@ -1,255 +1,35 @@
from typing import Callable, Iterable, TypeVar
from genericpath import exists
from typing import Iterable
from enum import Enum
from math import nan
import os
from os import path
import sys
import shutil
#=== Global Parameters ===#
dry_run: bool = False
#=== Utils ===#
import re
import hashlib
T_WaitForInput_Res = TypeVar('T_WaitForInput_Res')
def wait_for_input (cb: Callable[[str], T_WaitForInput_Res|None]) -> T_WaitForInput_Res:
while True:
_in = input()
_out = cb(_in)
if _out != None:
return _out
def replace_env_variables(input_string):
Replaces environment variables in the input string with their current values.
def replace_env(match):
env_var = match.group(1)
return os.environ.get(env_var, f"${{{env_var}}}")
# Use regular expression to find environment variable placeholders
pattern = r"%(\w+)%"
replaced_string = re.sub(pattern, replace_env, input_string)
return replaced_string
def sorted_paths (paths: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]:
fin = sorted(paths)
return fin
def de_abs_path (path: str) -> str:
return path.strip('/').strip('\\')
def get_file_hash(file_path: str) -> str:
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
bytes = f.read() # read entire file as bytes
readable_hash = hashlib.md5(bytes).hexdigest()
return readable_hash
def ensure_file_dir (file_path: str) -> None:
dir: str = path.dirname(file_path)
if dir != '' and not path.exists(dir):
if not dry_run:
print(f":created parent dir {dir}")
def copyfile (src: str, dest: str) -> None:
if not dry_run:
shutil.copy2(src, dest)
print(f":copied {src} -> {dest}")
print(f":updated {dest}")
def delfile (file_path: str) -> None:
if not dry_run:
print(f":deleted {file_path}")
#=== Backup Item ===#
class BackupItem:
def __init__ (self, backup_dir: str, origin_dir: str) -> None:
self.name: str = backup_dir
self.backup_dir: str = path.join(backup_root, backup_dir)
self.origin_dir: str = path.abspath(replace_env_variables(path.expanduser(origin_dir)))
def execute_sync (backupItem: BackupItem) -> None:
print(f">>> executing backup for {backupItem.name}")
exec_gallery: list[Callable] = []
### for file mode
if (path.isfile(backupItem.origin_dir)) or (path.isfile(backupItem.backup_dir)):
exec_gallery.append(compare_file(backupItem, None))
### for dir mode
all_files_tmp: list[str] = []
def walk_dir (walking_dir: str):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(walking_dir):
common_root: str = path.commonpath([root, walking_dir])
if common_root == walking_dir:
relative_root: str = root[len(walking_dir):]
print(f"WARN: cannot find common root for {root} and {walking_dir}, will break this dir.")
for file in files:
relative_file_path = de_abs_path(path.join(relative_root, file))
# print(f"find file in source: {`relative_file_path`}")
all_files: list[str] = sorted_paths(set(all_files_tmp))
for file in all_files:
exec_gallery.append(compare_file(backupItem, file))
if exec_gallery.__len__() == 0:
print("no files to sync ~")
while True:
print("! sync those files now? [y/n] ", end="")
_in = input()
if _in == 'y':
for i in exec_gallery:
elif _in == 'n':
def compare_file (rootBackItem: BackupItem, relative_file_path: str|None) -> Callable:
class NewerStatus (Enum):
SAME = 0
class FileStatus:
def __init__ (self, realpath: str) -> None:
self.path = realpath
self.exists = path.exists(realpath)
if self.exists:
self.size = path.getsize(realpath)
self.edited_time = path.getmtime(realpath)
def hash_of_file (self) -> str:
if not self.exists:
return ""
return get_file_hash(self.path)
