat that where member status of current bot changed there.
* - [[Update.chatMember]]: Chat that any one user's member status changed there.
* - [[Update.chatJoinRequest]]: Chat that the join request comes from.
* - [[TUpdate.myChatMember]]: Chat that where member status of current bot changed there.
* - [[TUpdate.chatMember]]: Chat that any one user's member status changed there.
* - [[TUpdate.chatJoinRequest]]: Chat that the join request comes from.
* Belows are the known update types that is not chat related, so there's only a [[None]] returned.
* - [[Update.inlineQuery]]
* - [[Update.chosenInlineResult]]
* - [[Update.shippingQuery]]
* - [[Update.preCheckoutQuery]]
* - [[Update.poll]]
* - [[Update.pollAnswer]]
* - [[TUpdate.inlineQuery]]
* - [[TUpdate.chosenInlineResult]]
* - [[TUpdate.shippingQuery]]
* - [[TUpdate.preCheckoutQuery]]
* - [[TUpdate.poll]]
* - [[TUpdate.pollAnswer]]
* Supported up to Telegram Bot API 6.2
* @return An [[Option]] either contains a [[Chat]] that the update comes from, or [[None]] if there's
* @return An [[Option]] either contains a [[TChat]] that the update comes from, or [[None]] if there's
* no user or update type is unsupported.
* @since 2.0.0
def sourceChat: Option[Chat] =
def sourceChat: Option[TChat] =
if (update.message != null) Some(update.message.chat)
else if (update.editedMessage != null) Some(update.editedMessage.chat)
else if (update.channelPost != null) Some(update.channelPost.chat)
@ -107,42 +107,42 @@ object TelegramExtensions {
else if (update.chatJoinRequest != null) Some(update.chatJoinRequest.chat)
else None
/** Get the [[User]] that the update comes from.
/** Get the [[TUser]] that the update comes from.
* For the update types that is non-user related, or the update types that framework does not
* supported yet, this method will return [[None]].
* ### Supported Update Types
* ### Supported Update TypesT
* Belows are the supported update types that will return a valid [[User]].
* Belows are the supported update types that will return a valid [[TUser]].
* - [[Update.message]]: User that sent the message.
* - [[Update.editedMessage]]: User that sent the message. Notice that is the user who ORIGINAL
* - [[TUpdate.message]]: User that sent the message.
* - [[TUpdate.editedMessage]]: User that sent the message. Notice that is the user who ORIGINAL
* SENT the message but NOT EDITED the message due to the API limitation, while in current Bot
* API version (v7.0), editing other's message is not allowed so it should have no problem.
* - [[Update.inlineQuery]]: User that executing the inline query.
* - [[Update.chosenInlineResult]]: User that chosen the inline result of a inline query.
* - [[Update.callbackQuery]]: User that triggered the callback query.
* - [[Update.shippingQuery]]: User that sent the shipping query.
* - [[Update.preCheckoutQuery]]: User that sent the pre-checkout query.
* - [[Update.pollAnswer]]: User that answered a un-anonymous poll.
* - [[Update.myChatMember]]: Current bot that my member status changed.
* - [[Update.chatMember]]: User that their member status changed.
* - [[Update.chatJoinRequest]]: User that sent a join request.
* - [[TUpdate.inlineQuery]]: User that executing the inline query.
* - [[TUpdate.chosenInlineResult]]: User that chosen the inline result of a inline query.
* - [[TUpdate.callbackQuery]]: User that triggered the callback query.
* - [[TUpdate.shippingQuery]]: User that sent the shipping query.
* - [[TUpdate.preCheckoutQuery]]: User that sent the pre-checkout query.
* - [[TUpdate.pollAnswer]]: User that answered a un-anonymous poll.
* - [[TUpdate.myChatMember]]: Current bot that my member status changed.
* - [[TUpdate.chatMember]]: User that their member status changed.
* - [[TUpdate.chatJoinRequest]]: User that sent a join request.
* Belows are the known update types that is not user related, so there's only a [[None]] returned.
* - [[Update.channelPost]]
* - [[Update.editedChannelPost]]
* - [[Update.poll]] <small>(odd, but it is no sender in the latest Bot API 7.0)</small>
* - [[TUpdate.channelPost]]
* - [[TUpdate.editedChannelPost]]
* - [[TUpdate.poll]] <small>(odd, but it is no sender in the latest Bot API 7.0)</small>
* Supported up to Telegram Bot API 6.2
* @return An [[Option]] either contains a [[User]] that the update comes from, or [[None]] if there's
* @return An [[Option]] either contains a [[TUser]] that the update comes from, or [[None]] if there's
* no user or update type is unsupported.
