mirror of https://github.com/one-among-us/data.git synced 2025-02-22 06:08:45 +08:00

[M] Merge remote-tracking branch 'data/main'

This commit is contained in:
Elihuso Quigley 2024-11-23 23:59:40 +08:00
commit 661a3a2728
436 changed files with 5441 additions and 557 deletions

CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# 编写原则
## 编写的原则
我们的目的是做一个小的纪念馆,而不是 wiki。因此我们更鼓励用写作来抚慰不在世和在世的各位跨儿朋友以及我们的盟友们allies。无论逝者是什么性别身份我们希望给读者看到的是「原来ta 们曾经是和我一样的,鲜活的生命。」因此,过于夸张或者过于冷静的描写都是需要避免的。
写作的风格比起 wiki 来说是相对自由的,但仍然需要遵守一些基本的原则,例如:
- 所写内容要尽量做到真实;
- 如果有大段的引用,需要标明出处;
- 可以使用一些社群内,或者说「圈内」的术语,但是如果愿意的话,请尽量在第一次出现的时候加上注释。
## 收录的标准
- 跨性别者、跨**性**别者、非二元性别人士、非常规性别者transgender, transsexual, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people, 总称 TGD。只要确认其 TGD 身份,就可以收录。不应该因为 TGD 人士的品行问题而选择拒绝收录和纪念,但可以以后人的视角在介绍中作公正的评判;
- 对 TGD 社群有感情的友跨人士allies。这里的标准比较宽松。
我们维护了一份只有 One Among Us 在任志愿者能看到的「不愿被收录人士的名单」,一旦发现 Pull Requests 或者 Issues 中有名单内提到的人,我们会手动关闭。这份名单我们认为不应该公开查阅,但是如果有确认名单或者希望自己不被收录的需求,请发邮件到 [info@one-among.us](mailto:info@one-among.us) 联系我们。

Contribute.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# How to contribute
## 0. Write Commit Messages
Effective Feb 20, 2023, we adopt the commit message convention as follows for all One Among Us repositories:
> [*] Do something
The message should be written in English. Starting with a mark symbol in square brackets and separated by a space character, the headline should be a imperative sentence describing what you do and end without punctuation marks. Detailed descriptions are not mandatory but recommended if you find it complicated. We follow the 72-column line-wrapping rule.
### Marks
> [+] Add
> [-] Remove
> [U] Update
> [O] Optimize
> [F] Fix
> [S] Modify style
> [M] Move (also [M] Modify by convention but [U] Modify is recommended)
> [R] Refactor
> [T] Test
> [D] Tweak documentation
> [B] Backup
> [PR] Merge commit of pull request
### Examples
> [+] Add entry for sauricat
> [U] Update photos for sauricat
> [F] Fix punctuation
## 1. File structures
* Directory `/people/<userid>/`: Data for a specific person
* `info.yaml`: Profile information
* `page.md`: Profile page content
* `page.en.md`: English version for page content
* `page.zh_hant.md`: Traditional Chinese version for page content
* `photos`: Photo directory
* `comments`: List of comments made by other users in the format of `yyyy-mm-dd-{name}-{id}.txt`
* Directory `/data/`: Data for building
* `hdata.json`: Front-end item behavior, see [HData chapter](#3-hdata)
* `eggs.json`: Easter Eggs. Please contact the maintainer to add new easter egg(s).
* Directory `/scripts/`: Build Scripts
## 2. How to build/preview
# Install Dependencies
yarn install
# Build data
yarn build
# Preview Website
yarn preview
For Windows, Yarn could be find at [Classic YarnPkg](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#debian-stable).
## 3. HData
`/data/hdata.json` defined some data which used for entry properties. Here is some description of it:
* `commentOnly`: `string[]`, the entries which include comments only, like `tdor` or `tdov`
* `exclude`: `string[]`, the directories which would not be handled
* `notShowOnHome`: `string[]`, if you don't want a entry show on the home, add it into this item
* `actualHide`: `string[]`, if you don't want a entry show on the home and won't be redirected by random buttons, add it into this item.
If you set a entry in this list, you have no need to set it into `notShowOnHome` again.
* `trigger`: `string[]`, if you think this article is likely to irritate readers and should be restricted, please set this option.
### Example
"commentOnly": [
"exclude": [
"notShowOnHome": [
"actualHide": [
"trigger": [
## 4. MDX external features
1. Both `{/*something*/}` and `<!--something-->` can be rendered as comment, will not displayed on the website;
2. KaTeX formula could be used in the page. eg. $C_p=\dfrac{p-p_\infty}{\frac12\rho U_\infty^2}$
3. Footnote could be used.
4. GitHub `[!Note]` mark could be used.
## 5. Components
* `PhotoScroll`
* usage: `<PhotoScroll photos={string[]} />`
* `photos`: `string[]`, the photos which this PhotoScroll will displayed
* example: `<PhotoScroll photos={['${path}/photos/postcard8.jpg', '${path}/photos/postcard9.jpg', '${path}/photos/postcard10.jpg', '${path}/photos/postcard11.jpg',]} />`
* `Banner`
* usage: `<Banner data={{icon: string, title: string, text: string}} />`
* `icon`: `string`, the url of icon.
* `title`: `string`, the title of this banner.
* `text`: `string`, the description of this banner.
* example: `<Banner data={{icon: "https://one-among.us/favicon-large.png", title: "本条目含有大量创伤触发要素", text: "如果您在浏览逝者页面的时候产生不适,请立即退出并寻求医生和社群的帮助,必要时寻找当地自杀干预机构。"}} />`
* `BlurBlock`
* usage: `<BlueBlock hover?>slot</BlueBlock>`
* `hover`: optional, If specified it will be displayed when the cursor is hovered, not when clicked.
* `slot` html slot
* example:
this is an example blurred paragraph.
* `CapDownQuote`
* usage: `<CapDownQuote messages={string[][]} />`
* messages: `string[][]`, the message of quote block.
* example: `<blockquote><CapDownQuote messages={[["你走了呀……姊姊……”", "“这个天线的馈线那些怎么看来着?”"], ["“不上学了嘛……”", "“不是说好了下一次……”"], ["“山猫猫!抱住~”", "“她听力不太好哦……”"], ["“为什么……”", "“把我们丢在这……”"], ["“这是为了她……”", "“下一次一起打mai……”"], ["“教我开车嘛~”", "“帮我照顾好山猫猫~“"], ["“姊姊好厉害,好羡慕……”", "“又被家里人说了,公司的工作也很多……”"]]} /></blockquote>`

