From a07e425de641daebfa802e4bf6e817ee3040c92b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Amika Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 00:35:59 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] [+] partly en_ca localization --- people/Dethelly/ | 133 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 133 insertions(+) diff --git a/people/Dethelly/ b/people/Dethelly/ index 5bb13698..3fd5b732 100644 --- a/people/Dethelly/ +++ b/people/Dethelly/ @@ -7,13 +7,146 @@ info: ## Description +Sugar is a girl from Chongqing. +She entered a university in Hangzhou, Zhejiang in the autumn of 2023. + +Sugar was introverted, and she always cared about others' thoughts. +She was too shy to express her confusion and anxiety. Morever, she had't a friend to confide her thought, she could only hide these in heart. That made her look a bit intimidated. + +She even prepared a lot before she met friends in real life. She was too worried about making a bad impression on her friends, so she asked them a series of problems in advance (such as the kind of gift they hope to receive), and announced that she might show regressive behavior. + +She has a not-so-good family. Her father worked in railway group and her mother taught in school. She didn't feel love from her family. +When she was in senior high school, she hided her dress at home, but they were still confiscated by her family at last. +This incident made her deeply convinced that her parents were extremely conservative and unable to communicate. + ## The dissipated haze in Hangzhou +One 6th Janurary 2024, Sugar met a friend (Temporarily call her A) in Hangzhou. + +Before she met A, she hided in restroom and was always looking herself in the mirror. +she thought she was not qualified to meet people and was too timid to come out. +But to be honest, althought she hadn't grown her hair and worn her favourite clothes, she was still cute and pretty. + +The two girls visited many landscapes in Hangzhou…… + +West Lake Culture Square, Wulin Suqare, Wuliu Lane, and Fengshan Gate. + +在最后临别时,她问了 A 关于「要挟」的看法,吐露了心声: + +>(以下内容根据友人记忆复述,并非原文): +> +> 「或许我要做的事情就是要挟,既然他们完全无法沟通… +> +> 我让自己受一点伤……但是我怕疼…… +> +> 换取一些空间……他们总归会让步的吧…… +> +> ………… +> +> 根据计划,今天结束见面之后我就会删你好友了。 +> +> 让你担心不好,你早点忘记我吧。」 + +下车时,A 把还没吃完的半兜橘子扔给她,在 QQ 私信里留了一句「Adios.」[^1]。却没有得到回复。当晚她确实删掉了好友,推特也屏蔽了 A。 + +次日,一个自称其高中同学的推特用户代她捎来了几句碎碎念,A 说让这位同学多关注一下她。 + +后来,她放了寒假,去深圳康宁开了证——这是 A 事后才晓得的。 + ## The very thick fog over Jialing River +1 月 22 日,她回到重庆,并且恢复了与 A 的联系。 + +(据当时在外地的母亲事后称,微信聊天里那时她刚回重庆似乎很开心。) + +但实际上并没有。 + +她在当晚实施计划前联系了A,她和 A 反复确认表示,本次目的并非自杀,是创造自杀未遂的记录,以此表现对跨性别诉求的刚需,达到令父母让步的目的。 + +可她决定服用的剂量超致死量。 + +A 和别的推友劝不住,只能退而求其次为她兜底(服药后尽快报 120 ),因为 A 没有报警条件,包括沟通困难,住址信息模糊等等,救护车在半个小时多后才开出。 + +糖被送至渝北区第二人民医院时已生命垂危,于当夜(1 月 23 日凌晨)中毒身亡。 + ## After her departure +糖的母亲在 23 日早辗转联系到 A。 + +在A将糖的性别焦虑情况以及并非他杀等告知对方时,她表现出了闻所未闻的惊讶: + +> 「他(sic.)从来没有跟我们说过这些事!怎么突然就这样子去……」 +> +> (糖似乎确实完全没有正面沟通过这件事。) + +丧女的冲击太大,她也说出了「这么自私不考虑我们怎么办」之类的话,并想要解锁孩子的手机。 + +A 向糖的母亲表示如果可以希望将糖作为女儿下葬,但她是[这样](回复的。(链接可能含有触发要素,请谨慎点击) + +不过,她的态度也在慢慢变化。 + +糖的父母开始收拾她的遗物。 + +糖的母亲问 A 是否想要她生前爱抱的宜家鲨鲨。 + +她说:「他是我们的天使,可惜老天爷让他早走他不得不走。」 + +糖的母亲一直很感谢 A。 + ## The new spring +12th, February 2024. The third day of Spring Festival. + +At this night, A set off for a trip to Guiyang and Chongqing. + +In Ningbo Lishe International Airport, + +A sat on the seat near the porthole, and wait for the launch of the plane. + +In a daze, a phone call from Chongqing came, and she was familiar with the number. + +>(The words in brackets represent A.) +> +> My kid, how are you now?(I am fine, what happened? ) +> +> It's nothing, but…… I always worried about that you might……as well. So I'm calling to ask you are okay or not. +> +> My kid, if anything happened in the future, please tell your parents and not hold it in your stomach. Your parents always love you. +> +> After our generation became parents, we no longer keep the authority and stubbornness of our elders. +> +> So do I…… The path I am currently taking in life is not what my parents hoped, but I think it's no problem. +> +> We may not fully understand the decisions made by children. +> but we will support her if she carefully considered. +> +> My kid, I am glad you're okay, wish you a happy life. + +Sugar had a very cute face and figure. +If we change a character of her name to another homophonic one, it would became a girl's name that perfectly matches her gentle and soft temperament. + +But she just departed like this, with a mentality of "take a gamble". +Her life was frozen at the age of 19. + +When Sugar just passed away, her mother couldn't accept her behavior. But what about her mother said at last? + +Anyway, she had passed away. + +> Hope you remembers sugar. +> +> Hope you can share important information, such as your address, with trustworthy friends to avoid any unexpected situations. +> +> Hope that if you see a help request message, don't just swipe. +> +> Hope that if you have the ability to call the police, you can dial decisively. You are a lifesaver, not a murderer. Don't be afraid. +> +> Hope you cherishes life, hope still exists; you will only miss the opportunity if you leave too early. +> +> Hope you remembers sugar…… + +Take care. + +[^1]: Derived from Spanish, which means "Goodbye, Have a safe journey". + \ No newline at end of file