"\"use strict\";Object.defineProperty(exports,\"__esModule\",{value:true});Object.defineProperty(exports,\"default\",{enumerable:true,get:function(){return _default}});function _createMdxContent(props){var _components=Object.assign({h2:\"h2\",p:\"p\",em:\"em\"},props.components);return Vue.h(Vue.Fragment,null,Vue.h(_components.h2,null,\"Introduction\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Menma is a kind and gentle transgender girl who loves \",Vue.h(_components.em,null,\"Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai\"),\"—the anime, and especially the character Menma. This name is almost her sole identity on all social platforms. Like Menma, she left everyone behind, and this time, perhaps, there will be no reunion ten years later in August.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.h2,null,\"Wish\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"She wants to share her story in her true form and bring happiness to more people.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"She’s a girl who loves life. Beneath the lights, in the simplest of lives, she carries the most distant dreams.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"She enjoys fishing, collecting stamps, singing, and traveling, wanting to connect with the world. She likes recording her life in her own way, leaving marks on the pages of memories. Sometimes, she’s like a painter, sketching a picture of “Old Man Chen”—a tea-drinking, newspaper-reading, fishing enthusiast—in her high school classmates’ memories. At other times, she’s like a poet, using high-level English and Japanese to turn her life's memories into poetry. And sometimes, she’s like an actress, hiding her deepest pain under the importance she places on friendship, playing the reliable listener when others share their troubles.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"In the final moments of her life, she casts a farewell glow to all who knew her. That glow is like the mist that rolls over mountains, like the night music brought by a gentle breeze from a quiet world, like moonlight glistening on the creek. Then, it leaves her ashes as a mark, symbolizing she was once here.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"She wants to inspire others with her strength, bringing hope to more people.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"So, she’s a girl of incredible perseverance. You see, in the starry night, she bears the greatest pressure with the frailest body.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"With type II diabetes, fatty liver, and other underlying health issues, she spent her high school years in Chengdu. After the college entrance exam, she set off for the city by the Jialing River, where she began a new life at Xihua University. Though the school environment wasn’t ideal, her ambition never wavered. As a member of the student council, she faced the intense demands of her research team, but still, she never gave up on her N2 Japanese exam. Such an independent and determined girl deserved a better life, didn’t she?\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"But perhaps God, in His sense of “fairness”, made her meet with family misunderstandings and pressure. Her phone was taken and checked; soon after, her relationships were interfered with by family, and the dreams locked in her heart were repeatedly obstructed when the cupboard door burst open. “My heart’s peaceful place is not my hometown…”\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"She wants to care for the lives of others with a warm and kind heart, bringing them small rays of light.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"So, she’s a girl who can be trusted. You see, far across the mountains and seas, she gave a clear direction in the most complicated of situations.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Evenwhenburdenedwithbothphysicalandpsychologicalpressure,shewouldstilltakecareofhercompanions.She’dplanmealsanditinerariesinadvance,offeringreliablesolutionswhenshelearnedabouttheirbusyschedulesorpersonalpreferences.Thetimesheleftforhercompanionswouldalwaysbeamemorycherishedbyeveryone.Shewasn’tt