data/eggs.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
"type": "open",
"userid": ["MeowBot233"],
"id": "isSeenMeowBot233",
"toast": {
"title": "找到了喵~",
"text": "诶? 找什么喵? ",
"img": "https://data.one-among.us/img/cat-face-emoji-2048x1828.png",
"width": 64,
"height": 57
"type": "open",
"userid": ["Anilovr", "noname3031", "dogesir_"],
"id": "Betelgeuse",
"toast": {
"title": "参宿四 ~Betelgeuse~",
"text": "R.I.P. - Be resilient -",
"img": "https://data.one-among.us/img/betelgeuse.png",
"background": "url(https://data.one-among.us/img/stardust.jpg)",
"width": 64,
"height": 64,
"color": "#f0f8ff"
"type": "open",
"userid": ["xuewulihuameng", "Futajuhuacha", "Xu_Yushu", "Dethelly"],
"id": "ChongQing",
"toast": {
"title": "嘉陵雾稠",
"text": "雾终将散去, 而我们终将看到彩虹",
"img": "https://data.one-among.us/img/bridge.png",
"background": "url(https://data.one-among.us/img/fog.jpg)",
"width": 64,
"height": 47
"type": "open",
"userid": ["zhangyubaka", "Uekawakuyuurei", "MizuharaNagisa"],
"id": "Boat",
"toast": {
"title": "海色",
"text": "拔锚起航, 跨越闪耀泪光的海岸",
"img": "https://data.one-among.us/img/ship.png",
"background": "#0b2058ff",
"width": 64,
"height": 64,
"color": "#f0f8feff"
"type": "tag",
"userid": ["zhangyubaka"],
"tag": "summary",
"id": "detailsByYumao",
"toast": {
"title": "往昔苦难",
"text": "因为妳而存在, 因为妳而不在, 要在啊......",
"img": "https://data.one-among.us/img/lifeline.png",
"background": "#EEEEEE88",
"width": 64,
"height": 64
"type": "tag",
"userid": ["mikaela_khara"],
"tag": "summary",
"id": "mikaela_khara_ferris",
"toast": {
"title": "永乐桥上的风景",
"text": "连绵不断的河流,像生命本身一样无法回头……",
"img": "https://data.one-among.us/img/Tientsin-Eye.png",
"width": 64,
"height": 64
"type": "wait",
"userid": ["shihai4h"],
"wait": 20000,
"id": "funeralFlowers",
"toast": {
"title": "葬花",
"text": "花谢花飞花满天, 红消香断有谁怜? ",
"img": "https://data.one-among.us/img/tumb.png",
"background": "url(https://data.one-among.us/img/flower.png)",
"width": 64,
"height": 64
"type": "keyword",
"userid": [
"id": "rhythm",
"keyword": [
"Project Sekai"
"toast": {
"title": "希望有个 All Perfect 的结局",
"text": " ~ All that I'm left with is your reminiscences ~ ",
"img": "https://data.one-among.us/img/musical-score.png",
"width": 64,
"height": 64
"type": "open",
"userid": ["BI4PBV", "interrgned"],
"id": "radio",
"toast": {
"title": "跨过空间与距离",
"text": "­—· · ···­— · ·­—· / ·­—·· ­—­—­— ···­— · ­—·· / ­—·­—­— ­—­—­— ··­— / ··· ­—­—­— / ­—­— ··­— ­—·­—· ····",
"img": "https://data.one-among.us/img/radar.png",
"background": "black",
"width": 64,
"height": 64,
"color": "#f0f8feff"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"commentOnly": ["tdor"],
"exclude": [],
"notShowOnHome": ["MeowBot233"],
"exclude": ["XIEPT2", "shi_Yumiaoya"],
"notShowOnHome": ["MeowBot233", "AkiraComplex"],
"actualHide": ["Aniloviraw"],
"trigger": ["Aniloviraw"],
"switch": [

