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"\"use strict\";Object.defineProperty(exports,\"__esModule\",{value:true});Object.defineProperty(exports,\"default\",{enumerable:true,get:function(){return _default}});function _createMdxContent(props){var _components=Object.assign({h2:\"h2\",p:\"p\",a:\"a\",blockquote:\"blockquote\",em:\"em\"},props.components),PhotoScroll=_components.PhotoScroll;if(!PhotoScroll)_missingMdxReference(\"PhotoScroll\",true);return Vue.h(Vue.Fragment,null,Vue.h(_components.h2,null,\"Description\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Huacha was a lovely and determined trans girl who loved this world.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"She was an OIer and once participated in the National Olympiad in Informatics(NOI).\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"She adored long hair, so she opted for hair extension to fulfill her love for it.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"She loved writing and reading, and she often delved into the works of Lu Xun.\\nShe showcased her fluency in poetry and her ability to critique the world by writing essays, reminiscent of Lu Xun's style.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Realizing her true gender identity at an early age,\\nshe struggled with severe anxiety,\\nwhich she endured silently for a long time.\\nShe always felt that she was trapped in a nightmare of not being recognized as a girl,\\nand she hoped to wake up from it every day.\\nLater, she chose the path of self-discovery, and embraced her identity as a girl.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Huacha was a gentle girl, akin to her friend \",Vue.h(_components.a,{href:\"https://one-among.us/profile/xuewulihuameng\"},\"Xuewulihuameng\"),\".\\nShe offered helpful advice in Zhihu Question \",Vue.h(_components.a,{href:\"https://www.zhihu.com/question/274131925/answer/372594163\"},\"How can I help my MtF friend?\"),\".\\nAfter introducing some suggestions, she wrote at last:\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.blockquote,null,\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,'\"If you actually don\\'t understand how to give reasonable advice when she experiences an emotional breakdown, you can simply accompany her at her side silently (you can even hug her, because when I was in emotional breakdown I hoped someone would hug me)...spend more time with her...\"'),\"\\n\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.h2,null,\"The Blood Mary Observer\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,Vue.h(_components.em,null,\"The Blood Mary Observer\"),\" was a series of articles on Zhihu authored by Hucha.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"She passed away shortly after she wrote down these articles.\\nSo there were only three articles in \",Vue.h(_components.em,null,\"The Blood Mary Observer\"),\".\\nbut the profound content was still worth reading.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"The first article was \",Vue.h(_components.em,null,Vue.h(_components.a,{href:\"https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38000835\"},\"In Memory of Ms.MtF (Mr.Ftm)\")),Vue.h(\"sup\",null,Vue.h(\"a\",{href:\"#footnote-1\",id:\"footnote-ref-1\"},\"1\")),\".\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"The article was written around May to June 2018.\\nAt that time, Zhihu, which was a platform originally claimed to LGBT friendly, started to conduct strict censorship on transgender related topics.\\nMany transgender users were blocked due to this crisis,\\nand many records about transgender community were deleted on these days.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Huacha wrote down the article to accuse Zhihu and express her indignation towards persecution of Transgender community.\\nShe appealed to people that everyone to respect the right of transgender individuals to express their inner thoughts - whether they were MTF or FTM, or individuals of any other gender.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"The article was concise and straightforward, and its words didn't pull any punches.\\njust as the comment said:\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.blockquote,null,\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,'\"This article is quite in the style of Lu Xun. #LOL#\"'),\"\\n\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"The third article was \",Vue.h(_components.em,nul