[+] Add entry for Futajuhuacha

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* [U] Update entry for Juhuacha
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* [U] Update entry for Futajuhuacha
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* [U] Update entry for Futajuhuacha
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Amika 2024-04-04 02:45:00 +08:00 committed by GitHub
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commit 079f1fd4b6
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
id: Futajuhuacha
profileUrl: ${path}/photos/profile.png
died: '2018-07-11'
# 离世信息公布2018-07-11 0时许
# 最后一条知乎2018-07-10 16时许
zhihu: https://www.zhihu.com/people/bu-shi-zi-de-wen-hao

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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
name: Huacha
alias: Huacha, Futa Juhuacha
location: Chongqing, China
## Description
Huacha was a lovely and determined trans girl who loved this world.
She was an OIer and once participated in the National Olympiad in Informatics(NOI).
She adored long hair, so she opted for hair extension to fulfill her love for it.
She loved writing and reading, and she often delved into the works of Lu Xun.
She showcased her fluency in poetry and her ability to critique the world by writing essays, reminiscent of Lu Xun's style.
Realizing her true gender identity at an early age,
she struggled with severe anxiety,
which she she endured silently for a long time.
She always felt that she was trapped in a nightmare of not being recognized as a girl,
and she hoped to wake up from it everyday.
Later, she chose the path of self-discovery, and embraced her identity as a girl.
Huacha was a gentle girl, akin to her friend [Xuewulihuameng](https://one-among.us/profile/xuewulihuameng).
She offered helpful advice in Zhihu Question [How can I help my MtF friend?](https://www.zhihu.com/question/274131925/answer/372594163).
After introducing some suggestions, she wrote at last:
> "If you actually don't understand how to give reasonable advice when she experiences an emotional breakdown, you can simply accompany her at her side silently (you can even hug her, because when I was in emotional breakdown I hoped someone would hug me)...spend more time with her..."
## The Blood Mary Observer
*The Blood Mary Observer* was a series of articles on Zhihu authored by Hucha.
She passed away shortly after she wrote down these articles.
So there were only three articles in *The Blood Mary Observer*.
but the profound content was still worth reading.
The first article was *[In Memory of Ms.MtF (Mr.Ftm)](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38000835)*[^1].
The article was written around May to June 2018.
At that time, Zhihu, which was a platform originally claimed to LGBT friendly, started to conduct strict censorship on transgender related topics.
Many transgender users were blocked due to this crisis,
and many records about transgender community were deleted on these days.
Huacha wrote down the article to accuse Zhihu and express her indignation towards persecution of Transgender community.
She appealed to people that everyone to respect the right of transgender individuals to express their inner thoughts - whether they were MTF or FTM, or individuals of any other gender.
The article was concise and straightforward, and its words didn't pull any punches.
just as the comment said:
> "This article is quite in the style of Lu Xun. #LOL#"
The third article was *[Yazyuu Senpai Zhihu Setu](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38419017)*, the original point of it was the same as the first article.
The article humorously expressed her dissatisfaction with the strict censorship of transgender related topics by Zhihu, which originally claimed to LGBT friendly.
The second article was *[Invisible Poison](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38173742)*.
The article mainly focused on the persecution experienced by transgender individuals at the hands of their original families.
She pointed out that some parents were essentially murderers,
and the so-called "love" ultimately became the "poison" that killed children.
> There were many transgender individuals who have been exposed to an invisible poison called "love" and left the world at last.
> The parents deprived their basic rights as human beings in the name of "love".
> Legally, due to parents have the special status of "guardian",
> the difficulty for transgender individuals to obtain assistance has greatly increased.
> Excerpted from *Invisible Poison*
Today, many transgender individuals choose to leave this world due to this kind of "Invisible Poison".
This article still has its profound practical significance.
Before the article published, one of her transgender friends (probably Xueli) took herself due to domestic pressure and violence.
Another reason for writing down this article was to mourn her, as well as countless transgender friends who passed away owing to the invisible poison.
## Her Departure
On April 2nd, 2018, Xueli passed away by suicide.
From the first seven day to the seventh seven day[^2] of Xueli's death,
she always missed Xueli, the lovely gentle girl who quietly left alone.
> May the world treat you gently.
> It's suddenly raining heavily in Chongqing...
> Is this your way of calling me...?
During the days, Huacha's mental health became worse and worse.
She said that frankly that she was not sure about that if she could live to the seventh seven day of Xueli's death.
On the fourth seven day,
she almost couldn't control the thought of suicide on the Huanghuayuan Jialingjiang Bridge,
which was a land of fate —— the place of death of Xueli and several other MtFs in Chongqing.
At the end of June, she attempted to take her own life again and was admitted to ICU.
Afte her physical condition improved, she wrote down this little poem:
<PhotoScroll photos={[
]} />
In fact, she still hoped to live.
Until days before she departed, she was still finding hope of living,
and she asked Siri about methods to prevent suicide.
But the unfortunate thing still happened at last.
On the evening of July 10th, she walked up to the Huanghuayuan Jialingjiang Bridge again.
The dreamlike lighting seemed to immerse her in a dream...
In the same place, a similar night, she took her own life as Xueli did.
The rescue in the late night failed to save her life.
In the early morning of the next day, The girl chasing the milky way left the world at last.
> Farewell, Huacha. Hope you and Xueli can be together well in heaven.
> Only thing we can do is living with hope...
> NekoyaFam, 2018-07-11, on Zhihu
Contributors for this entry: One-Among-Us, [Kristall Wang](https://github.com/KristallWang)
[^1]: The title format imitates *In Memory of Ms.Liu Hezhen*, which was a famous work of Lu Xun, published on April 12th 1926.
[^2]: Funeral customs in East Asia. In tradition, the memorial ceremony is held every seven days after a person's death, with one session lasting seven days and a maximum of seven sessions. It will take 49 days to complete.

