- CLI add config read, from $HOME/.config/sekai-scores/sekai-scores.properties.
- now it can read a pjsekai user id, and the sekai-scores database config
- add a command `add`
- it now can parse 9 params from args, or let user input them in cli, to build a basic score
- it can echo the score, which looks just like the result score screen in game
- now the sekai-cli build script supports 'application' implementation, and supports UTF-8 and uses spotbugs-annotations.
- add "id" field to Song, means the song id in game and wiki.
- add "id" field to Difficulty, it is a String of EASY/EXPERT etc.
- changes the parseJSONString implementation
- add song 夜に駆ける, complete the group SekaiSpecial