diff --git a/people/Dethelly/info.yml b/people/Dethelly/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..472afd5f --- /dev/null +++ b/people/Dethelly/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +id: Dethelly +profileUrl: ${path}/photos/profile.jpg +info: + died: '2024-01-23' +websites: + twitter: https://twitter.com/Dethelly \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/people/Dethelly/page.en.md b/people/Dethelly/page.en.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f886c1b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/Dethelly/page.en.md @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +--- +name: Sugar ~ 100% PURITY +info: + alias: Dethelly, 五洲 + location: Yubei, Chongqing +--- + +## Description + +In Fall 2023, Sugar went to Hangzhou, Zhejiang to attend university. + +She was an introverted girl who cared about others' feelings too much such that she wasn't able to express herself when she needed it. +She was too shy to express her confusion and anxiety. +Moreover, she hadn't a friend to confide her thought, she could only hide these in heart. +That made her look a bit intimidated. + +She always prepared a lot ahead of meeting friends in real life. +She was always worried about leaving a bad impression, so she asked them tons of questions in advance (such as which kinds of gift they would like), and warned them she might exhibit regressive behaviors. + +Her family is conservative. +Her father worked in China Railways Group and her mother was a teacher. +She didn't receive enough love from them. +They once threw away her gender-affirming clothing she hid while she was in high school. +Therefore, she was certain her parents were too conservative to communicate with. + +## The dissipated haze in Hangzhou + +On 6th January 2024, Sugar met friend A in Hangzhou. + +Just before meeting A, she hid in the restroom and kept checking the mirror. +She was ashamed to meet A because she didn't do her hair or wear cute clothes. +Actually, she was still pretty despite that. + +The two girls visited many places of interest in Hangzhou…… + +West Lake Culture Square, Wulin Suqare, Wuliu Lane, and Fengshan Gate. + +When parting, She asked A on her thoughts of her plan to "threaten" her parents (to gain acceptance of being trans). + +> *Here is what A remembered:* +> +> Sugar: Perhaps what I need to do is to "threaten", since they are too conservative to be communicated with. +> +> Sugar: I'm afraid of pain, but I could hurt myself a bit. +> +> Sugar: Thereby they might make a compromise eventually, and I might get more freedom in return. +> +> Sugar: According to the plan, I will delete you from my friend list after this parting. +> +> Sugar: You shouldn't be worried about me. Please forget me as soon as possible. + +When A left for home, she left Sugar half a bag of oranges, and messaged her "Adios." (Goodbye) on QQ. + +A didn't get any reply. +That night, Sugar actually deleted her contact. + +The second day, a Twitter user who claimed to be Sugar's high school classmate brought her some random thoughts on behalf of Sugar. +Then A requested them to look after her. + +Later, Sugar began her winter vacation, and got her