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No commits in common. "025f152417e0862971c91a6ab2f292167a5dae9a" and "8d04d6529c4fc94cde2451f63d565afd6f4bf58b" have entirely different histories.

12 changed files with 16 additions and 382 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ object MornyConfiguration {
val VERSION = "2.0.0-alpha16"
val VERSION = "2.0.0-alpha14"
val VERSION_DELTA: Option[String] = None
val CODENAME = "guanggu"

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@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.Log.logger
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.MornyCoeur.*
import{EventListenerManager, MornyCommandManager, MornyQueryManager}
import{MornyOnInlineQuery, MornyOnTelegramCommand, MornyOnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.http.api.{HttpServer, MornyHttpServerContext}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.http.internal.MornyHttpServerContextImpl
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.reporter.MornyReport
@ -169,8 +167,6 @@ class MornyCoeur (modules: List[MornyModule])(using val config: MornyConfig)(tes
val tasks: Scheduler = Scheduler()
/** current Morny's [[MornyTrusted]] instance */
val trusted: MornyTrusted = MornyTrusted()
private val _messageThreading: ThreadingManagerImpl = ThreadingManagerImpl(using account)
val messageThreading: ThreadingManager = _messageThreading
val eventManager: EventListenerManager = EventListenerManager()
val commands: MornyCommandManager = MornyCommandManager()
@ -190,7 +186,6 @@ class MornyCoeur (modules: List[MornyModule])(using val config: MornyConfig)(tes
eventManager register MornyOnUpdateTimestampOffsetLock()
eventManager register MornyOnTelegramCommand(using commands)
eventManager register MornyOnInlineQuery(using queries)
eventManager register _messageThreading.NextMessageCatcher
{ // register core commands
import bot.command.*
val $MornyHellos = MornyHellos()
@ -210,7 +205,6 @@ class MornyCoeur (modules: List[MornyModule])(using val config: MornyConfig)(tes

View File

@ -102,24 +102,12 @@ public class MornyConfig {
public final boolean commandLoginRefresh;
public final boolean commandLogoutClear;
/* ======================================= *
* system: inline queries *
* ======================================= */
public final int inlineQueryCacheTimeMax;
/* ======================================= *
* system: http server *
* ======================================= */
public final int httpPort;
/* ======================================= *
* system: debug flags *
* ======================================= */
public final boolean debugMode;
/* ======================================= *
* function: reporter *
* ======================================= */
@ -184,8 +172,6 @@ public class MornyConfig {
this.medicationNotifyAt = prototype.medicationNotifyAt;
if (prototype.httpPort < 0 || prototype.httpPort > 65535) throw new CheckFailure.UnavailableHttpPort();
this.httpPort = prototype.httpPort;
this.debugMode = prototype.debugMode;
this.inlineQueryCacheTimeMax = prototype.inlineQueryCacheTimeMax;
public static class CheckFailure extends RuntimeException {
@ -217,8 +203,6 @@ public class MornyConfig {
@Nonnull public ZoneOffset medicationTimerUseTimezone = ZoneOffset.UTC;
@Nonnull public final Set<Integer> medicationNotifyAt = new HashSet<>();
public int httpPort = 30179;
public boolean debugMode = false;
public int inlineQueryCacheTimeMax = 300;

View File

@ -30,16 +30,7 @@ object ServerMain {
while (i < args.length) {
args(i) match {
case "-d" | "--debug" =>
config.debugMode = true
case "--debug-run" =>
config.debugMode = true
case "--dbg" =>
deprecatedArgs += "--dbg" -> "--verbose-logging"
case "--verbose-logging" | "--verbose" =>
case "-d" | "--dbg" | "--debug" => Log.debug(true)
case "-t" | "--test" => mode_testRun = true
case "--no-hello" | "-hf" | "--quiet" | "-q" => showHello = false
@ -119,31 +110,10 @@ object ServerMain {
| ${deprecatedArgs map((d, n) => s"$d : use $n instead") mkString "\n "}
if (config.debugMode && Log.debug)
logger `warn`
"""Coeur Debug mode enabled.
| The debug log will be outputted, and caches will be disabled.
| It will cause much unnecessary performance cost, may caused extremely slow down on your bot.
| Make sure that you are not in production environment.
| Since 2.0.0, this mode is the combined of the two following options:
| --debug-run enable coeur debug mode, that will disabled all the caches.
| --verbose-logging enable the logger to output debug/trace logs."""
else if (config.debugMode)
logger `warn`
"""Coeur Debug mode enabled.
| All the bot caches will be disabled.
| It will cause much unnecessary performance cost, may caused extremely slow down on your bot.
| Make sure that you are not in production environment."""
else if (Log debug)
if (Log debug)
logger `warn`
"""Debug log output enabled.
| It will output much more debug/trace logs, may lower your performance,
| so make sure that you are not in production environment."""
| It may lower your performance, make sure that you are not in production environment."""
if (mode_echoVersion) {

