# Our Data 这里存了 [One Among Us](https://one-among.us/) 的条目,欢迎贡献! 在贡献之前请阅读我们的 [文档和贡献指南](https://github.com/one-among-us/how-we-work/blob/main/README-zh_Hans.md)。 Please read our [How-We-Work](https://github.com/one-among-us/how-we-work/blob/main/README.md) before contributing. ## GitHub Repo 结构 * [data](https://github.com/one-among-us/data) - 条目内容存储 * [web](https://github.com/one-among-us/web) - 网页前端源码 * [backend](https://github.com/one-among-us/backend) - 献花和编辑后端源码 ## File Structure * Directory `/people//`: Data for a specific person * `info.json5`: Profile information * `page.md`: Profile page content * `photos`: Photo directory * `comments`: List of comments made by other users in the format of `yyyy-mm-dd-{name}-{id}.txt` * Branch `gh-pages`: Data that's automatically generated by Github Actions * `people-list.json`: A list of all people currently in the repository * Directory `/people//`: Built data for a specific person * `page.js`: `page.md` built with MDX ## 多语言 我们正在尝试重新编写网站的多语言架构,以使其更通用,更新的方式更简洁。在这段过渡时期里,请大家尽量把简体中文作为底稿,并且用自动转换或者手动校对的方式生成繁体文稿。在新的多语言架构编写完成后,我们会重新校对所有繁体文稿。 ## HData `/data/hdata.json` defined some data which used for entry properties. Here is some description of it: * `commentOnly`: `string[]`, the entries which include comments only, like `tdor` or `tdov` * `exclude`: `string[]`, the directories which would not be handled * `notShowOnHome`: `string[]`, if you don't want a entry show on the home, add it into this item * `actualHide`: `string[]`, if you don't want a entry show on the home and won't be redirected by random buttons, add it into this item. If you set a entry in this list, you have no need to set it into `notShowOnHome` again. ### Example ```json { "commentOnly": [ "tdor" ], "exclude": [ "tdov" ], "notShowOnHome": [ "Anilovr", "noname3031" ], "actualHide": [ "ArtsEpiphany" ] } ``` If you don’t understand how to modify it, please feel free to [Contact Us](https://one-among.us/about/).