diagnosis certificate of gender dysphoria in Shenzhen Kangning Hospital —— This was only known by A after her death. + +## Thick fog over Jialing River (Her departure) + +On January 22nd, 2024, she went back to her hometown, Chongqing, and regained contact with A. + +(According to her mother who worked away from Chongqing, when she just returned home, she seemed happy in Wechat.) + +But the reality is the opposite. + +She contacted A before she began to execute her plan. +She told A again and again that her purpose is not dying. +The point is to make her parents to realize the necessity of accepting her being trans by showing she's willing to die. + +But the dosage she was about to take was fatal. + +A and her other online friends couldn't persuade her, so they called for first aid as a last resort. +Because they didn't know her exact location, the ambulance left after more than half an hour had passed. + +Unfortunately, Sugar was in a critical condition when the ambulance arrived at Second People's Hospital of Yubei District of Chongqing. +And she passed away in the early morning of the next day due to chemical poisoning. + +## After her departure + +Later, through a variety of ways, Sugar's mother contacted A on the morning of 23rd January. + +After A told her about Sugar's gender dysphoria and the fact of suicide, she was astonished and said: + +> "He(sic. The same below) had never told us about this! Why he abruptly did……" +> +> (It seemed that Sugar didn't directly and openly communicate with her parents about this.) + +The loss of her child overwhelmed her. +She said words like Sugar was too selfish and didn't care about them. +Then she tried to unlock Sugar's phone. + +A asked her mother to bury Sugar as a daughter, but her mother replied like [this](https://twitter.com/KiraRettosei/status/1749728762261012752?s=19). +(The link may be potentially triggering.) + +However, her mother's attitude was changing gradually. + +Her parents started to tidy up her belongings. + +Her mother asked A if she wanted to keep Sugar's IKEA Blåhaj Shark, which she loved to hug. + +Her mother said, he was their angel, but unfortunately God made him leave early and he had to leave. + +Her mother had always been grateful to A. + +## The new spring + +It's 12th, February 2024. The third day of Spring Festival. + +At this night, A set off for a trip to Guiyang and Chongqing. + +At Ningbo Lishe International Airport, + +A sat on a seat near the windows, waiting for the launch of the plane. + +In a daze, a phone call from Chongqing came, and she was familiar with the number. + +>(*The words in brackets represent A.*) +> +> Girl, how are you now? (I am fine, what happened?) +> +> It's nothing, but…… I always worried about that you might……as well. So I'm calling to ask you are okay or not. +> +> Girl, if anything happened in the future, please tell your parents and not hold back and say nothing. Your parents always love you. +> +> After our generation became parents, we no longer keep the authority and stubbornness of our elders. +> +> So do I…… The path I am currently taking in life is not what my parents hoped, but I think it's no problem. +> +> We may not fully understand