mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 22:28:46 +08:00
- ShareToolBilibili now searches all the urls in query string, include b23.tv share url, av/BV id, video url, then rewrites them all and outputs. - ShareToolTwitter now searches all the urls instead of matches in the query string. - ShareToolXhs now uses searchUrls, instead of old match url or search share text. Also supported multiple urls match in one query.
253 lines
8.4 KiB
253 lines
8.4 KiB
plugins {
id 'scala'
id 'java-library'
id 'application'
id 'maven-publish'
id "io.github.ysohda.scalatest" version "0.32.1"
id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '8.1.1'
id 'com.github.gmazzo.buildconfig' version '4.1.2'
id 'org.ajoberstar.grgit' version '5.2.0'
id "me.champeau.jmh" version "0.7.2"
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Status
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
final boolean proj_git = grgit != null
final String proj_store = MORNY_CODE_STORE
final String proj_commit = proj_git ? grgit.head().id : null
final String proj_commit_path = MORNY_COMMIT_PATH
final boolean proj_clean = isCleanBuild()
if (!proj_git)
println "[MornyBuild] git repository not available for current working space! git version tag will be disabled."
else if (isCleanBuild()) {
println "git: clean build at ${grgit.head().id}"
else {
final Status status = grgit.status()
println "git: non-clean-build"
if (!status.unstaged.allChanges.empty) {
println "git: unstaged changes"
if (!status.staged.allChanges.empty) {
println "git: staged changes"
final String proj_group = 'cc.sukazyo'
final String proj_package = "${proj_group}.cono.morny"
final String proj_archive_name = MORNY_ARCHIVE_NAME
final String proj_application_main = "${proj_package}.ServerMain"
final String proj_version_base = VERSION
final String proj_version_delta = VERSION_DELTA
final boolean proj_version_use_delta = Boolean.parseBoolean(USE_DELTA)
final String proj_version = proj_version_base + (proj_version_use_delta ? "-δ${proj_version_delta}" : "")
final String proj_version_full = proj_version + (proj_git ?
"+git.${proj_commit.substring(0, 8)}" + (proj_clean ? "" : ".δ") : "")
final String proj_version_codename = CODENAME
final long proj_code_time = proj_clean ? grgit.head().dateTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli() : System.currentTimeMillis()
final JavaVersion proj_java = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
final Charset proj_file_encoding = StandardCharsets.UTF_8
final proj_scala_api = 3
//final proj_scala_lib = proj_scala_api+'.4.0-RC1-bin-20230901-89e8dba-NIGHTLY'
final proj_scala_lib = proj_scala_api + '.3.1'
String publish_local_url = null
String publish_remote_url = null
String publish_remote_username = null
String publish_remote_password = null
if (project.hasProperty("publishLocalArchiveRepoUrl")) publish_local_url = publishLocalArchiveRepoUrl
if (project.hasProperty("publishMvnRepoUrl")) {
publish_remote_url = publishMvnRepoUrl
publish_remote_username = publishMvnRepoUsername
publish_remote_password = publishMvnRepoPassword
group proj_group
version proj_version_full
repositories {
maven { name '-ws'; url 'https://mvn.sukazyo.cc/releases' }
dependencies {
api group: 'org.scala-lang', name: 'scala3-library_3', version: proj_scala_lib
final scala = (String name) -> "${name}_$proj_scala_api"
compileOnlyApi group: 'com.github.spotbugs', name: 'spotbugs-annotations', version: lib_spotbugs_v
implementation group: 'cc.sukazyo', name: 'messiva', version: lib_messiva_v
implementation group: 'cc.sukazyo', name: 'resource-tools', version: lib_resourcetools_v
implementation group: 'com.github.pengrad', name: 'java-telegram-bot-api', version: lib_javatelegramapi_v
implementation group: 'com.softwaremill.sttp.client3', name: scala('core'), version: lib_sttp_v
implementation group: 'com.softwaremill.sttp.client3', name: scala('okhttp-backend'), version: lib_sttp_v
runtimeOnly group: 'com.squareup.okhttp3', name: 'okhttp', version: lib_okhttp_v
runtimeOnly group: 'com.squareup.okio', name: 'okio-jvm', version: lib_okio_v
implementation group: 'com.google.code.gson', name: 'gson', version: lib_gson_v
implementation group: 'io.circe', name: scala('circe-core'), version: lib_circe_v
implementation group: 'io.circe', name: scala('circe-generic'), version: lib_circe_v
implementation group: 'io.circe', name: scala('circe-parser'), version: lib_circe_v
