Eyre_S 02819a9069
cha make social url rewrite now search urls instead of match in queries
- ShareToolBilibili now searches all the urls in query string, include share url, av/BV id, video url, then rewrites them all and outputs.
- ShareToolTwitter now searches all the urls instead of matches in the query string.
- ShareToolXhs now uses searchUrls, instead of old match url or search share text. Also supported multiple urls match in one query.
2024-08-12 23:06:41 +08:00

3.0 KiB

给所有喜欢morny的大家的 Morny Coeur 源代码

"and nobody cares."

social preview card

一个 telegram 上的服侍 A.C.Sukazyo Eyre 和它的花宫成员的 bot 内核

GitHub release GitHub Workflow Status of test Maven metadata of snapshots

Handbook Telegram

Libraries Used

Scala 3 | SpotBugs Annotations | ScalaTest
messiva | resource-tools
Java Telegram Bot API
okhttp | sttp | Gson | circe | jsoup | cron-utils