# Our Data 这里存了 [one-among.us](https://one-among.us/) 的条目,欢迎贡献! ## GitHub Repo 结构 * [our-data](https://github.com/hykilpikonna/our-data) - 条目内容存储 * [OneAmongUs.Web](https://github.com/hykilpikonna/OneAmongUs.Web) - 网页前端源码 * [OneAmongUs.Backend](https://github.com/hykilpikonna/OneAmongUs.Backend) - 献花和编辑后端源码(暂时私有了) ## 文件结构 * Directory `/people//`: Data for a specific person * `info.json5`: Profile information * `page.md`: Profile page content * `photos`: Photo directory * `comments`: List of comments made by other users in the format of `yyyy-mm-dd-{name}-{id}.txt` * Branch `gh-pages`: Data that's automatically generated by Github Actions * `people-list.json`: A list of all people currently in the repository * Directory `/people//`: Built data for a specific person * `page.js`: `page.md` built with MDX