implementation group: 'io.circe', name: scala('circe-yaml-v12'), version: '0.16.0'
implementation group: 'org.jsoup', name: 'jsoup', version: lib_jsoup_v
implementation group: 'com.cronutils', name: 'cron-utils', version: lib_cron_utils_v
// used for disable slf4j
// due to the slf4j api have been used in the following libraries:
// - cron-utils
runtimeOnly group: 'org.slf4j', name: 'slf4j-nop', version: lib_slf4j_v
testRuntimeOnly group: 'org.slf4j', name: 'slf4j-nop', version: lib_slf4j_v
testImplementation group: 'cc.sukazyo', name: 'resource-tools', version: lib_resourcetools_v
testImplementation group: 'org.scalatest', name: scala('scalatest'), version: lib_scalatest_v
testImplementation group: 'org.scalatest', name: scala('scalatest-freespec'), version: lib_scalatest_v
testRuntimeOnly group: 'org.scala-lang.modules', name: scala('scala-xml'), version: lib_scalamodule_xml_v
// for generating HTML report: required by gradle-scalatest plugin
testRuntimeOnly group: 'com.vladsch.flexmark', name: 'flexmark-all', version: '0.64.8'
java {
sourceSets {
main {
java { destinationDirectory.set file("build/classes/main") }
scala { destinationDirectory.set file("build/classes/main") }
test {
java { destinationDirectory.set file("build/classes/test") }
scala { destinationDirectory.set file("build/classes/test") }
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
sourceCompatibility proj_java.getMajorVersion()
targetCompatibility proj_java.getMajorVersion()
options.encoding = proj_file_encoding.name()
tasks.withType(ScalaCompile).configureEach {
sourceCompatibility proj_java.getMajorVersion()
targetCompatibility proj_java.getMajorVersion()
scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters.add "-language:postfixOps"
scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters.addAll ("-Xmax-inlines", "256")
scalaCompileOptions.encoding = proj_file_encoding.name()
options.encoding = proj_file_encoding.name()
tasks.withType(Javadoc).configureEach {
options.encoding = proj_file_encoding.name()
//tasks.withType(ScalaDoc).configureEach {
test {
application {
mainClass = proj_application_main
buildConfig {
buildConfigField('String', 'VERSION', "\"${proj_version}\"")
buildConfigField('String', 'VERSION_FULL', "\"${proj_version_full}\"")
buildConfigField('String', 'VERSION_BASE', "\"${proj_version_base}\"")
buildConfigField('String', 'VERSION_DELTA', proj_version_use_delta ? "\"${proj_version_delta}\"" : "null")
buildConfigField('String', 'CODENAME', "\"${proj_version_codename}\"")
buildConfigField('long', 'CODE_TIMESTAMP', "${proj_code_time}L")
buildConfigField('String', 'COMMIT', proj_git ? "\"${proj_commit}\"" : "null")
buildConfigField('boolean', 'CLEAN_BUILD', "${proj_clean}")
buildConfigField('String', 'CODE_STORE', proj_store == "" ? "null" : "\"${proj_store}\"")
buildConfigField('String', 'COMMIT_PATH', proj_commit_path == "" ? "null" : "\"${proj_commit_path}\"")
tasks.withType(Jar).configureEach {
archiveBaseName.set proj_archive_name
shadowJar {
archiveClassifier.set "fat"
if (project.hasProperty("dockerBuild")) {
println "shadow-jar: using docker build name"
archiveVersion.set ""
archiveClassifier.set "docker-build"
boolean isCleanBuild () {
if (grgit == null) return false
Set<String> changes = grgit.status().unstaged.allChanges + grgit.status().staged.allChanges
for (String file in changes) {
if (file.startsWith("src/")) return false
if (file == "build.gradle") return false
if (file == "gradle.properties") return false
return true
void listChanges (Status.Changes listing) {
for (String file in listing.added)
println " add: ${file}"
for (String file in listing.modified)
println " mod: ${file}"
for (String file in listing.removed)
println " del: ${file}"
publishing {
repositories {
if (publish_local_url != null) maven {
name 'archives'
url publish_local_url
if (publish_remote_url != null) maven {
name '-ws-'
url publish_remote_url
credentials {
username publish_remote_username
password publish_remote_password
publications {
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
main(MavenPublication) {
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
from components.java
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
groupId = proj_group
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
artifactId = proj_archive_name
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
version = proj_version