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[U] Update Entery for Proselyte093

- Change Requests from Aquaticat
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Amika 2023-12-05 15:20:12 +08:00
parent 67746307ca
commit be7f84613a
3 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ Owing to their family and studies, Proselyte was troubled by anxiety and depress
However, they still supported theirselves by viewing good things in a long term, incuding their favourite games, cute animals, and colourful illustrations. When our friends fell in anxiety, they would generously give their warm hug. However, they still supported theirselves by viewing good things in a long term, incuding their favourite games, cute animals, and colourful illustrations. When our friends fell in anxiety, they would generously give their warm hug.
Until early November, they still thought that curing depression before their birthday. Unfortunally, their mental symptoms gradully overflowed. In an evening, they chose to depart silently, and stayed in the long cold night forever. Until early November, they still held on to the hope of curing depression before their birthday. Unfortunally, their mental health gradully worsened. In an evening, they went out of their home silently and assimilated into the night.
"Death is not the end of life, but oblivion is." This is what Proselyte wrote for [Qi](https://one-among.us/profile/qiqi233345) to remember her. This is also a quote sentence showed on the main page of "One Among Us". We will never forget you, who are gentle and tough. Rest well, Proselyte. "Death is not the end of life, but oblivion is." This is what Proselyte wrote for [Qi](https://one-among.us/profile/qiqi233345) to remember her. This is also a quote sentence showed on the main page of "One Among Us". We will never forget you, who are gentle and tough. Rest well, Proselyte.

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@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ Ta 也喜欢小众的像素风RPG游戏。比如《恐怖美术馆》以及
不过在很长的一段时间内Ta 仍然靠着美好的事物在支撑着,包括 Ta 所喜欢的游戏可爱的动物以及绚丽的插画。在我们的伙伴陷入焦虑之时Ta 也会毫不吝啬地给出自己温柔的抱抱。 不过在很长的一段时间内Ta 仍然靠着美好的事物在支撑着,包括 Ta 所喜欢的游戏可爱的动物以及绚丽的插画。在我们的伙伴陷入焦虑之时Ta 也会毫不吝啬地给出自己温柔的抱抱。
尽管直到 11 月初Ta 仍然想着在生日之前把抑郁症治好,彻底成为一个正常人。不幸的是,精神相关症状逐渐超出了 Ta 的控制。在一个傍晚Ta选择了安静地离开留在了漫漫长夜之中。 尽管直到 11 月初Ta 仍然想着在生日之前把抑郁症治好,彻底成为一个正常人。不幸的是,精神相关症状逐渐超出了 Ta 的控制。在一个傍晚Ta 选择了安静地离开,留在了漫漫长夜之中。
“死亡不是结局,遗忘才是。” 这是 Proselyte 写给[祁](https://one-among.us/profile/qiqi233345)的纪念话语,当然,这也是于“那些秋叶”首页上收载的话语。我们同样不会忘记温柔而坚强的你。晚安Proselyte。 「死亡不是结局,遗忘才是。」这是 Proselyte 写给[祁](https://one-among.us/profile/qiqi233345)的纪念话语,当然,这也是于「那些秋叶」首页上收载的话语。我们同样不会忘记温柔而坚强的你。晚安Proselyte。

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@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ Ta 也喜歡小眾的像素風RPG遊戲。比如《恐怖美術館》以及
不過在很長的一段時間內Ta 仍然靠著美好的事物在支撐著,包括 Ta 所喜歡的遊戲可愛的動物以及絢麗的插畫。在我們的夥伴陷入焦慮之時Ta 也會毫不吝嗇地給出自己溫柔的抱抱。 不過在很長的一段時間內Ta 仍然靠著美好的事物在支撐著,包括 Ta 所喜歡的遊戲可愛的動物以及絢麗的插畫。在我們的夥伴陷入焦慮之時Ta 也會毫不吝嗇地給出自己溫柔的抱抱。
盡管直到 11 月初Ta 仍然想著在生日之前把抑郁癥治好,徹底成為一個正常人。不幸的是,精神相關癥狀逐漸超出了 Ta 的控製。在一個傍晚Ta選擇了安靜地離開留在了漫漫長夜之中。 盡管直到 11 月初Ta 仍然想著在生日之前把抑郁癥治好,徹底成為一個正常人。不幸的是,精神相關癥狀逐漸超出了 Ta 的控製。在一個傍晚Ta 選擇了安靜地離開,留在了漫漫長夜之中。
「死亡不是結局,遺忘才是。」 這是 Proselyte 寫給[祁](https://one-among.us/profile/qiqi233345)的紀念話語當然這也是於「那些秋葉」首頁上收載的話語。我們同樣不會忘記溫柔而堅強的你。晚安Proselyte。 「死亡不是結局,遺忘才是。」這是 Proselyte 寫給[祁](https://one-among.us/profile/qiqi233345)的紀念話語當然這也是於「那些秋葉」首頁上收載的話語。我們同樣不會忘記溫柔而堅強的你。晚安Proselyte。