diff --git a/people/MushroomGuuuu/info.yml b/people/MushroomGuuuu/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e75b819d --- /dev/null +++ b/people/MushroomGuuuu/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +id: MushroomGuuuu +profileUrl: ${path}/photos/profile.png +info: + born: '1995-05-29' + # 确认自:Kokoro 的想法 - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/pin/984898658231369728 + # 推特 [Kakao] 亦为950529 + # B 站记录的时间为 4 月 29 日,但不排除手误填写失误的可能 + died: '2017-10-01' + # 经过知乎与推特的发言时间与语言可大致推算 +websites: + twitter: https://twitter.com/MushroomGuuuu + zhihu: https://www.zhihu.com/people/mo-gu-ni-ge-xiao-wei-niang + Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/6595208 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/people/MushroomGuuuu/page.en.md b/people/MushroomGuuuu/page.en.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..036e83fc --- /dev/null +++ b/people/MushroomGuuuu/page.en.md @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +--- +name: Mushroom +info: + alias: Mushroom, Gu, Yaoyao + location: Shenzhen, Guangdong +--- + +## Description + +Mushroom was a trans girl who made efforts to live. + +She shared her daily life on social media, +sometimes posting photos of herself. +Her answers in Zhihu questions also included her shared content and photos. + +Her favourite dessert was sweet strawberry sundae, +and she also enjoyed drinking canned iced cola. + +In order to support herself, +she attended an interview to become a network anchor for MOMO, +and she achieved a significant milestone initially. +The female colleagues at her company understood her transgender identity and challenges. +They encouraged her to be herself and move forward, +one of them invited her to be a guest at home. + +When she was tired, she would also treat herself with food and drinks. + +Her father was gradually in favour of her, +and she started looking forward to completing SRS. + +Mushroom had a girlfriend. +They met on February 11th, 2017, and accompanied each other for several months. +They once watched the scenery of Shenzhen Fisherman Wharf and many exciting movies, +they also enjoyed endless delicious food. + +## Her Departure + +Mushroom was struggling with depression, +and she needed to take several kinds of medicine. + +"The doctor said to me that if I took medicine regularly, everything would go well." + +"In fact, I don't want to kill myself. I always endeavour to live." + +…… + +Before she departed, she smiled sweetly at everyone. + +## After Her Departure + +Mushroom once excerpted a passage from Shen Nanxi's answer in Zhihu question [What are your favourite sentences orpersonal status?](https://www.zhihu.com/question/36442613/answer/207763687) as a reflection to herself. + +> There is only one hell in this world, +> +> which is the world we live in now. +> +> You