[U] Fix link

Amika 2024-03-02 23:41:38 +08:00
parent 3ed3285fa9
commit 9ce9a883b2
3 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ After A told her about Sugar's gender dysphoria and the fact of suicide, she was
The lost of kid overwhelmed her, and she even said that Sugar was too selfish and she didn't concerned about them. Then she wanted to unlocked the phone of her kid.
A requested to her that if she can bury Sugar as her daughter, but her mother replied [as this](https://twitter.com/KiraRettosei/status/1749728762261012752?s=20).
A requested to her that if she can bury Sugar as her daughter, but her mother replied [as this](https://twitter.com/KiraRettosei/status/1749728762261012752).
(There may be some trigger factors, please be cautious before click)
However, her mother's attitude was changing gradually.

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ A 和别的推友劝不住,只能退而求其次为她兜底(服药后尽快
A 向糖的母亲表示如果可以希望将糖作为女儿下葬,但她是[这样](https://twitter.com/KiraRettosei/status/1749728762261012752?s=20)回复的。(链接可能含有触发要素,请谨慎点击)
A 向糖的母亲表示如果可以希望将糖作为女儿下葬,但她是[这样](https://twitter.com/KiraRettosei/status/1749728762261012752)回复的。(链接可能含有触发要素,请谨慎点击)

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ A 和別的推友勸不住,只能退而求其次為她兜底(服藥後儘快
A 向糖的母親表示如果可以希望將糖作為女兒下葬,但她是[這樣](https://twitter.com/KiraRettosei/status/1749728762261012752?s=20)回復的。(連結可能含有觸發要素,請謹慎點擊)
A 向糖的母親表示如果可以希望將糖作為女兒下葬,但她是[這樣](https://twitter.com/KiraRettosei/status/1749728762261012752)回復的。(連結可能含有觸發要素,請謹慎點擊)