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
import{CallbackParameterized, ThreadKey}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.Standardize.{ChatID, UserID}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.EpochDateTime.DurationMillis
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Message
trait MessageThread [P] {
val starterContext: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage
lazy val threadKey: ThreadKey = ThreadKey `fromContext` starterContext
val passingData: P
val callback: CallbackParameterized[P]
val timeout: DurationMillis = 5 * 60 * 1000
def continueThread (continuingMessage: Message): Unit = {
callback.callback(continuingMessage, starterContext, passingData)
object MessageThread {
trait Callback:
def callback(message: Message, previousContext: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage): Any
trait CallbackParameterized [P]:
def callback(message: Message, previousContext: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage, passingContext: P): Any
given Conversion[Callback, CallbackParameterized[Unit]] =
(callback: Callback) => (message, previousContext, _) => callback.callback(message, previousContext)
def apply [P]
(using _cxt: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage)
(_data: P)
(_callback: CallbackParameterized[P])
: MessageThread[P] = new MessageThread[P] {
override val starterContext: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage = _cxt
override val passingData: P = _data
override val callback: CallbackParameterized[P] = _callback
def apply
(using _cxt: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage)
(_callback: Callback)
: MessageThread[Unit] = new MessageThread[Unit] {
override val starterContext: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage = _cxt
override val passingData: Unit = ()
override val callback: CallbackParameterized[Unit] = _callback
case class ThreadKey (chatid: ChatID, userid: UserID)
object ThreadKey:
infix def fromMessage (message: Message): ThreadKey =
ThreadKey(, message.from().id())
infix def fromContext (cxt: MessagingContext.WithUser): ThreadKey =

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Chat, Message, User}
* @since 2.0.0
trait MessagingContext:
val bind_chat: Chat
* @since 2.0.0
object MessagingContext {
given String = "aaa"
def apply (_chat: Chat): MessagingContext =
new MessagingContext:
override val bind_chat: Chat = _chat
trait WithUser extends MessagingContext:
val bind_user: User
def apply (_chat: Chat, _user: User): WithUser =
new WithUser:
override val bind_chat: Chat = _chat
override val bind_user: User = _user
trait WithMessage extends MessagingContext:
val bind_message: Message
def apply (_chat: Chat, _message: Message): WithMessage =
new WithMessage:
override val bind_chat: Chat = _chat
override val bind_message: Message = _message
trait WithUserAndMessage extends MessagingContext with WithMessage with WithUser
def apply (_chat: Chat, _user: User, _message: Message): WithUserAndMessage =
new WithUserAndMessage:
override val bind_chat: Chat = _chat
override val bind_user: User = _user
override val bind_message: Message = _message
/** Extract a message context from a message (or message event).
* @param message The message.
* @return The message context, contains the message's belongs chat, sender user and message itself.
def extract (using message: Message): WithUserAndMessage =
apply(, message.from, message)

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
import{Callback, CallbackParameterized, ThreadKey}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Message
/** Message threads controller.
trait ThreadingManager {
/** Do the `_callback` when the next message is arrived.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param _cxt Current message event context.
* @param _callback Function that will be executed in the next message.
def doAfter
(using _cxt: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage)
(_callback: Callback)
: Unit
/** Do the `_callback` when the next message is arrived.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param _cxt Current message event context.
* @param _data Data that will passing to the `_callback` from current context.
* @param _callback The callback function that will be executed in the next message.
* @tparam P Type of the passing `_data`.
def doAfter[P]
(using _cxt: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage)
(_data: P)
(_callback: CallbackParameterized[P])
: Unit
* @since 2.0.0
def doAfter[P] (thread: MessageThread[P]): Unit
/** Try to continue run a message thread using the given message.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param message The message that will be used to continue the thread.
* @return `true` if any one message thread is successfully continued, `false` if this given
* message cannot continue any one message thread.
def tryUpdate (message: Message): Boolean
/** Cancel a message thread.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param threadKey The key of the message thread.
* @return `true` if there's any one message thread is canceled, `false` if there's no message
* thread associated with the given key.
def cancelThread (threadKey: ThreadKey): Boolean

View File

@ -18,14 +18,11 @@ class MornyOnInlineQuery (using queryManager: MornyQueryManager) (using coeur: M
val results: List[InlineQueryUnit[?]] = queryManager `query` update
var cacheTime =
if (coeur.config.debugMode) 0
else coeur.config.inlineQueryCacheTimeMax
var cacheTime = Int.MaxValue
var isPersonal = InlineQueryUnit.defaults.IS_PERSONAL
val resultAnswers = ListBuffer[InlineQueryResult[?]]()
for (r <- results) {
if (!coeur.config.debugMode)
if (cacheTime > r.cacheTime) cacheTime = r.cacheTime
if (cacheTime > r.cacheTime) cacheTime = r.cacheTime
if (r isPersonal) isPersonal = true
resultAnswers += r.result