View File

@ -15,11 +15,13 @@
"preview": "yarn build-preview && yarn serve"
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"@andreekeberg/imagedata": "^1.0.2",
"@mdx-js/mdx": "^2.1.5",
"@swc/core": "^1.3.17",
"@types/fs-extra": "^11.0.1",
"@types/node": "^20",
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"blurhash": "^2.0.5",
"esbuild": "^0.18.10",
"fs-extra": "^11.1.0",
"js-yaml": "^4.1.0",

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18214,"content":"晚安,一路走好","submitter":"某個匿名的MC玩家","date":"Oct 16, 2024"}

View File

@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ info:
Acheron was a young trans girl who was lovely, brave, and kind-hearted.
She uploaded several Minecraft gameplay videos on Bilibili.
She once excavated an entire chunk in Minecraft with nine friends in the speedrun community in just 30:17.
She once excavated an entire chunk in Minecraft with nine friends in the Speedrun community in just 30:17.
Acheron was also knowledgeable in technology.
Acheron was not just a gamer but also a tech enthusiast.
She was knowledgeable in various aspects of technology,
from hardware to software,
and often shared her insights with the community.
She uploaded two notable videos:
one is unboxing the BearPi-HM Nano development board,
and the other is installing Klipper based on Debian 10.
one is unboxing the BearPi-HM Nano development board.
The other is installing Klipper based on Debian 10.
## Departure

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18202,"content":"Rest In Peace","submitter":"某個匿名的MC玩家","date":"Oct 12, 2024"}

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18204,"content":"Rest In Peace","submitter":"Elizabeth","date":"Oct 13, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
id: AkiraComplex
profileUrl: ${path}/photos/profile.jpg
born: '1993-03-30'
died: '2023-06-26'
twitter: https://twitter.com/AkiraComplex
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdxf3SY8xgI6x7TRTc8jxrg/featured
iconify:hugeicons:soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/akira-complex

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
name: Akira Complex
alias: Akira, Charlie
location: New York, United States
> An intense dissatisfaction in the world.
> And a compulsion to do something about it.
> Heaven and
> earth*36
Akira Complex was a wonderful, beautiful, and caring person.
They pushed through their pain for years, bringing joy to many with their exceptional talent and moving music.
But their pain might have been too heavy...
At last, that soul full of love and warmth left us, like a shooting star.
Bright and fragile,
moving but fleeting...
Akira, We will always remember you and your creations.
> My Guiding star, forever...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
name: Akira Complex
alias: Akira
location: 美国纽约
> An intense dissatisfaction in the world.
> And a compulsion to do something about it.
> Heaven and
> earth*36
Akira Complex 是个很棒,很漂亮,很有爱心的人。
多年来ta 努力克服自己的痛苦,用 ta 杰出的才华,与震撼人心的音乐给大家带来欢乐。
ta 所受到的痛苦对 ta 来说,也许太过沉重了……
> 不灭的指明星,永远闪耀着……

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
name: Akira Complex
alias: Akira
location: 美國紐約
> An intense dissatisfaction in the world.
> And a compulsion to do something about it.
> Heaven and
> earth*36
Akira Complex 是一個很棒,很漂亮,很有愛心的人。
多年來ta 努力克服自己的痛苦,用 ta 傑出的才華,與震撼人心的音樂給大家帶來歡樂。
但是ta 所受到的痛苦對 ta 來說,也許太過沉重了……
> 不滅的指明星,永遠閃耀著……

