import fetch from 'node-fetch' import { backOff } from 'exponential-backoff' const CF_API_TOKEN = process.env.CF_API_TOKEN const CF_ACCOUNT_ID = process.env.CF_ACCOUNT_ID const CF_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME = process.env.CF_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME const CF_DELETE_ALIASED_DEPLOYMENTS = process.env.CF_DELETE_ALIASED_DEPLOYMENTS const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5 const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms) }) const headers = { Authorization: `Bearer ${CF_API_TOKEN}`, } /** Get the cononical deployment (the live deployment) */ async function getProductionDeploymentId() { const response = await fetch( `${CF_ACCOUNT_ID}/pages/projects/${CF_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME}`, { method: 'GET', headers, } ) const body = await response.json() if (!body.success) { throw new Error(body.errors[0].message) } const prodDeploymentId = if (!prodDeploymentId) { throw new Error('Unable to fetch production deployment ID') } return prodDeploymentId } async function deleteDeployment(id) { let params = '' if (CF_DELETE_ALIASED_DEPLOYMENTS === 'true') { params = '?force=true' // Forces deletion of aliased deployments } const response = await fetch( `${CF_ACCOUNT_ID}/pages/projects/${CF_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME}/deployments/${id}${params}`, { method: 'DELETE', headers, } ) const body = await response.json() if (!body.success) { throw new Error(body.errors[0].message) } console.log(`Deleted deployment ${id} for project ${CF_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME}`) } async function listDeploymentsPerPage(page) { const response = await fetch( `${CF_ACCOUNT_ID}/pages/projects/${CF_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME}/deployments?per_page=10&page=${page}`, { method: 'GET', headers, } ) const body = await response.json() if (!body.success) { throw new Error(`Could not fetch deployments for ${CF_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME}`) } return body.result } async function listAllDeployments() { let page = 1 const deploymentIds = [] while (true) { let result try { result = await backOff(() => listDeploymentsPerPage(page), { numOfAttempts: 5, startingDelay: 1000, // 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s retry: (_, attempt) => { console.warn( `Failed to list deployments on page ${page}... retrying (${attempt}/${MAX_ATTEMPTS})` ) return true }, }) } catch (err) { console.warn(`Failed to list deployments on page ${page}.`) console.warn(err) process.exit(1) } for (const deployment of result) { deploymentIds.push( } if (result.length) { page = page + 1 await sleep(500) } else { return deploymentIds } } } async function main() { if (!CF_API_TOKEN) { throw new Error('Please set CF_API_TOKEN as an env variable to your API Token') } if (!CF_ACCOUNT_ID) { throw new Error('Please set CF_ACCOUNT_ID as an env variable to your Account ID') } if (!CF_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME) { throw new Error( 'Please set CF_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME as an env variable to your Pages project name' ) } const productionDeploymentId = await getProductionDeploymentId() console.log( `Found live production deployment to exclude from deletion: ${productionDeploymentId}` ) console.log('Listing all deployments, this may take a while...') const deploymentIds = await listAllDeployments() for (const id of deploymentIds) { if (id === productionDeploymentId) { console.log(`Skipping production deployment: ${id}`) } else { try { await deleteDeployment(id) } catch (error) { console.log(error) } } } } main()