the decisions made by children, but we will support her if she carefully considered. +> +> Girl, I am glad you're okay, wish you a happy life. + +Sugar had a very cute face and figure. +If we change a character of her name to another homophonic one, it would became a girl's name that perfectly matches her gentle and soft temperament. + +But she just departed, with a mentality of "take a gamble". +Her life was frozen at the age of 19. + +When Sugar just passed away, her mother couldn't accept her decisions. But what did her mother say in the end? + +Anyway, she had passed away. + +> Hope you'll all remember Sugar. +> +> Hope you can share important information, such as your address, with trustworthy friends to avoid any unexpected situations. +> +> Hope that if you see a help request message, don't just swipe. +> +> Hope that if you have the ability to call the police, you can dial decisively. You are a lifesaver, not a murderer. Don't be afraid. +> +> Hope you cherishes life, hope still exists; you will only miss the opportunity if you leave too early. +> +> Hope you'll all remember Sugar. + +Take care. + + + diff --git a/people/Dethelly/page.md b/people/Dethelly/page.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc5dc955 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/Dethelly/page.md @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +--- +name: 糖 ~ 100% 纯度 +info: + alias: Dethelly, 五洲 + location: 重庆渝北 +--- + +## 简介 + +糖是个重庆的女孩子,2023 年秋来到浙江杭州就读大学。 + +她很内向,很在意别人的想法,不敢表达自己的困惑与不安(亦没有倾诉对象),只能默默藏在心底,以至于显得有些畏缩。甚至于在和朋友见面前会做大量功课,私信里编号式地问上十几个问题(希望什么样的礼物,预告自己可能会出现行为上的退行等等)——担心给对方留下不好的印象。 + +她的家庭似乎也不好,铁路单位的父亲和教师岗的母亲。她在那里感受不到关爱,高中时期藏好的女装被发现没收等,让她对自己的家长极端保守无法沟通深信不疑。 + +## 临安霾散 + +2024 年 1 月 6 日,她和杭州的一名朋友 A 见面。 + +见面前,她躲在卫生间照镜子不敢出来,觉得自己不配见人。但实际上她很好看,尽管头发还未蓄起,还未穿上喜欢的衣服。 + +…… + +西湖文化广场、武林广场、五柳巷、凤山门。 + +在最后临别时,她问了 A 关于「要挟」的看法,吐露了心声: + +>(以下内容根据友人记忆复述,并非原文): +> +> 「或许我要做的事情就是要挟,既然他们完全无法沟通… +> +> 我让自己受一点伤……但是我怕疼…… +> +> 换取一些空间……他们总归会让步的吧…… +> +> ………… +> +> 根据计划,今天结束见面之后我就会删你好友了。 +> +> 让你担心不好,你早点忘记我吧。」 + +下车时,A 把还没吃完的半兜橘子扔给她,在 QQ 私信里留了一句「Adios.」[^1]。却没有得到回复。当晚她确实删掉了好友,推特也屏蔽了 A。 + +次日,一个自称其高中同学的推特用户代她捎来了几句碎碎念,A 说让这位同学多关注一下她。 + +后来,她放了寒假,去深圳康宁开了证——这是 A 事后才晓得的。 + +## 嘉陵雾稠 + +1 月 22 日,她回到重庆,并且恢复了与 A 的联系。 + +(据当时在外地的母亲事后称,微信聊天里那时她刚回重庆似乎很开心。) + +但实际上并没有。 + +她在当晚实施计划前联系了A,她和 A 反复确认表示,本次目的并非自杀,是创造自杀未遂的记录,以此表现对跨性别诉求的刚需,达到令父母让步的目的。 + +可她决定服用的剂量超致死量。 + +A 和别的推友劝不住,只能退而求其次为她兜底(服药后尽快报 120 ),因为 A 没有报警条件,包括沟通困难,住址信息模糊等等,救护车在半个小时多后才开出。 + +糖被送至渝北区第二人民医院时已生命垂危,于当夜(1 月 23 日凌晨)中毒身亡。 + +## 身后 + +糖的母亲在 23 日早辗转联系到 A。 + +在A将糖的性别焦虑情况以及并非他杀等告知对方时,她表现出了闻所未闻的惊讶: + +> 「他(sic.)从来没有跟我们说过这些事!怎么突然就这样子去……」 +> +> (糖似乎确实完全没有正面沟通过这件事。) + +丧女的冲击太大,她也说出了「这么自私不考虑我们怎么办」之类的话,并想要解锁孩子的手机。 + +A 向糖的母亲表示如果可以希望将糖作为女儿下葬,但她是[这样](https://twitter.com/KiraRettosei/status/1749728762261012752?s=19)回复的。(链接可能含有触发要素,请谨慎点击) + +不过,她的态度也在慢慢变化。 + +糖的父母开始收拾她的遗物。 + +糖的母亲问 A 是否想要她生前爱抱的宜家鲨鲨。 + +她说:「他是我们的天使,可惜老天爷让他早走他不得不走。」 + +糖的母亲一直很感谢 A。 + +## 新春 + +2 月 12 日,大年初三。 + +这天夜里,A 正启程前往贵阳重庆旅游。 + +宁波栎社机场,A 坐在飞机靠舷窗的位置上,等待推出。 + +思绪恍惚间一个重庆的电话打来,号码她熟悉。 + +> (括号内为A发言。) +> +> 孩子,你还好吗?(我没事,怎么了?) +> +> 没什么,就是毕竟...就总是担心你们会不会也...所以问问你还好不好。 +> +> 孩子,以后你如果有什么事情一定要和家长说,不要憋在肚子里。家长都是爱你的。 +> +> 我们这一代家长,已经不会像长辈们那样威严那样固执了。 +> +> 哪怕我也是,我现在走的人生道路也不是我爸爸妈妈希望我走的——我觉得没问题。 +> +> 孩子做的什么决定,我们虽然不能都理解,但是如果她认真考虑了我们会支持的。 +> +> 孩子,你没事就好,阿姨祝你生活幸福。 + +糖有很可爱的脸庞和身材,甚至名字只要改一个同音字就是非常符合她温软气质的女孩名。 + +但是她就这么走了,抱着「搏一搏」的心态,把生命定格在 19 岁。 + +尽管在糖刚逝世的时候,她的母亲很不能接受;但最后那段话呢? + +可无论如何,斯人已逝。 + +> 希望大家记住糖。 +> +> 希望大家能把自己的住址等重要信息告诉可以信任的人避免不测。 +> +> 希望大家在看到求助信息时不要只是一划而过。 +> +> 希望大家如果有拨打电话报警能力时果断拨号,你是救人的不是杀人的,别害怕。 +> +> 希望大家珍爱生命,相信希望犹在;过早地离开只会错过转机。 +> +> 希望大家记住糖。 + +珍重。 + +[^1]: 源自西班牙语,意为「一路平安,再见」之意。 + + + diff --git a/people/Dethelly/page.zh_hant.md b/people/Dethelly/page.zh_hant.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2eba8e06 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/Dethelly/page.zh_hant.md @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +--- +name: 糖 ~ 100% 純度 +info: + alias: Dethelly, 五洲 + location: 重慶渝北 +--- + +## 簡介 + +糖是個重慶的女孩子,2023 年秋來到浙江杭州就讀大學。 + +她很內向,很在意別人的想法,不敢表達自己的困惑與不安(亦沒有人听她傾訴),只能默默藏在心底,以至於顯得有些畏縮。甚至於在和朋友見面前會做大量功課,私信裡編號式地問上十幾個問題(希望什麼樣的禮物,預告自己可能會出現行為上的退行等等)——擔心給對方留下不好的印象。 + +她的家庭似乎也不好,鐵路單位的父親和教師崗的母親。她在那裡感受不到關愛,高中時期藏好的女裝被發現沒收等,讓她對自己的家長極端保守無法溝通深信不疑。 + +## 臨安霾散 + +2024 年 1 月 6 日,她和杭州的一名朋友 A 見面。 + +見面前,她躲在洗手間照鏡子不敢出來,覺得自己不配見人。但實際上她很好看,儘管頭髮還未蓄起,還未穿上喜歡的衣服。 + +…… + +西湖文化廣場、武林廣場、五柳巷、鳳山門。 + +在最後臨別時,她問了 A 關於「要脅」的看法,吐露了心聲: + +>(以下內容根據友人記憶複述,並非原文): +> +> 「或許我要做的事情就是要脅,既然他們完全無法溝通… +> +> 我讓自己受一點傷……但是我怕疼…… +> +> 換取一些空間……他們總歸會讓步的吧…… +> +> ………… +> +> 根據計畫,今天結束見面之後我就會刪你好友了。 +> +> 讓你擔心不好,你早點忘記我吧。」 + +下車時,A 把還沒吃完的半兜橘子扔給她,在 QQ 私信裡留了一句「Adios.」[^1]。卻沒有得到回復。當晚她確實刪掉了好友,推特也 Block 了 A。 + +次日,一個自稱其高中同學的推特用戶代她捎來了幾句碎碎念,A 說讓這位同學多關注一下她。 + +後來,她放了寒假,去深圳康寧開了證——這是 A 事後才曉得的。 + +## 嘉陵霧稠 + +1 月 22 日,她回到重慶,並且恢復了與 A 的聯繫。 + +(據當時在外地的母親事後稱,微信聊天裡那時她剛回重慶似乎很開心。) + +但實際上並沒有。 + +她在當晚實施計畫前聯繫了A,她和 A 反復確認表示,本次目的並非自殺,是創造自殺未遂的記錄,以此表現對跨性別訴求的剛需,達到令父母讓步的目的。 + +可她決定服用的劑量超致死量。 + +A 和別的推友勸不住,只能退而求其次為她兜底(服藥後儘快報 120),因為 A 沒有報警條件,包括溝通困難,住址資訊模糊等等,救護車在半個小時多後才開出。 + +糖被送至渝北區第二人民醫院時已生命垂危,於當夜(1 月 23 日淩晨)中毒身亡。 + +## 身後 + +糖的母親在 23 日早輾轉聯繫到 A。 + +在 A 將糖的性別焦慮情況以及並非他殺等告知對方時,她表現出了聞所未聞的驚訝: + +> 「他(sic.)從來沒有跟我們說過這些事!怎麼突然就這樣子去……」 +> +> (糖似乎確實完全沒有正面溝通過這件事。) + +喪女的衝擊太大,她也說出了「這麼自私不考慮我們怎麼辦」之類的話,並想要解鎖孩子的手機。 + +A 向糖的母親表示如果可以希望將糖作為女兒下葬,但她是[這樣](https://twitter.com/KiraRettosei/status/1749728762261012752?s=19)回復的。(連結可能含有觸發要素,請謹慎點擊) + +不過,她的態度也在慢慢變化。 + +糖的父母開始收拾她的遺物。 + +糖的母親問 A 是否想要她生前愛抱的宜家鯊鯊。 + +她說:「他是我們的天使,可惜老天爺讓他早走他不得不走。」 + +糖的母親一直很感謝 A。 + +## 新春 + +2 月 12 日,大年初三。 + +這天夜裡,A 正啟程前往貴陽重慶旅遊。 + +寧波櫟社機場,A 坐在飛機靠舷窗的位置上,等待推出。 + +思緒恍惚間一個重慶的電話打來,號碼她熟悉。 + +> (括弧內為A發言。) +> +> 孩子,你還好嗎?(我沒事,怎麼了?) +> +> 沒什麼,就是畢竟...就總是擔心你們會不會也...所以問問你還好不好。 +> +> 孩子,以後你如果有什麼事情一定要和家長說,不要憋在肚子裡。家長都是愛你的。 +> +> 我們這一代家長,已經不會像長輩們那樣威嚴那樣固執了。 +> +> 哪怕我也是,我現在走的人生道路也不是我爸爸媽媽希望我走的——我覺得沒問題。 +> +> 孩子做的什麼決定,我們雖然不能都理解,但是如果她認真考慮了我們會支持的。 +> +> 孩子,你沒事就好,阿姨祝你生活幸福。 + +糖有很可愛的臉龐和身材,甚至名字只要改一個同音字就是非常符合她溫軟氣質的女孩名。 + +但是她就這麼走了,抱著「搏一搏」的心態,把生命定格在 19 歲。 + +儘管在糖剛逝世的時候,她的母親很不能接受;但最後那段話呢? + +可無論如何,斯人已逝。 + +> 希望大家記住糖。 +> +> 希望大家能把自己的住址等重要資訊告訴可以信任的人避免不測。 +> +> 希望大家在看到求助資訊時不要只是一劃而過。 +> +> 希望大家如果有撥打電話報警能力時果斷撥號,你是救人的不是殺人的,別害怕。 +> +> 希望大家珍愛生命,相信希望猶在;過早地離開只會錯過轉機。 +> +> 希望大家記住糖。 + +珍重。 + +[^1]: 源自西班牙語,意為「一路平安,再見」之意。 + + + diff --git a/people/Dethelly/photos/profile.jpg b/people/Dethelly/photos/profile.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d60b7d7 Binary files /dev/null and b/people/Dethelly/photos/profile.jpg differ