#!/bin/sh PATH=/data/adb/ap/bin:/data/adb/ksu/bin:/data/adb/magisk:/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin:$PATH # functions die() { echo "Error: $@!"; exit 1; } find_busybox() { command -v busybox "$@" } if date -D '%s' -d "$(date '+%s')" 2>&1 | grep -qE "bad date|invalid option"; then find_busybox && date() { $BUSYBOX date "$@"; } || die "date broken" fi download() { if command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then curl --connect-timeout 10 -s "$1" else busybox wget -T 10 --no-check-certificate -qO - "$1" fi } if echo -e "A\nB" | grep -q "A.*B"; then find_busybox || die "grep broken" grep() { $BUSYBOX grep "$@"; } fi set_random_beta() { if [ "$(echo "$MODEL_LIST" | wc -l)" -ne "$(echo "$PRODUCT_LIST" | wc -l)" ]; then die "MODEL_LIST and PRODUCT_LIST have different lengths." fi count=$(echo "$MODEL_LIST" | wc -l) rand_index=$(( $$ % count )) MODEL=$(echo "$MODEL_LIST" | sed -n "$((rand_index + 1))p") PRODUCT=$(echo "$PRODUCT_LIST" | sed -n "$((rand_index + 1))p") DEVICE=$(echo "$PRODUCT" | sed 's/_beta//') } DIR="$MODPATH/autopif" mkdir -p "$DIR" cd "$DIR" download https://developer.android.com/topic/generic-system-image/releases > PIXEL_GSI_HTML || { echo "download failed!" exit 0 } grep -m1 -o 'li>.*(Beta)' PIXEL_GSI_HTML | cut -d\> -f2 grep -m1 -o 'Date:.*' PIXEL_GSI_HTML RELEASE="$(grep -m1 'corresponding Google Pixel builds' PIXEL_GSI_HTML | grep -o '/versions/.*' | cut -d/ -f3)" ID="$(grep -m1 -o 'Build:.*' PIXEL_GSI_HTML | cut -d' ' -f2)" INCREMENTAL="$(grep -m1 -o "$ID-.*-" PIXEL_GSI_HTML | cut -d- -f2)" download "https://developer.android.com$(grep -m1 'corresponding Google Pixel builds' PIXEL_GSI_HTML | grep -o 'href.*' | cut -d\" -f2)" > PIXEL_GET_HTML || exit 1 download "https://developer.android.com$(grep -m1 'Factory images for Google Pixel' PIXEL_GET_HTML | grep -o 'href.*' | cut -d\" -f2)" > PIXEL_BETA_HTML || exit 1 MODEL_LIST="$(grep -A1 'tr id=' PIXEL_BETA_HTML | grep 'td' | sed 's;.*\(.*\);\1;')" PRODUCT_LIST="$(grep -o 'factory/.*_beta' PIXEL_BETA_HTML | cut -d/ -f2)" download https://source.android.com/docs/security/bulletin/pixel > PIXEL_SECBULL_HTML|| exit 1 SECURITY_PATCH="$(grep -A15 "$(grep -m1 -o 'Security patch level:.*' PIXEL_GSI_HTML | cut -d' ' -f4-)" PIXEL_SECBULL_HTML | grep -m1 -B1 '' | grep 'td' | sed 's;.*\(.*\);\1;')" echo "- Selecting Pixel Beta device ..." [ -z "$PRODUCT" ] && set_random_beta echo "$MODEL ($PRODUCT)" sdk_version="$(getprop ro.build.version.sdk)" sdk_version="${sdk_version:-25}" echo "Device SDK version: $sdk_version" echo "- Dumping values to pif.json ..." cat <