mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 21:58:50 +08:00
add some scaladoc for scheduler
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur.THREAD_SERVER_EXIT
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.api.EventListenerManager
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.event.{MornyEventListeners, MornyOnInlineQuery, MornyOnTelegramCommand, MornyOnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.bot.query.MornyQueries
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.internal.schedule.Scheduler
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.schedule.Scheduler
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.TelegramBot
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.GetMe
@ -153,7 +153,8 @@ class MornyInformation (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ITelegramCommand {
// language=html
s"""<b>Coeur Task Scheduler:</b>
| - <i>scheduled tasks</i>: <code>${coeur.tasks.amount}</code>
| - <i>current runner status</i>: <code>${coeur.tasks.state}</code>
| - <i>scheduler status</i>: <code>${coeur.tasks.state}</code>
| - <i>current runner status</i>: <code>${coeur.tasks.runnerState}</code>
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.{exceptionLog, logger}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.Log.logger
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.MornyCoeur
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.daemon.MedicationTimer.calcNextRoutineTimestamp
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.internal.schedule.RoutineTask
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.schedule.RoutineTask
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.TelegramExtensions.Bot.exec
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.CommonFormat
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Message, MessageEntity}
@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.internal.schedule
import scala.collection.mutable
class Scheduler {
// val taskList: util.TreeSet[Task] =
// Collections.synchronizedSortedSet(util.TreeSet[Task]())
private val taskList: mutable.TreeSet[Task] = mutable.TreeSet.empty
private var exitAtNextRoutine = false
private var waitForDone = false
private var currentRunning: Task|Null = _
private var currentRunning_isScheduledCancel = false
private val runtime: Thread = new Thread {
override def run (): Unit = {
def willExit: Boolean =
if exitAtNextRoutine then true
else if waitForDone then
if taskList.isEmpty then true
else false
else false
while (!willExit) {
val nextMove: Task|Long = taskList.synchronized {
taskList.headOption match
case Some(_readyToRun) if System.currentTimeMillis >= _readyToRun.scheduledTimeMillis =>
taskList -= _readyToRun
currentRunning = _readyToRun
case Some(_notReady) =>
_notReady.scheduledTimeMillis - System.currentTimeMillis
case None =>
nextMove match
case readyToRun: Task =>
this setName readyToRun.name
try {
} catch case _: (Exception | Error) => {}
this setName s"${readyToRun.name}#post"
currentRunning match
case routine: RoutineTask =>
routine.nextRoutineTimeMillis(routine.currentScheduledTimeMillis) match
case next: Long =>
routine.currentScheduledTimeMillis = next
if (!currentRunning_isScheduledCancel) schedule(routine)
case _ =>
case _ =>
this setName runnerName
currentRunning = null
case needToWaitMillis: Long =>
try Thread.sleep(needToWaitMillis)
catch case _: InterruptedException => {}
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
def runnerName: String =
def ++ (task: Task): this.type =
def schedule (task: Task): Boolean =
try taskList.synchronized:
taskList add task
finally runtime.interrupt()
def % (task: Task): this.type =
def cancel (task: Task): Boolean =
try {
val succeed = taskList.synchronized { taskList remove task }
if succeed then succeed
else if task == currentRunning then
currentRunning_isScheduledCancel = true
else false
finally runtime.interrupt()
def amount: Int =
def state: Thread.State =
def stop (): Unit =
exitAtNextRoutine = true
def waitForStop (): Unit =
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
def tagStopAtAllDone (): Unit =
waitForDone = true
def waitForStopAtAllDone(): Unit =
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.internal.schedule
trait Task extends Ordered[Task] {
def name: String
def scheduledTimeMillis: Long
//noinspection UnitMethodIsParameterless
def main: Unit
override def compare (that: Task): Int =
if this.scheduledTimeMillis == that.scheduledTimeMillis then
this.hashCode - that.hashCode
else if this.scheduledTimeMillis > that.scheduledTimeMillis then
else -1
override def toString: String =
s"""${super.toString}{"$name": $scheduledTimeMillis}"""
@ -5,7 +5,12 @@ import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
object EpochDateTime {
/** The UNIX Epoch Time in milliseconds.