may think you are so kind because you are a fallen angel, +> +> but actually you are just the weakest amidst the devils. + +After Mushroom's departure, Shen Nanxi wrote a [memorial essay](https://archive.md/hQ7AS) for her to express her mourning. + +> At last, I wish you well. +> +> We will finally meet again, +> +> in that distant and warm world. + +Goodnight, Mushroom. May you be a happy mushroom in another world🍄 diff --git a/people/MushroomGuuuu/page.md b/people/MushroomGuuuu/page.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eecb46b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/MushroomGuuuu/page.md @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +name: 菇 +info: + alias: 菇菇菇菇奶奶, 蘑菇, 梦瑶, 瑶瑶 + location: 广东深圳 +--- + +## 简介 + +菇是一个努力生活着的跨性别女孩。 + +她在社交网站上分享着她的日常生活,偶尔会发些自拍,一些日常的琐碎。她的知乎回答里也是各种好看的照片和分享。 + +她最喜欢甜甜的草莓味圣代了,也喜欢喝罐装的冰可乐。 + +为了维持生计,她找到经纪人面试成为陌陌主播,刚开始直播就取得了很棒的成绩。公司里的女同事也理解她,一直鼓励着她向前走,同时还请她到家里做客。 + +在疲倦的时候,她也会犒劳自己,去吃好吃的美食,或者小酌一杯。 + +菇的父亲也逐渐开始支持她,她开始盼望着未来能够顺利进行手术。 + +菇有着相爱的人,她们于 2017 年 2 月 11 日相识,一起度过了一段幸福的时光。她们曾一起看渔人码头的风景,去看许多精彩的电影,去吃数不尽的好吃的。 + +## 离世 + +菇一直在和抑郁症作斗争,要吃好几种药。 + +「好好吃药一切都会好起来的,医生说的。」 + +「其实我也不想死,我很努力地活着。」 + +…… + +离开之前,她给了大家一个甜甜的笑。 + +## 身后 + +菇曾经摘录过沈南溪的在知乎问答 [有哪些你很喜欢的句子或个性签名?](https://www.zhihu.com/question/36442613/answer/207763687) 下的摘抄,作为送给自己的话: + +> 这世界只有一个地狱,就是你我现在生活的世界。 +> +> 你以为你的善良是因你是天堂掉落的天使,其实你只是众鬼里最弱的一个。 + +在菇离世后,沈南溪为她写下了[悼文](https://archive.md/hQ7AS),表达了对菇的哀思。 + +> 最后,祝安好。 +> +> 我们最终都还会再见的。 +> +> 在那个遥远,又温暖的地方。 + +晚安,菇。希望你在那边可以做个快乐的蘑菇🍄 diff --git a/people/MushroomGuuuu/page.zh_hant.md b/people/MushroomGuuuu/page.zh_hant.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..40205783 --- /dev/null +++ b/people/MushroomGuuuu/page.zh_hant.md @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +name: 菇 +info: + alias: 菇菇菇菇奶奶, 蘑菇, 夢瑤, 瑤瑤 + location: 廣東深圳 +--- + +## 簡介 + +菇是一個努力地生活著的跨性別女孩。 + +她在社交網路上分享著她的日常生活,偶爾會發些相片,一些日常的瑣碎。她的知乎回答裡也是各種好看的相片和分享。 + +她最喜歡甜甜的草莓味聖代了,也喜歡喝錫罐裝的冰可樂。 + +為了維持生計,她找到經紀人面試成為陌陌主播,剛開始直播就取得了很棒的成績。公司裡的女同事也理解她,一直鼓勵著她向前走,同時邀請她到家裡做客。 + +在疲倦的時候,她也會犒勞自己,去吃好吃的美食,或者小酌一杯。 + +菇的父親也逐漸開始支持她,她開始盼望著未來能夠順利進行手術。 + +菇有著相愛的人,她們於 2017 年 2 月 11 日相識,一起度過了一段幸福的時光。她們曾一起看漁人碼頭的風景,去看許多精彩的電影,去吃數不盡的好吃的。 + +## 離世 + +菇一直在和抑鬱作抗爭,要吃好多種藥。 + +「好好吃藥一切都會好起來的,醫生說的。」 + +「其實我也不想死,我很努力地活著。」 + +…… + +離開之前,她給了大家一個甜甜的笑。 + +## 身後 + +菇曾經摘錄過沈南溪的在知乎問答 [有哪些你很喜歡的句子或個性簽名?](https://www.zhihu.com/question/36442613/answer/207763687) 下的摘抄,作為送給自己的話: + +> 這世界只有一個地獄,就是你我現在生活的世界。 +> +> 你以為你的善良是因你是天堂掉落的天使,其實你只是眾鬼裡最弱的一個。 + +在菇離世後,沈南溪為她寫下了[悼文](https://archive.md/hQ7AS),表達了對菇的哀思。 + +> 最後,祝安好。 +> +> 我們最終都還會再見的。 +> +> 在那個遙遠,又溫暖的地方。 + +晚安,菇。希望妳在那邊可以做個快樂的蘑菇🍄 + + diff --git a/people/MushroomGuuuu/photos/profile.png b/people/MushroomGuuuu/photos/profile.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd12e847 Binary files /dev/null and b/people/MushroomGuuuu/photos/profile.png differ