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 45 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18243,"content":"晚安","submitter":"某個匿名的MC玩家","date":"Oct 23, 2024"}

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ info:
<Banner data={{
icon: "https://one-among.us/favicon-large.png",
title: "This entry contains various types of triggering information",
text: "If you feel uncomfortable while browsing this page, please exit immediately and seek help from doctors, the community, or local suicide intervention agencies if necessary."
text: "If you feel uncomfortable while browsing this page, please exit immediately and seek help from health professionals, the community, or local suicide intervention agencies if necessary."
}} />
> Extremely lucky today
@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ info:
<br /><br />
...Well, I posted that too early on socials.
Stuff in the stomach have not been digested...and acid reflux
Stuff in the stomach has not been digested...and acid reflux
<br /><br />
> Repenting
> Regrets
> I should not develop any intimate relationships...
<br /><br />
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ Stuff in the stomach have not been digested...and acid reflux
I'm having some strange feelings——
——I think I want to go and play with you
> Ugly, filthy me after a few days off GATH.
> No need to use those medications.
> Ugly, filthy me after a few days off GATH (Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy).
> No need to waste those meds.
> I'll finish the last thing I need to do,
> And finally, aboard the Ginga Tetsudō, with you.
@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ I'm having some strange feelings——
<br /><br />
i love you
But buried deep in my heart
When you hate me, and forget me
i finally succeeded
I love you,
But my love is buried deep in my heart.
The time when you hate me and forget me
is when I have finally succeeded.
<div style="min-height: 20vh" />
<div style="min-height: 20vh; min-block-size: 20vb;" />
> La homa mondo devus esti detruita

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":17128,"content":"嗯…虽然不认识你,但还是,祝你安眠…明天见,陌生人","submitter":"未知の纪念日","date":"Apr 21, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18136,"content":"生日快乐……没能好好了解你……","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Sep 2, 2024"}

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18137,"content":"回来了哦……","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Sep 2, 2024"}

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18150,"content":"海南,刮起台风来了啊……雨下得好大呢……","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Sep 7, 2024"}

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ info:
## Profile
Ani grew up in a single-parent household.
She has helped many people.
Her selflessness has touched the lives of many.
But in the end, she, who gave others hope, wasn't able to escape death herself.
<PhotoScroll photos={[ '${path}/photos/photo1.jpg', ]} />
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ On that day, Ani fulfilled her last plan to leave silently.
Yet, her death was sudden and shocking.
> Maybe separation is not that awful.
> When we are dissolved into wind after millions of hours,
> When we are dissolved into the wind after millions of hours,
> we will be reunited as bubbles in the same cup of beer.
> No atoms can truly be destroyed in the universe.
> Sooner or later, we will be together again.
@ -42,17 +42,17 @@ Her death was confirmed by [方方](https://twitter.com/fang050722) and [铃木
This world does not deserve you.
May the other side treat you well.
May you share the joy with those who travel together with you,
on the train traveling through the starry sky.
on the train travelling through the starry sky.
Death is not the end.
We will meet under the sky of a more loving world.
Wish you have the happiness that you missed.
I wish you the happiness that you missed.
> A gentle and kind-hearted friend,
> always thinking about others,
> compassionate to a fault.
> Tried to take care of friends when she should have had taken care of herself;
> shouldered everything herself to not bother anyone else.
> Tried to take care of friends when she should have taken care of herself;
> shouldered everything herself so as not bother anyone else.
Ani was outed on October 22nd.
[Elihuso](https://twitter.com/ElihusoQ) sought help for her by explaining her situation online.
@ -62,5 +62,5 @@ However, she rejected every offer of help.
> I already went against it twice.
> Once, twice, there will not be a third.
At night, when we look at Betelgeuse, the brightest star in this starry sky,
you will be waving at us, smiling.
At night, when we look at Betelgeuse, the brightest star in this starry sky:
You will be waving at us, smiling.

