diff --git a/people/lxy/info.yml b/people/lxy/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e844c9f --- /dev/null +++ b/people/lxy/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +id: lxy +profileUrl: ${path}/photos/profile.jpg +info: + died: '2022-05-17' +websites: + zhihu: https://www.zhihu.com/people/li-jun-yao-79-75 + diff --git a/people/lxy/page.en.md b/people/lxy/page.en.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41db4402 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/lxy/page.en.md @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +name: Xiyin Li +--- + +Xiyin is an outstanding transgender woman. She is cute and gentle. She is a student majoring in electronic information engineering and was good at electronic design and programming. She is a genius in everyone's opinion, but she also has depression and anxiety. She didn't like to show her emotions. In the school group chat, she is a positive girl who often helps answer questions about electronic design and programming. + +She worked very hard at college. Since her relationship with her family was bad, she hoped to support herself through part-time jobs and internships, and save funds for sex reassignment surgery(SRS). It is a pity that the COVID-19 and the measure token by Chinese mainland government had seriously hindered her pace, causing her to fall into difficulties. This may be one of the reasons why she chose to commit suicide. + +She is also like a little girl who occasionally can't be bothered to make an effort and needs company. It is a pity that she has been walking alone in as an male to female(MtF) and in an increasingly atomized society. Although she also has a similar person growing up with her, her loneliness is increasingly magnified as both of them fall into serious mental problems. + +Her death caught people off guard. The night before, she had a simple dinner with the schoolmates she knew in the club. She was concerned about the issue of the family district in the school at that time[^1], but she couldn't wait until the issue to be resolved after her committing suicide. We didn't learn of her death until her dormitory was surrounded by police. + +I hope she can be a little girl accompanied by many people happily in heaven. + +[1]: At the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown, Students of beihang university were restricted in entering and exiting the campus, but family members of teachers and workers living in the family district in the school were free to enter and exit. A few days after her death, people live in the family district and students had a dispute, and the school implemented a hard separation between the family district and the student area. + +[^1]:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1GF41157DW + + + + diff --git a/people/lxy/page.md b/people/lxy/page.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9cbbe700 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/lxy/page.md @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +--- +name: 李希音 +--- + +希音是一位优秀的跨性别女性。她可爱又温柔,是一位电子信息工程专业的学生,在电子设计与编程方面都较为擅长。她是大家眼中的“别人家的孩子”,但她也有抑郁焦虑的时候。但她不喜欢把她的情绪表现出来,在学校群聊中,她是一位积极向上的女生,经常帮忙解答电子设计与编程方面的问题。 + +她大学期间十分努力,由于与家庭的关系不算太好,她希望通过兼职和实习自食其力,并且攒下用于性别重置手术的资金。可惜疫情防控严重阻碍了她的步伐,导致其陷入经济困境与生活困境当中。这可能是她选择自杀的原因之一。 + +她也想一位小女生一样,偶尔摆烂,需要陪伴。可惜的是在特殊的身份和日益原子化的社会当中,她一直是孤身前行。虽然她身边也有一位同类陪她成长,但随着两个人都陷入了严重的精神问题,她的孤独也日益被放大。 + +她的离世让人猝不及防,前一天晚上,她还和社团里认识的同学一起吃了晚餐,尽管是很简陋的一餐。她关心着当时学校的家属区问题[^1],但是她没能等到几天后问题的解决。直到她的宿舍被警察包围,我们才知道了她的离开。 + +希望她能在天堂自由自在的做一个有许多人陪伴的小女孩。 + +【1】: 疫情封控初期,北航的学生出入校园受到了诸多的限制,但是居住在学校家属区的家属可以随意进出。在其离世的几天后,家属与学生发生正面冲突,学校对家属区与学生区域实行硬隔离。 + + +[^1]:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1GF41157DW \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/people/lxy/page.zh_hant.md b/people/lxy/page.zh_hant.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39335fbc --- /dev/null +++ b/people/lxy/page.zh_hant.md @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +name: 李希音 +--- + +希音是一位優秀的跨性別女性。她可愛又溫柔,是一位電子信息工程專業的學生,在電子設計與編程方面都較為擅長。她是大家眼中的“別人家的孩子”,但她也有抑鬱焦慮的時候。但她不喜歡把她的情緒表現出來,在學校群聊中,她是一位積極向上的女生,經常幫忙解答電子設計與編程方面的問題。 + +她大學期間十分努力,由於與家庭的關係不算太好,她希望通過兼職和實習自食其力,並且攢下用於性別重置手術的資金。可惜疫情防控嚴重阻礙了她的步伐,導致其陷入經濟困境與生活困境當中。這可能是她選擇自殺的原因之一。 + +她也想一位小女生一樣,偶爾擺爛,需要陪伴。可惜的是在特殊的身份和日益原子化的社會當中,她一直是孤身前行。雖然她身邊也有一位同類陪她成長,但隨著兩個人都陷入了嚴重的精神問題,她的孤獨也日益被放大。 + +她的離世讓人猝不及防,前一天晚上,她還和社團裡認識的同學一起吃了晚餐,儘管是很簡陋的一餐。她關心著當時學校的家屬區問題[^1],但是她沒能等到幾天后問題的解決。直到她的宿舍被警察包圍,我們才知道了她的離開。 + +希望她能在天堂自由自在的做一個有許多人陪伴的小女孩。 + +【1】: 疫情封控初期,北航的學生出入校園受到了諸多的限制,但是居住在學校家屬區的家屬可以隨意進出。在其離世的幾天后,家屬與學生髮生正面衝突,學校對家屬區與學生區域實行硬隔離。 + +[^1]:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1GF41157DW diff --git a/people/lxy/photos/profile.jpg b/people/lxy/photos/profile.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f1eb8023 Binary files /dev/null and b/people/lxy/photos/profile.jpg differ