def FileSameCheck (left: FileStatus, right: FileStatus) -> NewerStatus:
def check_hash_same_or (status: NewerStatus) -> NewerStatus: # TODO: add to compare
if left.hash_of_file() == right.hash_of_file():
return NewerStatus.SAME
return status
if not left.exists:
if not right.exists:
return NewerStatus.ALL_MISSING
return NewerStatus.LEFT_MISSING
if not right.exists:
if not left.exists:
return NewerStatus.ALL_MISSING
return NewerStatus.RIGHT_MISSING
if left.edited_time > right.edited_time:
return NewerStatus.LEFT_OLDER
elif left.edited_time < right.edited_time:
return NewerStatus.RIGHT_OLDER
if left.size != right.size:
return NewerStatus.DIFFERENT
return NewerStatus.SAME
if relative_file_path == None:
backup_item: FileStatus = FileStatus(rootBackItem.backup_dir)
origin_item: FileStatus = FileStatus(rootBackItem.origin_dir)
file_id: str = rootBackItem.name
backup_item: FileStatus = FileStatus(path.join(rootBackItem.backup_dir, relative_file_path))
origin_item: FileStatus = FileStatus(path.join(rootBackItem.origin_dir, relative_file_path))
file_id: str = relative_file_path
# print(f"((backup_item: {backup_item.path}))")
# print(f"((origin_item: {origin_item.path}))")
def wait_for_if_remove (onSync = Callable, onRemove = Callable) -> Callable[[str], Callable|None]:
def implementation (_in: str) -> Callable|None:
match _in:
case "s":
return onSync
case "r":
return onRemove
case "i":
return lambda: None
case _:
print("sync or remove? [s=sync/r=remove/i=ignore] ", end="")
return None
return implementation
match FileSameCheck(origin_item, backup_item):
case NewerStatus.SAME:
# print(f"{file_id} : is same")
case NewerStatus.RIGHT_OLDER:
print(f"{file_id} : local file is newer")
return lambda: copyfile(origin_item.path, backup_item.path)
case NewerStatus.LEFT_OLDER:
print(f"{file_id} : backup file is newer")
return lambda: copyfile(backup_item.path, origin_item.path)
case NewerStatus.RIGHT_MISSING:
print(f"{file_id} : backup file is missing, sync or remove? [s=sync/r=remove/i=ignore] ", end="")
return wait_for_input(wait_for_if_remove(
onSync = lambda: copyfile(origin_item.path, backup_item.path),
onRemove = lambda: delfile(origin_item.path)
case NewerStatus.LEFT_MISSING:
print(f"{file_id} : local file is missing, sync or remove? [s=sync/r=remove/i=ignore] ", end="")
exec = wait_for_input(wait_for_if_remove(
onSync = lambda: copyfile(backup_item.path, origin_item.path),
onRemove = lambda: delfile(backup_item.path)
return exec
case NewerStatus.DIFFERENT:
print(f"{file_id} : backup is different with local, which to keep? [b=backup/l=local/i=ignore] ", end="")
return wait_for_input(lambda _in: (
(lambda: copyfile(backup_item.path, origin_item.path)) if _in == 'l' else
(lambda: copyfile(origin_item.path, backup_item.path)) if _in == 'b' else
(lambda: None) if _in == 'i' else
case NewerStatus.ALL_MISSING:
print(f"{file_id} : both files are missing, will skipped")
return lambda: None
from pathlib import Path
#=== Init ===#
for i in sys.argv:
if i == "--help" or i == '-h':
print("Usage: sync.py")
print(" -n --dry-run : enable dry-run mode")
print(" -v --version : show version")
print(" -h --help : show this help")
if i == "--version" or i == '-v':
print("dot-config sync.py v1.annie.0-alpha1")
if i == '--dry-run' or i == '-n':
dry_run = True
print("dot-config: global dry-run mode enabled!")
backup_root: str = path.dirname(__file__)
user_home: str = path.expanduser("~")
if user_home == "~":
print("FATAL: Cannot read the user home dir, do you run it in the correct script?")
print("WARN: Cannot read the user home dir, do you run it in the correct script?")
