diff --git a/people/Jennife80677612/page.en.md b/people/Jennife80677612/page.en.md index aa3b9221..951199cb 100644 --- a/people/Jennife80677612/page.en.md +++ b/people/Jennife80677612/page.en.md @@ -5,11 +5,117 @@ info: location: Hebei, China --- -## Description - -Jennifer was a lovely trans girl who called herself a cute cat. +> I am in so much pain, indeed. +> +> I also know that many transgender friends on Twitter are in pain as well. +> +> But we all have to strive to live. +> +> Even if no one around me supports me, I know that you are there across the internet. +> +> So I am not alone. ## Experience +Jennifer was a trans girl longing for happiness. +When she was 13 years old, +she told her parents for the first time, "**I want to be a girl.**" +However, her parents dismissed it, +thinking that she was influenced by her classmates, +and strongly denied her thought with harsh words. +At that time, Jennifer didn't know what "transgender" meant, +but she understood the negative connotation of her parents' harsh words. + +Nevertheless, she bravely expressed her wish to them: + +> "I just want to be a normal girl, to study and live like other girls..." + +In her innocence, +she thought they would understand, +but it was only the beginning of her nightmare. + +After starting junior high school, +she tried to make her parents understand her better. +So she start to find information about "transgender" online. +She even read academic papers, attempting to communicate with her parents. + +Jennifer said: + +> "Transgender identity is something I was born with... It's just that a girl's soul is in the wrong body. I don't even ask for SRS. But can you just let me wear girls' clothes, and grow my hair long? I know I'm not pretty, but is it a crime to want to wear girls' clothes?" + +But all her efforts were in vain, +and what she received in return was more scolding. + +Later, in a state of extreme mental distress, +she got into a vocational high school. +However, after one year, +her parents forced her to take a gap, +claiming that "vocational schools are full of bad kids." + +Since then, she had been living under her parents' constant surveillance, +with no privacy and no sense of security. + +Nearly four years of mental control caused her to develop several mental illnesses. +Online psychometric scales showed that she was severely depressed, anxious, and mentally exhausted, but she couldn't go to a regular hospital for treatment. + +In June 2023, Jennifer turned 18. +She was eager to find a job and leave home. + +Due to her lack of education, +she could only work at a local beverage shop, +earning just enough to make ends meet. + +But she knew it would be a long time to escape her original family. + +She had to present herself as male