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synced 2025-03-27 13:15:35 +08:00
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"\"use strict\";Object.defineProperty(exports,\"__esModule\",{value:true});Object.defineProperty(exports,\"default\",{enumerable:true,get:function(){return _default}});function _createMdxContent(props){var _components=Object.assign({h2:\"h2\",p:\"p\",em:\"em\",a:\"a\"},props.components),PhotoScroll=_components.PhotoScroll,ChannelBackupButton=_components.ChannelBackupButton;if(!ChannelBackupButton)_missingMdxReference(\"ChannelBackupButton\",true);if(!PhotoScroll)_missingMdxReference(\"PhotoScroll\",true);return Vue.h(Vue.Fragment,null,Vue.h(_components.h2,null,\"Description\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,Vue.h(_components.em,null,\"Exist\"),\" was a cute girl, so she was pretty popular.\\nEveryone who meets Exist would be moved by her welcomeness and cheerfulness.\\nDespite needing to take many medications and \",Vue.h(_components.a,{href:\"https://twitter.com/donotexist_A/status/1383379769903910915?s=20\"},\"often having to stay in the hospital\"),\" because of her bipolar disorder and other general health issues,\\nshe was able to be on good terms with every doctor and patient she meets.\\nHere is a drawing of her by an art student she met during one of her stays in the hospital:\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(PhotoScroll,{photos:[\"${path}/photos/portrait.jpg\"]}),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Because Exist's haircut was similar to the character Isabelle in \",Vue.h(_components.em,null,\"Animal Crossing\"),\";\\nalso because her personality was as cute as that of Isabelle,\\nwe call her Isabelle sometimes.\\nShe however didn't seem to like to be called that sometimes.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Exist had a good fashion sense.\\nWhether it's “human's clothing” (clothing style most people choose for their everyday life), JK, or lolita,\\nshe was able to find the clothing choices to best express herself.\\nExist once found a \",Vue.h(_components.a,{href:\"https://twitter.com/donotexist_A/status/1352976196766633985?s=20\"},\"tagline signaling gender expression diversity acceptance by \",Vue.h(_components.em,null,\"Uniqlo\")),\":\\n“This is a piece clothing designed for girls and women, but it's suitable for boys and men, too!”\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Exist likes to read books.\\nMany types of books.\\nShe has a preference for paper books.\\nOnce, she went to \",Vue.h(_components.a,{href:\"https://twitter.com/donotexist_A/status/1358339066056482817?s=20\"},\"Huadu library\"),\" for the book \",Vue.h(_components.em,null,\"Gender Trouble\"),\" by Butler.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Exist likes to try out new things.\\nShe often wandered around the city and found lots of great sceneries other people would have ignored.\\nWhether it's a bookstore visit, a clothes shopping trip, a night of playing rhythm games together, or trying out various foods,\\nshe can always keep everyone engaged.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Exist has too many good qualities to list.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"Exist helped many trans people in Guangdong to build up confidence by using her social media.\\nShe shared her experience of how she was able to get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and get the prescriptions with everyone.\\nWe believe, if we are able to see Exist one more time, she would share all she saw and learned during her time in the other world with us.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(_components.p,null,\"In 2021, May, Exist died of the low blood pressure caused by medication side effects and complications.\\nGood night, Exist.\\nWish you happiness.\"),\"\\n\",Vue.h(ChannelBackupButton,{platform:\"telegram\"}))}function MDXContent(props){if(props===void 0)props={};var _ref=props.components||{},MDXLayout=_ref.wrapper;return MDXLayout?Vue.h(MDXLayout,props,Vue.h(_createMdxContent,props)):_createMdxContent(props)}var _default=MDXContent;function _missingMdxReference(id,component){throw new Error(\"Expected \"+(component?\"component\":\"object\")+\" `\"+id+\"` to be defined: you likely forgot to import, pass, or provide it.\")}" |