* @since 2.0.0
def sourceUser: Option[User] =
def sourceUser: Option[TUser] =
if (update.message != null) Some(update.message.from)
else if (update.editedMessage != null) Some(update.editedMessage.from)
else if (update.channelPost != null) None
@ -173,25 +173,25 @@ object TelegramExtensions {
* Belows are the supported update types that will return a valid time.
* - [[Update.message]]: Time that the message is sent. Should be fixed and accurate.
* - [[Update.editedMessage]]: Time that the message is edited. Can be changed when the message is
* - [[TUpdate.message]]: Time that the message is sent. Should be fixed and accurate.
* - [[TUpdate.editedMessage]]: Time that the message is edited. Can be changed when the message is
* edited again, but should be the fixed editing time in the specific update.
* - [[Update.channelPost]]: Time that the channel post message is sent. Should be fixed and accurate.
* - [[Update.editedChannelPost]]: Time that the channel post message is edited. Same with
* [[Update.editedMessage]]
* - [[Update.myChatMember]]: Time that the member status of current bot changes done.
* - [[Update.chatMember]]: Time that one user's member status changes done.
* - [[Update.chatJoinRequest]]: Time that the join request is sent.
* - [[TUpdate.channelPost]]: Time that the channel post message is sent. Should be fixed and accurate.
* - [[TUpdate.editedChannelPost]]: Time that the channel post message is edited. Same with
* [[TUpdate.editedMessage]]
* - [[TUpdate.myChatMember]]: Time that the member status of current bot changes done.
* - [[TUpdate.chatMember]]: Time that one user's member status changes done.
* - [[TUpdate.chatJoinRequest]]: Time that the join request is sent.
* Belows have no any time information, so there's only a [[None]] returned.
* - [[Update.inlineQuery]]
* - [[Update.chosenInlineResult]]
* - [[Update.callbackQuery]]
* - [[Update.shippingQuery]]
* - [[Update.preCheckoutQuery]]
* - [[Update.poll]]
* - [[Update.pollAnswer]]
* - [[TUpdate.inlineQuery]]
* - [[TUpdate.chosenInlineResult]]
* - [[TUpdate.callbackQuery]]
* - [[TUpdate.shippingQuery]]
* - [[TUpdate.preCheckoutQuery]]
* - [[TUpdate.poll]]
* - [[TUpdate.pollAnswer]]
* Supported up to Telegram Bot API 6.2
@ -218,32 +218,32 @@ object TelegramExtensions {
object Chat { extension (chat: Chat) {
object Chat { extension (chat: TChat) {
/** Check if a user is a member of this chat.
* It is equivalent to `memberHasPermission(user, ChatMember.Status.member)`.
* It checks if the user's member status is [[ChatMember.Status.member]], so if the member is in
* this chat but they are been [[ChatMember.Status.restricted]], it will be treated as *not a member*.
* It checks if the user's member status is [[TChatMember.Status.member]], so if the member is in
* this chat but they are been [[TChatMember.Status.restricted]], it will be treated as *not a member*.
* It needs to execute a request getting chat member, so it requires a live [[TelegramBot]] instance,
* and the bot needs to be a member of this chat so that it can read the chat member.
* This method will only use the [[Chat]]'s [[Chat.id]], so it is safe to call on a [[LimboChat]].
* This method will only use the [[TChat]]'s [[TChat.id]], so it is safe to call on a [[LimboChat]].
* **Notice:** This method will execute a request to the Telegram Bot API, so it may be slow.
* @see [[memberHasPermission]]
* @param user The user that want to check if they are a member of this chat.Only its [[User.id]] will
* @param user The user that want to check if they are a member of this chat.Only its [[TUser.id]] will
* be used so it is safe using a [[LimboUser]].
* @return [[true]] when the user is a member of this chat, [[false]] otherwise.
* @since 1.0.0
def hasMember (user: User) (using TelegramBot): Boolean =
memberHasPermission(user, ChatMember.Status.member)
def hasMember (user: TUser) (using TelegramBot): Boolean =
memberHasPermission(user, TChatMember.Status.member)
/** Check if a user has a permission level in this chat.
@ -261,20 +261,20 @@ object TelegramExtensions {
* | [[ChatMember.Status.left]] | -3 |
* | [[ChatMember.Status.kicked]] | -5 |
* This method will only use the [[Chat]]'s [[Chat.id]], so it is safe to call on a [[LimboChat]].
* This method will only use the [[TChat]]'s [[TChat.id]], so it is safe to call on a [[LimboChat]].