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
name: 扶她菊花茶
alias: 花茶, 菊花茶
location: 中国重庆
## 简介
花茶和她的朋友[雪舞梨花梦](https://one-among.us/profile/xuewulihuameng)一样,都是很温柔的人呢。她在知乎问题[请问我该如何帮助我的这位 mtf 朋友?](https://www.zhihu.com/question/274131925/answer/372594163)下,很热心地给出了自己的回答,她给出了好几种方案之后,最后写道:
> 如果确实不知道怎么在她崩溃的時候劝导,默默地陪在她身边(甚至可以抱住她,反正我犯病的時候就希望有人能抱住我)…多陪陪她吧…
## Blood Mary 观察报
花茶自称是「Blood Mary 观察报」的主编,她以此名义在知乎发布自己笔下的文章。
花茶在写出这些文章不久后就离开了这个世界,因此 Blood Mary 只有短短三篇文章,但其内容含义深刻,仍旧值得我们一读:
第一篇内容是《[纪念 mtf(ftm) 君](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38000835)》[^1]。
这篇文章创作的时间是 2018 年 5-6 月。此时,本身对跨性别较为友好的知乎平台开始对跨性别相关话题进行严格审查,不少跨性别用户因此被封禁,许多关于跨性别社群的记录也在此时被大量删除。花茶以此文表达了对跨性别社群遭到迫害的愤慨,呼吁人们应尊重跨性别者发声表达内心的权利——无论是 mtf 还是 ftm[^2]。
> 「一股周先生[^3]的味道#大笑#」
第三篇内容是《[野兽先辈知乎说](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38419017)》,其主旨与第一篇基本一致。文章以戏谑的口吻表达了对原本 LGBT 友好的知乎开始对相关话题严格审查的不满。
> 跨性别群体中,中了名为「爱」的无形之毒而离开世界的人不在少数。那些人以「爱」的名义,对作为人的基本权利进行剥夺。法律上因为「监护人」这样一个特殊的身份,想要获得援助的难度大大增加。
> —— 《无形之毒》节选
## 她的离世
2018 年 4 月 2 日,梨花因轻生而离世。
> 愿世界将你温柔以待。
> 这里突然下暴雨了呢...
> 来接我的吗?
6 月末,她再度尝试轻生,进了 ICU在情况好转之后她写下了这篇小诗
<PhotoScroll photos={[
]} />
其实她内心仍有活下去的意愿,直到离世前几日,她仍旧寻找着希望,向 Siri 问询着预防自杀的方法。
但不幸的事情依旧发生了7 月 10 日夜晚,嘉陵江上,黄花园大桥如梦似幻般的灯光仿佛让她置身于梦境……
> 再见,菊花茶,希望你和梨花都要好好地在一起。
> 我们能做的,也就是尽力带着希望活下去吧……
> NekoyaFam2018-07-11于 知乎
条目贡献: One-Among-Us, [K酱](https://github.com/KristallWang)
[^1]: 标题格式模仿的是《记念刘和珍君》。
[^2]: 原文写作背景所限,文章表面仅涵盖了二元性别框架下的跨性别群体,但从其内涵来看,非二元群体当然也有发声与表达的权利。
[^3]: 即前文所述「鲁迅先生」。鲁迅,原名周树人,常被近代文学研究者与爱好者们简称为「先生」,其杂文极具批判力。
[^4]: 即黄花园嘉陵江大桥,位于中国重庆,连接江北区与渝中区,包括雪舞梨花梦、扶她菊花茶在内的多位 MtF 皆选择在此处选择结束自己的生命。

