--- name: Yumiao info: alias: Yumiao location: Changzhou, Jiangsu --- ## Description <!-- 注释:我觉得“小药娘”就可以不用翻译了,英文环境里好像没有对应的东西,注释应该也可以不需要。 --> <!-- 富士、尼康、徕卡 Fujifilm, Nikon, Leica --> <!-- 三剑客汽车节目:Top Gear 由三位主持人 Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May 主持 已停播 --> ## Experience ## Departure ## Memorial <!-- 尼康马特 FT Nikkormat FT 尼康 D200 Nikon D200 --> > And in case I don't see you……good afternoon, good evening, and good night. > > From *The Truman Show* Well, Yumiao, girl's last tour ended. And you can finally get a good sleep. Contributor: [Jose](https://twitter.com/JoseToYuToMiao) (Some experience originated in Yumiao's autobiography before her departure. There are M&D.)