diff --git a/people/MeowBot233/info.yml b/people/MeowBot233/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0cc23e19 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/MeowBot233/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +id: Meowbot233 +profileUrl: ${path}/photos/profile.png +info: + born: '2003-04-15' + # died: '2023-09-16' 15:38 +websites: + twitter: https://twitter.com/MeowBot233 + mastodon: https://web.archive.org/web/20240221020628/https://nekoland.fangluo.top/@fangluo + iconify:ri:threads-line: https://www.threads.net/@meowbot233 + github: https://github.com/MeowBot233 + iconify:ri:netease-cloud-music-line: https://music.163.com/#/user?id=258572198 + Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/3286357 + blog: https://fangluo.top/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/people/MeowBot233/page.en.md b/people/MeowBot233/page.en.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12eac61a --- /dev/null +++ b/people/MeowBot233/page.en.md @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +--- +name: Fangluo +info: + alias: MeowBot233, YukisawaNya +--- + +> Here, is a story. +> +> A story I've heard from wind spirit from far, +> +> The wind spirit brought it to autumn leaf pile (One Among Us), +> +> and it awaits a destined listener. +> +> If you arrive here by the guide of gentle breeze, +> +> take a rest, and listen to the story here silently. + +## Dream of a Dreamlike Girl + +A girl was afflicted by a terminal illness. + +In the hospital walls, she was confined to her bed each night. + +Yet within her slumber, + +She would have wondrous dreams every night. + +In the realm of her dreams, + +She wandered with her beloved, in myriad scenes. + +From twilight's embrace till dawn's arrival, + +She would dream of that—— + +Her beloved was awaiting at the hospital gates. + +Every evening, hand in hand. + +Together they would wander, + +and explore countless enchanting experiences. + +As nightfall descended, + +the girl fell into the dream swiftly. + +then she together with her beloved, + +kissed and hugged each other. + +went through shops, + +played games, + +and she found solace in her beloved's embrace... + +Later, in their conversations, + +she noticed something out of the ordinary: + +Her beloved appeared exhausted during the day. + +Once, she came out to play with her beloved at night in her dream. + +Her beloved bought a pendant. + +Later, during their video call, + +She noticed the same pendant, + +it had never appeared before. + +The girl shared her dream tales, + +her beloved seemed to have lived them. + +One day, she realized, + +The dreams every night weren't mere fantasies, + +but out-of-body experience. + +Her soul intertwined with her beloved's. + +Making every dream a reality. + +After that, the girl fled the hospital, + +and reunited with her beloved. + +They found happiness for a short time. + +Until her health declined. + +and she passed away in the arms of her beloved. + +Yet her soul lingered. + +Bound eternally with her beloved. + +## MioNya-SawaNya Reunion + +> The time limit bell rings +> +> The two of them are certainly alive +> +> (...) +> +> Shouting a boisterous farewell to this world +> +> If they stay holding hands +> +> The reunion that won’t come again +> +> *From Reunion (Harumaki Gohan, Vocal ver.)