print("dot-config: current user home: " + user_home)
class SysType (Enum):
LINUX = 'linux'
TERMUX = 'termux'
WINDOWS = 'windows'
LINUX = "linux"
TERMUX = "termux"
WINDOWS = "windows"
if ("termux" in backup_root):
sys_type: SysType = SysType.TERMUX
elif (backup_root[0] == "/"):
sys_type: SysType = SysType.LINUX
sys_type: SysType = SysType.WINDOWS
print(f"dot-config: your dot-config path is {backup_root}")
print(f"dot-config: your system type is {sys_type}")
print(f"dot-config: dry run mode is {dry_run}")
print(f"Is all the information correct? [y/n] ", end="")
print(f"dot config: your dot-config path is {backup_root}")
print(f"dot config: your system type is {sys_type}")
print(f"Is all the informations correct? [y/n] ", end="")
while True:
_in = input()
match _in:
@ -262,26 +42,90 @@ while True:
case _:
print("please confirm with [y/n] ", end="")
#=== Utils ===#
def sorted_paths (paths: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]:
fin = sorted(paths)
return fin
def de_abs_path (path: str) -> str:
return path.strip('/').strip('\\')
#=== Backup Item ===#
class BackupItem:
def __init__ (self, backup_dir: str, origin_dir: str) -> None:
self.name: str = backup_dir
self.backup_dir: str = path.join(backup_root, backup_dir)
self.origin_dir: str = path.abspath(path.expanduser(origin_dir))
table: list[BackupItem] = [
BackupItem("PowerShell", "~/Documents/PowerShell"),
BackupItem("lsd", "~/.config/lsd")
def execute_sync (backupItem: BackupItem) -> None:
print(f">>> executing backup for {backupItem.name}")
all_files_tmp: list[str] = []
def walk_dir (walking_dir: str):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(walking_dir):
common_root: str = path.commonpath([root, walking_dir])
if common_root == walking_dir:
relative_root: str = root[len(walking_dir):]
print(f"WARN: cannot find common root for {root} and {walking_dir}, will break this dir.")
for file in files:
relative_file_path = de_abs_path(path.join(relative_root, file))
# print(f"find file in source: {`relative_file_path`}")
all_files: list[str] = sorted_paths(set(all_files_tmp))
for file in all_files:
compare_file(backupItem, file)
# print("\n".join(all_files))
def compare_file (rootBackItem: BackupItem, relative_file_path: str) -> None:
class IsNewerStatus (Enum):
OLDER = -1
SAME = 0
class FileStatus:
def __init__(self, realpath: str) -> None:
self.path = realpath
self.exists = path.exists(realpath)
if self.exists:
self.size = path.getsize(realpath)
self.edited_time = path.getmtime(realpath)
def isNewerThan (self, other):
# type: (FileStatus) -> IsNewerStatus
if not self.exists:
return IsNewerStatus.OLDER
if not other.exists:
return IsNewerStatus.NEWER
if self.edited_time > other.edited_time:
return IsNewerStatus.NEWER
elif self.edited_time < other.edited_time:
return IsNewerStatus.OLDER
if self.size != other.size:
return IsNewerStatus.DIFFERENT
return IsNewerStatus.SAME
backup_item: FileStatus = FileStatus(path.join(rootBackItem.backup_dir, relative_file_path))
origin_item: FileStatus = FileStatus(path.join(rootBackItem.origin_dir, relative_file_path))
match origin_item.isNewerThan(backup_item):
case IsNewerStatus.SAME:
print(f"{relative_file_path} : is same")
case IsNewerStatus.OLDER:
print(f"{relative_file_path} : backup file is newer")
case IsNewerStatus.NEWER:
print(f"{relative_file_path} : original file is newer")
case IsNewerStatus.DIFFERENT:
print(f"{relative_file_path} : WARN : backup is different but cannot determine which is newer")
#=== main ===#
import json
table: list[BackupItem] = []
config_file = path.join(backup_root, f"sync.{sys_type.value}.json")
if not path.isfile(config_file):
print(f"dot-config : FATAL : cannot find config file for current system in {config_file}")
with open(config_file, 'r') as config_file_raw:
config = json.load(config_file_raw)
for i in config['backups']:
here: str = i['path']
there: str = i['source']
print(f"-- loaded [{here}] <-> [{there}]")
table.append(BackupItem(here, there))
for i in table:
# print(f"((BackupItem i : {i.name}))")
# print(f"((i.backup_dir : {i.backup_dir}))")
# print(f"((i.origin_dir : {i.origin_dir}))")