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
name: 扶她菊花茶
alias: 花茶, 菊花茶
location: 中國重慶
## 簡介
花茶和她的朋友[雪舞梨花夢](https://one-among.us/profile/xuewulihuameng)一樣,都是很溫柔的人呢。她在知乎問題[請問我該如何幫助我的這位 mtf 朋友?](https://www.zhihu.com/question/274131925/answer/372594163)下,很熱心地給出了自己的回答,她給出了好幾種方案之後,最後寫道:
> 如果確實不知道怎麼在她崩潰的時候勸導,默默地陪在她身邊(甚至可以抱住她,反正我犯病的時候就希望有人能抱住我)…多陪陪她吧…
## Blood Mary 觀察報
花茶自稱是「Blood Mary 觀察報」的主編,她以此名義在知乎發佈自己筆下的文章。
花茶在寫出這些文章不久後就離開了這個世界,因此 Blood Mary 只有短短三篇文章,但其內容含義深刻,仍舊值得我們一讀:
第一篇內容是《[紀念 mtf(ftm) 君](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38000835)》[^1]。
這篇文章創作的時間是 2018 年 5-6 月。此時,本身對跨性別較為友好的知乎平臺開始對跨性別相關話題進行嚴格審查,不少跨性別用戶因此被封禁,許多關於跨性別社群的記錄也在此時被大量刪除。花茶以此文表達了對跨性別社群遭到迫害的憤慨,呼籲人們應尊重跨性別者發聲表達內心的權利——無論是 mtf 還是 ftm[^2]。
> 「一股周先生[^3]的味道#大笑#」
第三篇內容是《[野獸先輩知乎說](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38419017)》,其主旨與第一篇基本一致。文章以戲謔的口吻表達了對原本 LGBT 友好的知乎開始對相關話題嚴格審查的不滿。
> 跨性別群體中,中了名為「愛」的無形之毒而離開世界的人不在少數。那些人以「愛」的名義,對作為人的基本權利進行剝奪。法律上因為「監護人」這樣一個特殊的身份,想要獲得援助的難度大大增加。
> —— 《無形之毒》節選
## 她的離世
2018 年 4 月 2 日,梨花因輕生而離世。
> 願世界將你溫柔以待。
> 這裡突然下暴雨了呢...
> 來接我的嗎?
6 月末,她再度嘗試輕生,進了 ICU在情況好轉之後她寫下了這篇小詩
<PhotoScroll photos={[
]} />
其實她內心仍有活下去的意願,直到離世前幾日,她仍舊尋找著希望,向 Siri 問詢著預防自殺的方法。
但不幸的事情依舊發生了7 月 10 日夜晚,嘉陵江上,黃花園大橋如夢似幻般的燈光仿佛讓她置身於夢境……
> 再見,菊花茶,希望你和梨花都要好好地在一起。
> 我們能做的,也就是盡力帶著希望活下去吧……
> NekoyaFam2018-07-11於 知乎
條目貢獻: One-Among-Us, [K醬](https://github.com/KristallWang)
[^1]: 標題格式模仿的是《記念劉和珍君》。
[^2]: 原文寫作背景所限,文章表面僅涵蓋了二元性別框架下的跨性別群體,但從其內涵來看,非二元群體當然也有發聲與表達的權利。
[^3]: 即前文所述「魯迅先生」。魯迅,原名周樹人,常被近代文學研究者與愛好者們簡稱為「先生」,其雜文極具批判力。
[^4]: 即黃花園嘉陵江大橋,位於中國重慶,連接江北區與渝中區,包括雪舞梨花夢、扶她菊花茶在內的多位 MtF 皆選擇在此處選擇結束自己的生命。

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