diff --git a/people/Kotori/info.yml b/people/Kotori/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd01b776 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/Kotori/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +id: Kotori +profileUrl: ${path}/photos/profile.jpg +info: + died: '2019-09-24' + # 相关话题与悼念于24-25日发送 + # 2019-09-24 清晨8:30 服用 BaCl2 + # 夜晚 20:09分 清小笙 于 QQ空间发布离世讯息 +websites: + twitter: https://www.zhihu.com/people/cheng-pei-qi-52 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/people/Kotori/page.en.md b/people/Kotori/page.en.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8c3a36cb --- /dev/null +++ b/people/Kotori/page.en.md @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +--- +name: Kotori +info: + alias: Kotori, Truth-Seeking Salted Fish, Partial Differential + # Cheng Peiqi + location: Hefei, Anhui + # Shangrao, Jiangxi +--- + +> All things contain mathematical structures. +> +> By Kotori + +## Description + +Kotori was a girl who was passionate about mathematics and physics, she entered the Department of Physics, School of Physical Science, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in the fall of 2017. + +She also operated another account under the alias "Partial Differential", +using an avatar depicting the character `∂`, +which was a stylized cursive `d` mainly used as a mathematical symbol, usually to denote a partial derivative such as `∂z/∂x`. + +Kotori was an introverted girl. +She seldom talked with others or expressed her points of view in public. +However, she was passionate about academic questions, +and she would always join in the discussion and applaud for the neat idea of her friends. + +She often deleted her own ideas or works after creating them, or she posted them anonymously. +Nonetheless, there are still some answers of her remained on Zhihu, rediating her brilliance. + +She was obsessed with her favourite subjects, and achieved that "erudite and Atsushi, cut near the question thinking." + +Kotori had another well-known nickname, Truth-seeking Salted Fish. +But in terms of her ability, she was truly a truth-seeking whale in the ocean. + +She was so good at mathematics and physics that she could also be considered as a talented girl. +Maybe she would make great contributions in the field of theoretical physics in the future... + +But fate always interferes with geniuses. + +## Departure + +Kotori suffered from depression and gender dysphoria, +and her mental health was not so good. +She had attempted to take her own life before but was rescued. + +After consulting numerous references to ascertain the lethal dose of the drug, +she ultimately decided to end her life on the morning of September 24th, 2018. + +After that, her friends endeavoured to contact with USTC authorities, and police in Poyang, Shangrao. +However, due to the lack of of timely treatment, she was unable to recover and left us at last. + +## Memorial + +In Zhihu question [What are your thoughts about ZhiHu user @Cheng Peiqi](https://www.zhihu.com/question/347747351) and her obituary, many friends of Kotori expressed their sadness and regret of the death of her. + +Sakura Moeka wrote: + +> In the Zhihu question of thoughts about me, Kotori replied that I was lovely, and she wanted to see my wedding day. +> +> But she would never see that. + +Her friends perpetually felt a deep longing for her persence. +Even the mere sight of the character `∂` evoked profound sorrow within them. + +Countless companionships, and stories of getting to know each other had finally become fragments of the past... + +> Goodbye, world. +> +> No, never say goodbye. +> +> By Kotori 2018-09-24 + +Goodbye, Kotori, but we will never say goodbye. + +*May your memory be eternal.