* **Notice:** This method will execute a request to the Telegram Bot API, so it may be slow.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param user The user that wanted to check if they have the permission. Only its [[User.id]] will
* @param user The user that wanted to check if they have the permission. Only its [[TUser.id]] will
* be used so it is safe using a [[LimboUser]].
* @param permission The required permission level.
* @param bot A live [[TelegramBot]] that will be used to execute the getChatMember request. It
* should be a member of this chat so that can read the chat member for this method works.
* @return [[true]] if the user have the permission or higher permission, [[false]] otherwise.
def memberHasPermission (user: User, permission: ChatMember.Status) (using bot: TelegramBot): Boolean = {
def memberHasPermission (user: TUser, permission: TChatMember.Status) (using bot: TelegramBot): Boolean = {
//noinspection ScalaUnusedSymbol
enum UserPermissionLevel(val level: Int):
@ -287,28 +287,46 @@ object TelegramExtensions {
def >= (another: UserPermissionLevel): Boolean = this.level >= another.level
object UserPermissionLevel:
def apply(status: ChatMember.Status): UserPermissionLevel =
def apply(status: TChatMember.Status): UserPermissionLevel =
status match
case ChatMember.Status.creator => CREATOR
case ChatMember.Status.administrator => ADMINISTRATOR
case ChatMember.Status.member => MEMBER
case ChatMember.Status.restricted => RESTRICTED
case ChatMember.Status.left => LEFT
case ChatMember.Status.kicked => KICKED
def apply (chatMember: ChatMember): UserPermissionLevel = apply(chatMember.status)
case TChatMember.Status.creator => CREATOR
case TChatMember.Status.administrator => ADMINISTRATOR
case TChatMember.Status.member => MEMBER
case TChatMember.Status.restricted => RESTRICTED
case TChatMember.Status.left => LEFT
case TChatMember.Status.kicked => KICKED
def apply (chatMember: TChatMember): UserPermissionLevel = apply(chatMember.status)
import Requests.execute
val chatMember: ChatMember = GetChatMember(chat.id, user.id).execute(using bot).chatMember
val chatMember: TChatMember = GetChatMember(chat.id, user.id).execute(using bot).chatMember
if chatMember eq null then false
else UserPermissionLevel(chatMember) >= UserPermissionLevel(permission)
/** If this [[TChat.Type]] is of the type specific.
* @since 2.0.0
* @return `true` if this [[TChat.type]] IS of the type. `false` otherwise.
infix def ofType (ty: TChat.Type): Boolean =
chat.`type` == ty
/** If this [[TChat.Type]] is not of the type specific.
* @since 2.0.0
* @return `true` if this [[TChat.type]] IS NOT of the type specific. `false` otherwise.
infix def notOfType (ty: TChat.Type): Boolean =
chat.`type` != ty
object Message { extension (self: Message) {
object Message { extension (self: TMessage) {
def entitiesSafe: List[MessageEntity] =
def entitiesSafe: List[TMessageEntity] =
if self.entities == null then Nil else
@ -318,7 +336,7 @@ object TelegramExtensions {
object File { extension (self: File) {
object File { extension (self: TFile) {
/** Alias of [[TelegramBot.getFileContent]] */
@ -356,28 +374,28 @@ object TelegramExtensions {
/** A [[User]] instance with only a [[User.id]] is defined.
/** A [[TUser]] instance with only a [[TUser.id]] is defined.
* This is only for capabilities that some method need a [[User]] but only need its [[User.id]]. If
* you don't have a [[User]] instance for some reason, you can use this instead.
* This is only for capabilities that some method need a [[TUser]] but only need its [[TUser.id]]. If
* you don't have a [[TUser]] instance for some reason, you can use this instead.
* Many methods may crashes on this class for this is highly mutilated. Use this only the method declares
* that using this is safe.
* @since 1.0.0
class LimboUser (id: Long) extends User(id)
/** A [[Chat]] instance with only a [[Chat.id]] is defined.
class LimboUser (id: Long) extends TUser(id)
/** A [[TChat]] instance with only a [[TChat.id]] is defined.
* This is only for capabilities that some method need a [[Chat]] but only need its [[Chat.id]]. If
* you don't have a [[Chat]] instance for some reason, you can use this instead.
* This is only for capabilities that some method need a [[TChat]] but only need its [[TChat.id]]. If
* you don't have a [[TChat]] instance for some reason, you can use this instead.
* Many methods may crashes on this class for this is highly mutilated. Use this only the method declares
* that using this is safe.
* @since 1.0.0
class LimboChat (val _id: Long) extends Chat() {
class LimboChat (val _id: Long) extends TChat() {
override val id: java.lang.Long = _id
Reference in New Issue
Block a user