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synced 2025-02-23 06:38:48 +08:00
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61 lines
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import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk
import org.eclipse.jgit.storage.file.FileRepositoryBuilder
import sbt.*
//noinspection TypeAnnotation
object MornyProject {
val _git_repo = new FileRepositoryBuilder()
val _git = new Git(_git_repo)
def _git_head = _git_repo.resolve("HEAD")
def _git_head_commit = new RevWalk(_git_repo).parseCommit(_git_head)
val git_exists = true
val git_store = MornyConfiguration.MORNY_CODE_STORE
def git_commit = _git_head_commit.getName
def git_commit_time = _git_head_commit.getCommitTime*1000L
val git_store_path = MornyConfiguration.MORNY_COMMIT_PATH
// todo: is clean for project should only take care of app src and build src
def git_is_clean = _git.status.call.isClean
// todo: git status log
// val app_group = "cc.sukazyo"
// val app_package = s"$app_group.cono.morny"
// val app_application_main = s"$app_package.core.ServerMain"
val version_base = MornyConfiguration.VERSION
val version_delta = MornyConfiguration.VERSION_DELTA
val version_is_snapshot = MornyConfiguration.SNAPSHOT
val version = Seq(
version_delta match { case Some(value) => "δ" + value case None => null},
if (version_is_snapshot) "SNAPSHOT" else null
).filterNot(f => f == null).mkString("-")
def version_full = version + (if (!git_exists) "" else
s"+git${git_commit take 8}${if (git_is_clean) "" else ".δ"}")
val version_codename = MornyConfiguration.CODENAME
def code_time = if (git_is_clean) git_commit_time else System.currentTimeMillis
val group = MornyConfiguration.GROUP
val group_name = MornyConfiguration.GROUP_NAME
val docker_image_name = MornyConfiguration.DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME
val publishWithFatJar = !version_is_snapshot
val publishWithDocJar = !version_is_snapshot
def publishTo = MornyConfiguration.publishTo
val publishCredentials = MornyConfiguration.publishCredentials
val source_encoding = "utf-8"
val morny_system_lib = MornyConfiguration.Morny_System_Library
val morny_core = MornyConfiguration.Morny_Core
val morny_coeur = MornyConfiguration.Morny_Coeur