import url from "url"; import path from "path"; import fs from "fs-extra"; import autocorrect from "autocorrect-node"; import YAML from 'js-yaml'; import metadataParser from 'markdown-yaml-metadata-parser'; import { renderMdx } from "./mdx.js"; import moment from "moment"; const PUBLIC_DIR = "public"; const PEOPLE_DIR = "people"; const COMMENTS_DIR = "comments"; const DIST_DIR = "dist"; const projectRoot = path.dirname(path.dirname(url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))); const peopleDir = path.join(projectRoot, PEOPLE_DIR); const people = fs.readdirSync(peopleDir).map(person => ({ dirname: person, srcPath: path.join(peopleDir, person), distPath: path.join(projectRoot, DIST_DIR, PEOPLE_DIR, person) })); interface PeopleMeta { id: string name: string profileUrl: string path: string sortKey: string } // Transform `info.json5` to `info.json`. // Extract metadata from `people/${dirname}/info.json5` to `dist/people-list.json`. function buildPeopleInfoAndList() { // Read internationalized key names const infoKeys = YAML.load(fs.readFileSync('info-i18n.yml').toString()) // Compile into multiple languages for (const lang of ['', '.zh_hant', '.en']) { // Compiled meta of list of people for the front page (contains keys id, name, profileUrl) const peopleList: PeopleMeta[] = []; // For each person for (const { dirname, srcPath, distPath } of people) { const infoFile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(srcPath, `info.yml`), "utf-8"); const info: any = YAML.load(infoFile); // Read the of that language const markdown = fs.readFileSync(path.join(srcPath, `page${lang}.md`), "utf-8").replaceAll("<!--", "{/* ").replaceAll("-->", " */}"); // Get the markdown header const mdMeta = metadataParser(markdown).metadata = // Convert website dict into entries [[k, v], ...] info.websites = Object.entries(info.websites ?? {}) // Get sort key const sortKey = ?? ?? '0' // Add age if ( && && { try { = Math.abs(moment(, 'years', false)) } catch (e) { console.log(`Unable to calculate age for ${dirname}`) } } // Convert info dict to [[key, value], ...] // And add info k-v pairs from markdown to the info object in json5 = [...Object.entries( ?? {}), ...Object.entries( ?? {})] // Convert key names to internationalized key names let langKey = trim(lang, ".") if (langKey == '') langKey = "zh_hans" const keys = infoKeys[langKey]['key'] = => [pair[0] in keys ? keys[pair[0]] : pair[0], pair[1]]) // Combine comments in people/${dirname}/comments/${cf}.json const commentPath = path.join(srcPath, COMMENTS_DIR) fs.ensureDirSync(commentPath) info.comments = fs.readdirSync(commentPath) .filter(cf => cf.endsWith('.json')) .map(cf => JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(commentPath, cf), 'utf-8'))) // Autocorrect comment contents info.comments.forEach(c => c.content = autocorrect.format(c.content)) // Write info.json fs.ensureDirSync(distPath); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(distPath, `info${lang}.json`), JSON.stringify(info)); // Create people list meta information const peopleMeta = { path: dirname, sortKey: sortKey, ...Object.fromEntries(["id", "name", "profileUrl"].map(key => [key, info[key]])) } as PeopleMeta; // Add meta to people list if (peopleList.filter(it => == == 0) peopleList.push(peopleMeta); } peopleList.sort((a, b) => b.sortKey.localeCompare(a.sortKey)) // Write people-list.json fs.writeFileSync(path.join(projectRoot, DIST_DIR, `people-list${lang}.json`), JSON.stringify(peopleList)); } } // Render `people/${dirname}/` to `dist/people/${dirname}/page.js`. function buildPeoplePages() { for (const { dirname, srcPath, distPath } of people) { for (const lang of ['', '.zh_hant', '.en']) { // Read markdown page and remove markdown meta let markdown = metadataParser(fs.readFileSync(path.join(srcPath, `page${lang}.md`), "utf-8")).content.replaceAll("<!--", "{/* ").replaceAll("-->", " */}"); // Handle Footnote markdown = handleFootnote(markdown) // Autocorrect markdown markdown = autocorrect.formatFor(markdown, 'markdown') // Render mdx console.log('GENERATED: '+dirname+lang) const result = renderMdx(markdown); fs.ensureDirSync(distPath); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(distPath, `page${lang}.json`), JSON.stringify(result)); } } } function handleFootnote(md: string) { if (!md.includes('[^')) return md // Replace footnote references with HTML superscript tags return md.replace(/\[\^(\d+)\](?::\s*(.*))?/g, (match, id, text) => text ? // Footnote definition `<li id="footnote-${id}">${text}<a href="#footnote-ref-${id}">↩</a></li>` : // Footnote reference `<sup><a href="#footnote-${id}" id="footnote-ref-${id}">${id}</a></sup>` ) // Wrap the footnote definitions in an ordered list .replace(/(<li id="footnote.*<\/li>)/gs, '<ol>\n$1\n</ol>') } // Copy `people/${dirname}/photos` to `dist/people/${dirname}/`. function copyPeopleAssets() { const PEOPLE_ASSETS = ["photos", "backup", ""]; for (const { srcPath, distPath } of people) { fs.ensureDirSync(distPath); for (const assetDirname of PEOPLE_ASSETS) { const assetSrcPath = path.join(srcPath, assetDirname); if (fs.pathExistsSync(assetSrcPath)) { fs.copySync(assetSrcPath, path.join(distPath, assetDirname)); } } } } // Copy files `public` to dist. function copyPublic() { fs.copySync(path.join(projectRoot, PUBLIC_DIR), path.join(projectRoot, DIST_DIR)); } buildPeopleInfoAndList(); buildPeoplePages(); copyPeopleAssets(); copyPublic(); /** * Trim a specific char from a string * * @param str String * @param ch Character (must have len 1) */ function trim(str: string, ch: string) { let start = 0 let end = str.length while (start < end && str[start] === ch) ++start; while (end > start && str[end - 1] === ch) --end; return (start > 0 || end < str.length) ? str.substring(start, end) : str; }