for job interviews and work, +and everyone referred to her with the wrong pronouns, +which caused her great distress. + +> "I really can't live with a mask on... Is it so hard to be myself..." + +Despite this, she felt that even working as a server every day was better than staying in the suffocating environment at home. + +She seemed to see a glimmer of hope. +During that time, she even thought that if she could just endure and save enough money, +she could live on her own and free herself from her family. + +Unfortunately, her improved mental state didn't last long. +Her depression and anxiety often caused uncontrollable episodes, +and after working for just over a month, +she had to leave her job and return home. + +After returning home, +the harsh words flooded her ears once again. + +But by then, +her heart had grown numb. + +## Departure + +Jennifer once said, "Jennifer is a strong girl nya~ Jennifer won't block anyone." + +But there was one time, and the last time, +she made an exception: + +"I blocked the account of Han Lianyi. I think she's a great person, but I don't want her to save me. I'm sorry, Sister Han, I'm so sorry..." + +As the New Year approached, +fireworks and firecrackers were alight with spark, +carrying people's best wishes. + +The warm glow of lights filled thousands of homes. + +But Jennifer left this world in the biting cold wind, + +Her story remained in the New Year's Eve. + +Brief illusions brought her happiness and kept her from the cold... + +But until the end of her story, +she never got to take estrogen, +wear a beautiful dress, +or be called "Miss." + +Jennifer, may you no longer suffer and find the happiness in another world. diff --git a/people/Jennife80677612/page.md b/people/Jennife80677612/page.md index f3d23e1c..b5158a54 100644 --- a/people/Jennife80677612/page.md +++ b/people/Jennife80677612/page.md @@ -1,30 +1,84 @@ --- -name: 珍妮QwQ~ +name: 珍妮QwQ info: alias: Jennife, Jennifer location: 中国河北 --- -「」 -## 简介 - -珍妮是一个自称猫猫的可爱的跨性别女孩。 - - +> 我很痛苦,我确实很痛苦。 +> +> 我也知道,推上的许多跨性别的兄弟姐妹,ta 们都很痛苦。 +> +> 但是,我们都要努力地活着。 +> +> 即使身边没有人支持我,还有隔着网线的你们在,我就知道我不是孤身一人。 ## 经历 -13 岁的时候,她第一次和父母说「我想做一个女孩」,但她的父母不以为意,认为她是被同学带坏的,并用听起来很刺耳的言语回应了她。 +珍妮是一个渴望快乐的跨性别女孩。 + +13 岁的时候,她第一次和父母说「我想做一个女孩」。但她的父母不以为意,认为她受到了同学的影响,并用刺耳的言语强烈地否定了她。 珍妮当时并不知道什么是「跨性别」,但她知道父母口中刺耳的话语意味着什么。 -她向他们表达了自己真实的愿望: +不过,她依旧勇敢地向他们表达了自己真实的愿望: -> 「我只是想当个普普通通的女孩子,和其他的女孩子一样,正常学习,正常生活……小时候的我天真地以为,他们会懂,但那只是我噩梦的开始。」 +> 「我只是想当个普普通通的女孩子,和其他的女孩子一样,正常学习,正常生活……」 -从读初中开始,她一直尝试着让家长理解她,并在网上查到了「跨性别」相关的概念。她和父母说道: +小时候的她天真地以为他们会懂,但那只是她噩梦的开始。 + +初中以后,她尝试让家长进一步理解她,并在网上查到了「跨性别」相关的概念,甚至找来学术论文,试图与父母沟通。 + +珍妮这样说道: > 「这是天生的……只是一个女孩子的灵魂住错了身体。做手术我就不奢求了,你们能不能让我穿一穿女孩子的衣服,留一留女孩子的发型呢?我知道我长得丑,但我想穿着女孩子的衣服,是什么犯罪的事情吗?」 +但一切都是徒劳的,她的努力换来的也是更多的责骂。 -部分经历内容源于珍妮生前留下的遗书。 \ No newline at end of file +后来,她在精神状态极度糟糕的情况下,考上了一所职业高中。然而,读了一年以后,家长又以“职高里都是坏孩子”为理,强制给她办了休学。 + +从此,她便一直活在家长的监视之下,没有隐私,没有安全感。 + +将近四年的精神控制使她得了许多精神类疾病,她在网上测试的量表显示她已经是重度抑郁焦虑与精神衰弱,可她没有办法去正规医院就诊。 + +2023 年 6 月,珍妮迎来了 18 岁生日。她迫不及待地想找份工作离开家里。 + +由于学历不够,她只能在当地的奶茶店打工,日薪勉强能维持生计。 + +但她知道,想要逃离原生家庭,还有很长的路要走。 + +她只能以男性身份去面试和工作,所有人都以错误的性别代词称呼她,这让她感到很痛苦。 + +> 「我果然还是不适合戴着面具生活呀……做真实的自己就这么难吗……」 + +尽管如此,她觉得,哪怕天天当服务员,也比在家里的窒息环境待着要好。 + +她似乎看到了曙光。在那段时间里,她甚至觉得只要熬过去,挣到钱了,就能够自己出去居住,从而摆脱原生家庭的束缚。 + +但好景不长,她的抑郁与焦虑常让她不受控制地犯病,在坚持工作了一个多月之后,她就离职回家了。 + +回家以后,那些刺耳的话语又重新涌入了她的耳中。 + +但此时,她的内心已经麻木了。 + +## 离世 + +珍妮曾说过:「珍妮是一个内心强大的女孩子喵,珍妮不屏蔽任何人。」 + +但唯有一次,也是最后的一次,她破例了: + +「我屏蔽了寒涟漪,我觉得她很伟大,但我不希望她能救我。对不起,寒姐姐,对不起。」 + +新年之际,烟火和鞭炮寄托着人们的心愿, + +千万家里的灯火温暖而明亮, + +但珍妮却在凌冽的寒风之中离开了, + +她的故事留在了跨年夜之中。 + +短暂的幻觉给她带来了快乐,也让她不再寒冷…… + +可直到故事的结尾,她也没能吃上雌二醇,没能穿上漂亮的小裙子,没能被人叫过一声小姐姐。 + +珍妮,愿你在那边的世界中不再受苦,得到想要的快乐。 diff --git a/people/Jennife80677612/page.zh_hant.md b/people/Jennife80677612/page.zh_hant.md index 88e8273d..ac33862d 100644 --- a/people/Jennife80677612/page.zh_hant.md +++ b/people/Jennife80677612/page.zh_hant.md @@ -1,15 +1,84 @@ --- -name: 珍妮QwQ~ +name: 珍妮QwQ info: alias: Jennife, Jennifer location: 中國河北 --- -## 簡介 - +> 我很痛苦,我確實很痛苦。 +> +> 我也知道,推特上的許多跨性別的兄弟姐妹,ta 們都很痛苦。 +> +> 但是,我們都要努力地活著。 +> +> 即使身邊沒有人支持我,還有隔著網線的你們在,我就知道我不是孤身一人。 ## 經歷 +珍妮是一個渴望快樂的跨性別女孩。 +13 歲的時候,她第一次和父母說「我想做一個女孩」。但她的父母不以為意,認為她受到了同學的影響,並用刺耳的言語強烈地否定了她。 -條目貢獻:One-Among-Us +珍妮當時並不知道什麼是「跨性別」,但她知道父母口中刺耳的話語意味著什麼。 + +不過,她依舊勇敢地向他們表達了自己真實的願望: + +> 「我只是想當個普普通通的女孩子,和其他的女孩子一樣,正常學習,正常生活……」 + +小時候的她天真地以為他們會懂,但那只是她噩夢的開始。 + +初中以後,她嘗試讓家長進一步理解她,並在網上查到了「跨性別」相關的概念,甚至找來學術論文,試圖與父母溝通。 + +珍妮這樣說道: + +> 「這是天生的……只是一個女孩子的靈魂住錯了身體。做手術我就不奢求了,你們能不能讓我穿一穿女孩子的衣服,留一留女孩子的髮型呢?我知道我長得醜,但我想穿著女孩子的衣服,是什麼犯罪的事情嗎?」 + +但一切都是徒勞的,她的努力換來的也是更多的責駡。 + +後來,她在精神狀態極度糟糕的情況下,考上了一所職業高中。然而,讀了一年以後,家長又以“職高裡都是壞孩子”為理,強制給她辦了休學。 + +從此,她便一直活在家長的監視之下,沒有隱私,沒有安全感。 + +將近四年的精神控制使她得了許多精神類疾病,她在網上測試的量表顯示她已經是重度抑鬱焦慮與精神衰弱,可她沒有辦法去正規醫院就診。 + +2023 年 6 月,珍妮迎來了 18 歲生日。她迫不及待地想找份工作離開家裡。 + +由於學歷不夠,她只能在當地的奶茶店打工,日薪勉強能維持生計。 + +但她知道,想要逃離原生家庭,還有很長的路要走。 + +她只能以男性身份去面試和工作,所有人都以錯誤的性別代詞稱呼她,這讓她感到很痛苦。 + +> 「我果然還是不適合戴著面具生活呀……做真實的自己就這麼難嗎……」 + +儘管如此,她覺得,哪怕天天當服務員,也比在家裡的窒息環境待著要好。 + +她似乎看到了曙光。在那段時間裡,她甚至覺得只要熬過去,掙到錢了,就能夠自己出去居住,從而擺脫原生家庭的束縛。 + +但好景不長,她的抑鬱與焦慮常讓她不受控制地犯病,在堅持工作了一個多月之後,她就離職回家了。 + +回家以後,那些刺耳的話語又重新湧入了她的耳中。 + +但此時,她的內心已經麻木了。 + +## 離世 + +珍妮曾說過:「珍妮是一個內心強大的女孩子喵,珍妮不遮罩任何人。」 + +但唯有一次,也是最後的一次,她破例了: + +「我封鎖了寒漣漪,我覺得她很偉大,但我不希望她能救我。對不起,寒姐姐,對不起。」 + +新年之際,煙火和鞭炮寄託著人們的心願, + +千萬家裡的燈火溫暖而明亮, + +但珍妮卻在淩冽的寒風之中離開了, + +她的故事留在了跨年夜之中。 + +短暫的幻覺給她帶來了快樂,也讓她不再寒冷…… + +可直到故事的結尾,她也沒能吃上雌二醇,沒能穿上漂亮的小裙子,沒能被人叫過一聲小姐姐。 + +珍妮,願你在那邊的世界中不再受苦,得到想要的快樂。 diff --git a/people/Jennife80677612/photos/profile.jpg b/people/Jennife80677612/photos/profile.jpg index b60eae0e..75b4b4db 100644 Binary files a/people/Jennife80677612/photos/profile.jpg and b/people/Jennife80677612/photos/profile.jpg differ