* + +## Outside the Story + +There is a catgirl, brave and lovely. + +An angel she is. + +She loves tiramisu most, + +the kind of food combined the sweetness of milk and the bitterness of coffee. + +and other sweet. + +She has most-loving... + +From the end of 2021, to the fall of 2023. More long-lasting may be. + +There was a romantic, lovely story. + +These stories -- you may have listened to -- would commemorated by us: sad fragments of the past. + +People always sigh with feeling: + +The fragile one, brilliant "life". + +but... + +> Indulging in fantasy will not come true after all, and the deceased will not come back. The wish must be realized by the living. +> +> Comfort, is this. Maybe. + +Unreliable fatigue, if you feel, or, have no ability to complete the road ahead -- that's no matter. + +It's not necessary to make too much effort. + +Dry your tears, a sufficient relax is what you need. + +Soothing scenes are everywhere, + +no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter. + +Moreover, + +Only love lasts forever. + +The storytelling has come to an end. + +May you be happy every day. + +--- + +Story: From Memories of MioNya-SawaNya diff --git a/people/MeowBot233/page.md b/people/MeowBot233/page.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..129e4230 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/MeowBot233/page.md @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +--- +name: 坊洛 +info: + alias: 坊洛, 喵喵喵 坊洛, 雪沢 坊洛, 果汁 坊洛, 烤肉 坊洛 +--- + +> 喏,这是一个,我从远方来的风精灵那里,听来的故事…… +> +> 风精灵将它带到了秋叶这里……等待有缘的人来此处倾听。 +> +> 当你随着风的指引来到了这里,不妨坐下来,静下心听一听这里的故事吧。 + +## 梦幻少女之梦 + +一个身患绝症的少女 + +终日只能躺在医院里 + +每天晚上她都会有神奇的梦 + +她会梦到在夜晚 + +她和她的爱人在各种地方玩耍 + +从入梦一直到天亮 + +每次睡着之后 + +她都会梦到她的爱人在医院门口等候 + +然后她们一起做许多有趣的事情 去有趣的地方 + +每天少女都早早的就睡了 + +天刚刚黑就入睡 + +然后 和爱人一起 + +去逛街 去打游戏 + +去爱人的床上…… + +后来一次和爱人聊天 + +发现了不对劲的地方 + +白天 爱人总是很疲惫 + +有一次 她和爱人夜晚出去玩 + +爱人买了挂饰 + +然后少女在和爱人视频的时候 + +看到了这个挂饰 + +以前从来没有出现过的挂饰 + +少女每天都会和爱人讲述她的梦 + +爱人总是好像全部经历过一样 + +后来有一天 少女终于知道了 + +每天晚上的梦不是梦 是灵魂出窍 + +她的灵魂和爱人一起去玩耍 + +所以「梦」的一切是真实发生的 + +后来少女逃离了医院 和爱人相见 + +她们幸福地生活了没多久 + +少女病情恶化 死在了爱人怀里 + +但是她的灵魂留下来了 + +永远和爱人在一起 + +## 澪·洛 + +> 最后的钟声响起 +> +> 她俩确实都还活着 +> +> (……) +> +> 挥手告别这个喧闹的世界吧 +> +> 她俩就这样握紧着手 +> +> 在只此一次的再会。 +> +> —— 再会(春巻御飯 Vocal 版) + +## 故事之外 + +这里有一只可爱而勇敢的猫猫,是可爱的小天使呢。 + +喜欢吃甜食,喜欢吃提拉米苏,那种奶香的甜和咖啡的苦涩交织的食物。 + +她有着一直爱的人呢。 + +从 2021 年岁末,到 2023 年的秋天,或许更远... + +有一段浪漫的,和爱有关的故事。 + +也许你听过这个故事,会为所记得的,过往时光中的碎片而悲伤。 + +「生命」美好且脆弱呢。 + +但... + +> 沉浸幻想终究不会实现,已故者也不会回来,愿望要靠活着的人去实现。 +> +> 大概这才是宽慰。 + +如果你感受到了难以消除的疲惫,或是感觉前方的路走不下去的的时候,也没关系的。 + +可以不用那么努力的,擦干眼泪,坐下来好好休息一下吧。 + +无数的角落存在可以治愈人的风景—— + +无论在「春」「夏」「秋」「冬」, + +以及, + +还有「爱」呢。 + +愿看到这里的你,能够每天开开心心的哦。 + +--- + +故事:来自 澪·洛·集 diff --git a/people/MeowBot233/page.zh_hant.md b/people/MeowBot233/page.zh_hant.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2efb58bc --- /dev/null +++ b/people/MeowBot233/page.zh_hant.md @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +--- +name: 坊洛 +info: + alias: 坊洛, 喵喵喵 坊洛, 雪沢 坊洛, 果汁 坊洛, 烤肉 坊洛 +--- + +> 喏,這是一個,我從遠方來的風精靈那裡,聽來的故事…… +> +> 風精靈將它帶到了秋葉這裡……等待有緣的人來此處聆聽。 +> +> 當你隨著風的指引來到了這裡,不妨坐下來,靜下心聽一聽這裡的故事吧。 + +## 夢幻少女之夢 + +一個身患絕症的少女 + +終日只能躺在醫院裡 + +每天晚上她都會有神奇的夢 + +她會夢到在夜晚 + +她和她的愛人在各種地方玩耍 + +從入夢一直到天亮 + +每次睡著之後 + +她都會夢到她的愛人在醫院門口等候 + +然後她們一起做許多有趣的事情 去有趣的地方 + +每天少女都早早的就睡了 + +天剛剛黑就入睡 + +然後 和愛人一起 + +去逛街 去打遊戲 + +去愛人的床上…… + +後來一次和愛人聊天 + +發現了不對勁的地方 + +白天 愛人總是很疲憊 + +有一次 她和愛人夜晚出去玩 + +愛人買了掛飾 + +然後少女在和愛人視頻的時候 + +看到了這個掛飾 + +以前從來沒有出現過的掛飾 + +少女每天都會和愛人講述她的夢 + +愛人總是好像全部經歷過一樣 + +後來有一天 少女終於知道了 + +每天晚上的夢不是夢 是靈魂出竅 + +她的靈魂和愛人一起去玩耍 + +所以「夢」的一切是真實發生的 + +後來少女逃離了醫院 和愛人相見 + +她們幸福地生活了沒多久 + +少女病情惡化 死在了愛人懷裡 + +但是她的靈魂留下來了 + +永遠和愛人在一起 + +## 澪·洛 + +> 最後的鐘聲響起 +> +> 她倆確實都還活著 +> +> (……) +> +> 揮手告別這個喧鬧的世界吧 +> +> 她倆就這樣握緊著手 +> +> 在只此一次的再會。 +> +> —— 再会(春巻御飯 Vocal 版) + +## 故事之外 + +這裡有一隻可愛而勇敢的貓貓,是可愛的小天使呢。 + +喜歡吃甜食,喜歡吃提拉米蘇,那種奶香的甜和咖啡的苦澀交織的食物。 + +她有著一直愛的人呢。 + +從 2021 年歲末,到 2023 年的秋天,或許更遠... + +有一段浪漫的,和愛有關的故事。 + +也許你聽過這個故事,會為所記得的,過往時光中的碎片而悲傷。 + +「生命」美好且脆弱呢。 + +但... + +> 沉浸幻想終究不會實現,已故者也不會回來,願望要靠活著的人去實現。 +> +> 大概這才是寬慰。 + +如果你感受到了難以消除的疲憊,或是感覺前方的路走不下去的的時候,也沒關係的。 + +可以不用那麼努力的,擦乾眼淚,坐下來好好休息一下吧。 + +無數的角落存在可以治癒人的風景—— + +無論在「春」「夏」「秋」「冬」, + +以及, + +還有「愛」呢。 + +願看到這裡的你,能夠每天開開心心的哦。 + +--- + +故事:來自 澪·洛·集 diff --git a/people/MeowBot233/photos/profile.png b/people/MeowBot233/photos/profile.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05350436 Binary files /dev/null and b/people/MeowBot233/photos/profile.png differ