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"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:true});Object.defineProperty(exports,"default",{enumerable:true,get:function(){return _default}});function MDXContent(props){if(props===void 0)props={};var _createMdxContent=function _createMdxContent(){var _components=Object.assign({h2:"h2",blockquote:"blockquote",p:"p",a:"a",ol:"ol",li:"li",em:"em"},props.components),PhotoScroll=_components.PhotoScroll;if(!PhotoScroll)_missingMdxReference("PhotoScroll",true);return Vue.h(Vue.Fragment,null,Vue.h(_components.h2,null,"Description"),"\n",Vue.h(_components.blockquote,null,"\n",Vue.h(_components.p,null,'"Trans lesbian...could I really find true love in this life? I suppose not."\n"It\'s about time (to leave)."'),"\n"),"\n",Vue.h(_components.p,null,"Chica (Chen You Qi) is a cute girl from Beijing, Chaoyang.\nHere are some of her photos:"),"\n",Vue.h(PhotoScroll,{photos:["${path}/photos/picture1.jpg","${path}/photos/picture2.jpg","${path}/photos/picture3.jpg","${path}/photos/picture4.jpg","${path}/photos/picture5.jpg"]}),"\n",Vue.h(_components.p,null,"At the evening of 2023 Jan 5th, she said ",Vue.h(_components.a,{href:""},"goodbye on Twitter"),".\nShe then left this world before dawn of the next day."),"\n",Vue.h(_components.p,null,"The news of her death was published by her friend on 2023 Jan 6th."),"\n",Vue.h(_components.p,null,"This is her suicide note:"),"\n",Vue.h(PhotoScroll,{photos:["${path}/photos/Word1.jpg"]}),"\n",Vue.h(_components.p,null,"Translation of the above suicide note:"),"\n",Vue.h(_components.blockquote,null,"\n",Vue.h(_components.p,null,"Just an informal suicide note to list some requests."),"\n",Vue.h(_components.ol,null,"\n",Vue.h(,null,"Please make sure I'm dressed up after death, (name redacted), so I can go with dignity. I mean, if you want."),"\n",Vue.h(,null,"Pour my ashes into the sea. Don't preserve and worship it. I don't like that."),"\n",Vue.h(,null,"Don't blame anyone on my funeral. I knew I would not be able to continue anymore someday long ago because of my own mental issues."),"\n",Vue.h(,null,"Don't cry too load at my funeral, okay?"),"\n",Vue.h(,null,"Play ",Vue.h(_components.em,null,"I really want to stay at your house")," at my funeral. I really like this song, but I can't sing it because my voice is too low."),"\n",Vue.h(,null,"Format all my electronic devices."),"\n",Vue.h(,null,"Let my family decide what to do with everything else I owned."),"\n",Vue.h(,null,"Drink a cup of Whiskey with me on my funeral.\nActually, I still have a lot of things I want to do. It's a pity that I lost to myself. But I have to admit defeat. I knew I would not be able to continue anymore someday long ago because of my own mental issues.\nOne last thing: I want the host of my funeral to address me as \"your daughter\". My only wish is to be myself. Seems like it won't get fulfilled..."),"\n"),"\n"),"\n",Vue.h(_components.p,null,"Please offer your condolences to this poor girl."))};var _ref=props.components||{},MDXLayout=_ref.wrapper;return MDXLayout?Vue.h(MDXLayout,props,Vue.h(_createMdxContent)):_createMdxContent()}var _default=MDXContent;function _missingMdxReference(id,component){throw new Error("Expected "+(component?"component":"object")+" `"+id+"` to be defined: you likely forgot to import, pass, or provide it.")}