* aka. Milliseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on Thursday, 1 January 1970.
type EpochMillis = Long
/** Time duration/interval in milliseconds. */
type DurationMillis = Long
object EpochMillis:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.internal.schedule
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.schedule
trait DelayedTask (
val delayedMillis: Long
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.internal.schedule
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.schedule
trait IntervalTask extends RoutineTask {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.internal.schedule
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.schedule
trait IntervalWithTimesTask extends IntervalTask {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.internal.schedule
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.schedule
trait RoutineTask extends Task {
@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.schedule
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.collection.mutable
/** Stores some [[Task tasks]] and execute them at time defined in task.
* == Usage ==
* Start a new scheduler instance by create a new Scheduler object, and
* the scheduler runner will automatic start to run.
* Using [[Scheduler.++]] or [[Scheduler.schedule]] to add a [[Task]] to
* a Scheduler instance.
* If you want to remove a task, use [[Scheduler.%]] or [[Scheduler.cancel]].
* Removal task should be the same task object, but not just the same name.
* The scheduler will not automatic stop when the tasks is all done and the
* main thread is stopped. You can/should use [[stop]], [[waitForStop]],
* [[tagStopAtAllDone]], [[waitForStopAtAllDone]] to async or syncing stop
* the scheduler.
* == Implementation details ==
* Inside the Scheduler, the runner's implementation is very similar to
* java's [[java.util.Timer]]: There's a task queue sorted by [[Task.scheduledTimeMillis]]
* (which is the default order method implemented in [[Task]]), and a
* runner getting the most previous task in the queue, and sleep to that
* task's execution time.
* Every time the runner is executing a task, it will firstly set its thread name
* to [[Task.name]]. After running a task, if the task have some post-process
* method (like [[RoutineTask]] will do prepare for next routine), the runner's
* thread name will be set to <code>[[Task.name]]#post</code>. After all of
* that, the task is fully complete, and the runner's thread name will be
* reset to [[runnerName]].
class Scheduler {
/** Status tag of this scheduler. */
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
enum State:
/** The scheduler is on init stage, have not prepared for running tasks. */
case INIT
/** The scheduler is managing the task queue, processing the exit signal,
* and looking for the next running task. */
/** The scheduler is infinitely waiting due to there's nothing in the task
* queue. */
/** The scheduler is waiting until the next task's running time. */
/** The scheduler is running a task in the runner. */
/** The scheduler is executing a task's post effect. */
/** The scheduler have been stopped, will not process any more tasks. */
case END
private val taskList: mutable.TreeSet[Task] = mutable.TreeSet.empty
private var exitAtNextRoutine = false
private var waitForDone = false
private var currentRunning: Task|Null = _
private var currentRunning_isScheduledCancel = false
private var runtimeStatus = State.INIT
private val runtime: Thread = new Thread {
override def run (): Unit = {
def willExit: Boolean =
if exitAtNextRoutine then true
else if waitForDone then
if taskList.isEmpty then true
else false
else false
while (!willExit) {
runtimeStatus = State.PREPARE_RUN
val nextMove: Task|Long|"None" = taskList.synchronized {
taskList.headOption match
case Some(_readyToRun) if System.currentTimeMillis >= _readyToRun.scheduledTimeMillis =>
taskList -= _readyToRun
currentRunning = _readyToRun
case Some(_notReady) =>
_notReady.scheduledTimeMillis - System.currentTimeMillis
case None => "None"
nextMove match
case readyToRun: Task =>
runtimeStatus = State.RUNNING
this setName readyToRun.name
try {
} catch case _: (Exception | Error) => {}
runtimeStatus = State.RUNNING_POST
this setName s"${readyToRun.name}#post"
if currentRunning_isScheduledCancel then {}
else {
currentRunning match
case routine: RoutineTask =>
routine.nextRoutineTimeMillis(routine.currentScheduledTimeMillis) match
case next: Long =>
routine.currentScheduledTimeMillis = next
if (!currentRunning_isScheduledCancel) schedule(routine)
case _ =>
case _ =>
currentRunning = null
this setName runnerName
case needToWaitMillis: Long =>
runtimeStatus = State.WAITING
try Thread.sleep(needToWaitMillis)
catch case _: InterruptedException => {}
case _: "None" =>
runtimeStatus = State.WAITING_EMPTY
try Thread.sleep(Long.MaxValue)
catch case _: InterruptedException => {}
runtimeStatus = State.END
runtime setName runnerName
/** Name of the scheduler runner.
* Currently, same with the scheduler [[toString]]
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
def runnerName: String =
/** Add one task to scheduler task queue.
* @return this scheduler for chained call.
def ++ (task: Task): this.type =
/** Add one task to scheduler task queue.