* + +Contributors for this entry: One-Among-Us, [Hanlianyi](http://twitter.com/HANLIANYI520), [Kristall Wang](https://github.com/KristallWang) diff --git a/people/Kotori/page.md b/people/Kotori/page.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e94e5ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/Kotori/page.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +name: 琴里(偏微分) +info: + alias: 琴里,求真的咸鱼, 偏微分 + location: 安徽合肥 +--- + +> 所有的事物之中,都蕴藏着数学结构。 +> +> By 琴里 + +## 简介 + +琴里酱是一个热爱数学和物理的女孩,于 2017 年进入中国科学技术大学物理学院物理系就读。 + +她旧账号的 ID 是「偏微分」,头像也是书写偏导数时使用的符号「∂」。 + +琴里酱是一个很内向的女孩,很少与别人说话和公开发表自己的观点。但她还在的时候,会十分热情地与她的朋友讨论学术问题,为朋友的想法鼓掌。知乎上还留存有她的不少创作,但这些创作常常在之后被删除,亦或是开启了匿名,不过,我们仍然能看到些许能确证属于她的,那些精彩绝伦的回答。 + +她做到了「博学而笃志,切问而近思」,痴迷于她所热爱的学科。 + +她还有一个广为人知的昵称——求真的咸鱼。但以她的能力,其实是在浩瀚的海洋中,寻求真理的鲸鱼呢…… + +擅长数学、物理的她,也算得上是才女了,也许未来在理论物理领域她可以有重大贡献…… + +唯天妒英才。 + +## 离世 + +琴里因性别焦虑与抑郁等症状,精神状态一直不好,也曾有过轻生的行为,但被救了回来。 + +她查阅了不少相关文献,最终在 2018 年 9 月 24 日早上选择结束自己的生命。 + +此后,社群的朋友们尝试联系中科大校方和鄱阳当地的警察,但由于未能得到及时救治,已经无力回天。 + +## 身后 + +在知乎问答[如何评价知乎用户@求真的咸鱼](https://www.zhihu.com/question/347747351)和相关的讣告下,琴里的许多生前好友前来表达对琴里的哀思。 + +佐仓萌香写道: + +> 琴里在评价我的问题里回答说我很可爱,还说要见到我嫁人的那天。 +> +> 可是她再也见不到了。 + +她的朋友一直一直想念着她,甚至用到偏导数符号「∂」时都会感到心中一痛。 + +无数的陪伴,相遇相识的故事终于成为了过往时光中的碎片。 + +> 再见了,世界。 +> +> 不,永不再见。 +> +> By 琴里 2018-09-24 + +再见了,琴里酱,但我们永不说再见,与你相关的记忆将于我们的心中永存。 + + + +条目贡献: One-Among-Us, [寒涟漪](http://twitter.com/HANLIANYI520), [K 酱](https://github.com/KristallWang) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/people/Kotori/page.zh_hant.md b/people/Kotori/page.zh_hant.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a274076 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/Kotori/page.zh_hant.md @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +--- +name: 琴里(偏微分) +info: + alias: 琴里,求真的鹹魚, 偏微分 + location: 安徽合肥 +--- + +> 所有的事物之中,都蘊藏著數學結構。 +> +> By 琴里 + +## 簡介 + +琴里醬是一個熱愛數學和物理學的女孩,于 2017 年進入中國科學技術大學物理學院物理系就讀。 + +她舊帳號的 ID 是「偏微分」,頭像也是書寫偏微分方程時使用的符號「∂」。 + +琴里醬是一個很內向的女孩,很少與別人說話和公開發表自己的觀點。但她還在的時候,會十分熱情地與她的朋友討論學術問題,為朋友的想法鼓掌。知乎上還留存有她的不少創作,但這些創作常常在之後被刪除,亦或是開啟了匿名,不過,我們仍然能看到些許能確證屬於她的,那些精彩絕倫的回答。 + +她做到了「博學而篤志,切問而近思」,癡迷于她所熱愛的學科。 + +她還有一個廣為人知的昵稱——求真的鹹魚。但以她的能力,其實是在浩瀚的海洋中,尋求真理的鯨魚呢…… + +擅長數學、物理學的她,也算得上是才女了,也許未來在理論物理領域她可以有重大貢獻…… + +唯天妒英才。 + +## 離世 + +琴里因性別焦慮與抑鬱等症狀,精神狀態一直不好,也曾有過輕生的行為,但被救了回來。 + +她查閱了不少相關文獻,最終在 2018 年 9 月 24 日早上選擇結束自己的生命。 + +此後,社群的朋友們嘗試聯繫中科大校方和鄱陽當地的員警,但由於未能得到及時救治,已經無力回天。 + +## 身後 + +在知乎問答[如何評價知乎用戶@求真的鹹魚](https://www.zhihu.com/question/347747351)和相關的訃告下,琴里的許多生前好友前來表達對琴里的哀思。 + +佐倉萌香寫道: + +> 琴里在評價我的問題裡回答說我很可愛,還說要見到我嫁人的那天。 +> +> 可是她再也見不到了。 + +她的朋友一直一直想念著她,甚至用到偏微分符號「∂」時都會感到心中一痛。 + +無數的陪伴,相遇相識的故事終於成為了過往時光中的碎片。 + +> 再見了,世界。 +> +> 不,永不再見。 +> +> By 琴里 2018-09-24 + +再見了,琴里醬,但我們永不說再見,與你相關的記憶將於我們的心中永存。 + + + +條目貢獻: One-Among-Us, [寒漣漪](http://twitter.com/HANLIANYI520), [K 醬](https://github.com/KristallWang) + diff --git a/people/Kotori/photos/profile.jpg b/people/Kotori/photos/profile.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..76cef953 Binary files /dev/null and b/people/Kotori/photos/profile.jpg differ