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
import{EventEnv, EventListener, ICommandAlias, ISimpleCommand}
import{MessageThread, MessagingContext, ThreadingManager}
import{Callback, CallbackParameterized, ThreadKey}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.schedule.{DelayedTask, Scheduler, Task}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.TelegramExtensions.Requests.unsafeExecute
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Message, Update}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.TelegramBot
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
class ThreadingManagerImpl (using bot: TelegramBot) extends ThreadingManager {
private val threadMap = collection.mutable.Map[ThreadKey, InternalMessageThread[?]]()
private val threadMapCleaner = Scheduler(isDaemon = true)
private class InternalMessageThread [P] (
val thread: MessageThread[P]
) {
val timeoutCleanerTask: Task = ThreadingCleanerTask(this)
def onExecuteIt (message: Message): Boolean =
val succeed = threadMap.synchronized:
if succeed then
def onCancelIt (): Boolean =
threadMapCleaner % timeoutCleanerTask
private def ThreadingCleanerTask [P] (iThread: InternalMessageThread[P]): Task =
DelayedTask(s"", iThread.thread.timeout, {
s"Timeout for future messages."
threadMap -= iThread.thread.threadKey
private def registerThread [P] (thread: MessageThread[P]): Unit = {
if this.cancelThread(thread.threadKey) then
"""There seems another message thread is waiting for future messages.
|That thread has been canceled automatically.
val iThread = InternalMessageThread[P](thread)
threadMapCleaner ++ iThread.timeoutCleanerTask
threadMap += (thread.threadKey -> iThread)
override def doAfter
(using _cxt: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage)
(_callback: Callback)
: Unit =
override def doAfter[P]
(using _cxt: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage)
(_data: P)
(_callback: CallbackParameterized[P])
: Unit =
override def doAfter[P] (thread: MessageThread[P]): Unit =
override def tryUpdate (message: Message): Boolean =
threadMap.get(ThreadKey fromMessage message)
override def cancelThread (threadKey: ThreadKey): Boolean =
object NextMessageCatcher extends EventListener {
override def onMessage (using event: EventEnv): Unit = {
if tryUpdate(event.update.message) then
object CancelCommand extends ISimpleCommand {
override val name: String = "cancel"
override val aliases: List[ICommandAlias] = Nil
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit = {
if cancelThread(ThreadKey fromMessage event.message) then
"No active message thread to cancel."

View File

@ -2,14 +2,15 @@ package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.morny_misc
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.core.MornyCoeur
import{ICommandAlias, ISimpleCommand}
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.InputCommand
import cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi.TelegramExtensions.Requests.unsafeExecute
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Message, Update}
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request.ParseMode
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.TelegramBot
import scala.language.postfixOps
class Testing (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ISimpleCommand {
private given TelegramBot = coeur.account
@ -17,27 +18,14 @@ class Testing (using coeur: MornyCoeur) extends ISimpleCommand {
override val aliases: List[ICommandAlias] = Nil
override def execute (using command: InputCommand, event: Update): Unit = {
given context: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage = MessagingContext.extract(using event.message)
// language=html
"<b>Just</b> a TEST command.\n"
+ "Please input something to test the command."
"<b>Just</b> a TEST command."
).replyToMessageId(event.message.messageId).parseMode(ParseMode HTML)
private def execute2 (message: Message, previousContext: MessagingContext.WithUserAndMessage): Unit = {
// language=html
"<b><u>Test command with following input:</u></b>\n" + message.text
).replyToMessageId(message.messageId).parseMode(ParseMode HTML)

View File

@ -18,16 +18,10 @@ import scala.collection.mutable
* If you want to remove a task, use [[Scheduler.%]] or [[Scheduler.cancel]].
* Removal task should be the same task object, but not just the same name.
* As defaults behavior, the scheduler will not automatic stop when the tasks
* is all done and the main thread is stopped. You can/should use [[stop]],
* [[waitForStop]], [[tagStopAtAllDone]], [[waitForStopAtAllDone]] to async
* or syncing stop the scheduler.
* If you want to let it stop automatically when the main thread is stopped,
* set the `isDaemon` parameter to `true` when creating the scheduler. Therefore
* this scheduler's runner thread will be tagged as a daemon thread, and will
* automatically stop when the main thread is stopped. For more details about daemon
* thread, see [[Thread.setDaemon]].
* The scheduler will not automatic stop when the tasks is all done and the
* main thread is stopped. You can/should use [[stop]], [[waitForStop]],
* [[tagStopAtAllDone]], [[waitForStopAtAllDone]] to async or syncing stop
* the scheduler.
* == Implementation details ==
@ -43,11 +37,8 @@ import scala.collection.mutable
* thread name will be set to <code>[[]]#post</code>. After all of
* that, the task is fully complete, and the runner's thread name will be
* reset to [[runnerName]].
* @param isDaemon if the runner thread should be a daemon thread. See [[Thread.setDaemon]]
* for more information. Defaults are false.
class Scheduler (isDaemon: Boolean = false) {
class Scheduler {
/** Status tag of this scheduler. */
//noinspection ScalaWeakerAccess
@ -143,7 +134,6 @@ class Scheduler (isDaemon: Boolean = false) {
runtime `setName` runnerName
/** Name of the scheduler runner.

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@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
package cc.sukazyo.cono.morny.util.tgapi
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.{Chat, Message, User}
object Standardize {
type UserID = Long
type ChatID = Long
type MessageID = Int
val MASK_BOTAPI_ID: Long = -1000000000000