* @return [[true]] if the task is added.
def schedule (task: Task): Boolean =
try taskList.synchronized:
taskList add task
finally runtime.interrupt()
/** Remove the task from scheduler task queue.
* If the removal task is running, the current run will be done, but will
* not do the post effect of the task (like schedule the next routine
* of [[RoutineTask]]).
* @return this scheduler for chained call.
def % (task: Task): this.type =
/** Remove the task from scheduler task queue.
* If the removal task is running, the current run will be done, but will
* not do the post effect of the task (like schedule the next routine
* of [[RoutineTask]]).
* @return [[true]] if the task is in task queue or is running, and have been
* succeed removed from task queue.
def cancel (task: Task): Boolean =
try {
val succeed = taskList.synchronized { taskList remove task }
if succeed then succeed
else if task == currentRunning then
currentRunning_isScheduledCancel = true
else false
finally runtime.interrupt()
/** Count of tasks in the task queue.
* Do not contains the running task.
def amount: Int =
/** Current [[State status]] */
def state: this.State =
/** This scheduler's runner thread state */
def runnerState: Thread.State =
/** Stop the scheduler's runner, no matter how much task is not run yet.
* After call this, it will immediately give a signal to the runner for
* stopping it. If the runner is not running any task, it will stop immediately;
* If there's one task running, the runner will continue executing until
* the current task is done and the current task's post effect is done, then
* stop.
* This method is async, means complete this method does not means the
* runner is stopped. If you want a sync version, see [[waitForStop]].
def stop (): Unit =
exitAtNextRoutine = true
/** Stop the scheduler's runner, no matter how much task is not run yet,
* and wait for the runner stopped.
* It do the same job with [[stop]], the only different is this method
* will join the runner thread to wait it stopped.
* @throws InterruptedException if any thread has interrupted the current
* thread. The interrupted status of the current
* thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
def waitForStop (): Unit =
/** Tag this scheduler runner stop when all of the scheduler's task in task
* queue have been stopped.
* After called this method, the runner will exit when all tasks executed done
* and there's no more task can be found in task queue.
* Notice that if there's [[RoutineTask]] in task queue, due to the routine
* task will re-enter the task queue in task's post effect stage after executed,
* it will cause the task queue will never be empty. You may need to remove all
* routine tasks before calling this.
* This method is async, means complete this method does not means the
* runner is stopped. If you want a sync version, see [[waitForStopAtAllDone]].
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
def tagStopAtAllDone (): Unit =
waitForDone = true
/** Tag this scheduler runner stop when all of the scheduler's task in task
* queue have been stopped, and wait for the runner stopped.
* It do the same job with [[tagStopAtAllDone]], the only different is this method
* will join the runner thread to wait it stopped.
* @throws InterruptedException if any thread has interrupted the current
* thread. The interrupted status of the current
* thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
def waitForStopAtAllDone(): Unit =
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.schedule
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.EpochDateTime.EpochMillis
/** A schedule task that can be added to [[Scheduler]].
* Contains some basic task information: [[name]], [[scheduledTimeMillis]],
* and [[main]] as the method which will be called.
* Tasks are ordered by time, and makes sure that two different task instance
* <blockquote>
* When comparing two tasks, it will firstly compare the [[scheduledTimeMillis]]:
* If the result is the not the same, return it; If the result is the same, then
* using [[Object]]'s compare method to compare it.
* </blockquote>
trait Task extends Ordered[Task] {
/** Task name. Also the executor thread name when task is executing.
* Will be used in [[Scheduler]] to change the running thread's name.
def name: String
/** Next running time.
* If it is smaller than current time, the task should be executed immediately.
def scheduledTimeMillis: EpochMillis
//noinspection UnitMethodIsParameterless
def main: Unit
override def compare (that: Task): Int =
scheduledTimeMillis.compareTo(that.scheduledTimeMillis) match
case 0 => this.hashCode - that.hashCode
case n => n
/** Returns this task's object name and the task name.
* for example:
* {{{
* scala> val task = new Task {
* val name = "example-task"
* val scheduledTimeMillis = 0
* def main = println("example")
* }
* val task: cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.schedule.Task = anon$1@26d8908e{"example-task": 0}
* scala> task.toString
* val res0: String = anon$1@26d8908e{"example-task": 0}
* }}}
override def toString: String =
s"""${super.toString}{"$name": $scheduledTimeMillis}"""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user