people/Arita/info.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
id: Arita
profileUrl: ${path}/photos/profile.jpg
born: '1993-05-13'
died: '2022-08-07'
bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/35582328
iconify:simple-icons:douban: https://www.douban.com/people/52444491

people/Arita/page.en.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
name: Arita
alias: Arita, sodapinkpink
location: Shanghai, China
Arita is a kind and beautiful "big sister." She majors in architecture and urban planning, a field the author once dreamed of pursuing as a child. In addition to architectural design, she has a deep love for painting and is quite talented. Her camera is filled with a variety of photos, further reflecting her artistic nature. Arita also has a keen interest in makeup and fashion. According to a friend, she recommends many lesser-known but high-quality cosmetic brands on Xiaohongshu. She favors rose-colored lipstick and rose-scented perfume and often lights scented candles in her room. She strikes me as someone who truly enjoys life. Her friends describe her personality as similar to the author's. At first glance, she may come across as soft-spoken and reserved, often "sitting quietly in the corner," but she is deeply protective of those close to her. She is unafraid to share her views on various aspects of life with those she trusts and desires a partner who can stand beside her to face the world together.
Arita's favorite band is Soda Green. In fact, Wu Qingfeng, the frontman of Soda Green, is often noted for his unique and unconventional gender expression. One of Arita's favorite songs is "Singing with You": "I can ride my imagination in your direction/Let the invisible me lean beside you and sleep so sweetly/Let the invisible you walk into my dreamland and sing with me." It is a song that brings comfort. Arita also enjoys TVB shows and British dramas, particularly fond of British actors James McAvoy and Carey Mulligan. She has watched almost all of Shunji Iwai's films. The name "Arita" is likely derived from one of Iwai's short films. The author later began watching movies from Arita's Douban list, almost feeling as though watching them together. Sometimes I imagine other things we could do, like cooking a hot pot at home, reading novels, discussing urban studies, or even traveling to the Scottish Highlands. I even fantasize about asking her for advice on my transition (laughs).
Arita occasionally struggles with depression. As she has mentioned, when she's feeling down, she often turns to reading Dazai Osamu's *Indignation in the World* to release her sadness through its resonance, before gradually healing. She tends not to share her negative emotions publicly, preferring to confide in friends privately or process them alone. A few months before her passing, her roommates noticed some changes in her behavior, but perhaps they didn't have the time or awareness to react. Shortly after her graduation photos were taken, she chose to leave us due to some currently unknown circumstances.
Despite all of this, the author never personally interacted with Arita. She was an international student at my school, in the same year as me. One August day, when I was struggling with my thesis and dealing with a failing relationship, I was in a deep state of sadness. A Chinese netizen shared a missing person notice about her. At the time, I didn't pay much attention to it—there were too many things demanding my focus—but something about the description made me uneasy. Later, after I moved into a new apartment, another female roommate casually mentioned that her previous roommate had passed away. I thought about it for a while and suddenly realized the connection. I searched for the notice and discovered that the WeChat ID listed belonged to my new roommate. I was shaken and couldnt calm down for the rest of the day. Perhaps it was fate—a strange coincidence. It felt as though I had calculated that if I were to die on May 13, 2027 (her birthday), I would always be one day younger than her.
After Arita's death, the police sealed her phone as evidence, which meant that her friends in China weren't notified. Eventually, I was the one who had to deliver the painful news to her friends. Writing the post on Weibo was excruciating, and it often comes across as cold and stiff when I read it now. Arita's ex-boyfriend had planned to send her Soda Green's remastered new album, but after being unable to contact her for more than six months, he and I communicated sporadically through Weibo. He and Arita had lived together in Chengdu, but their contact had gradually faded over the years due to the distance. Perhaps Arita had always been the one he truly cared about. His final request was to visit her grave, but for now, that wish could not be fulfilled. Another friend asked me to send a bouquet of roses to her, and on the first anniversary of her passing, I delivered the flowers to the place where she died. I also ordered a strawberry cake for her on what would have been her 30th birthday.
Unexpectedly, my new roommate and I became very close because of Arita. When I first asked her to join me for a meal, she was open about it, and we began spending time together. Neither of us was in a great mental state, but we found warmth in each other's company. We almost couldn't stay together and had considered returning to China, to the point where I jokingly referred to the apartment as a "hospice care center" (laughs).
Arita holds a very special place in the author's heart. She was someone the author truly admired. Before, I asked Arita's ex-boyfriend if he would mind if I said I loved Arita, and he assured me he wouldn't. Although my gender is listed as female on Weibo, he knew I was transgender, and he offered many encouraging words. I am truly grateful for his kindness.
Sister, I hope we will meet one day. As the heroine in *The Phantom Thread* said at the end of the film: "...He is still waiting for me somewhere in the sky. This life, the next, and the next after that. No matter where my destiny leads me, as long as I stay patient, I will return to him." I believe I can do the same. I'm here. Wait for me.
Let me end with a poem by Yeats, *Haters of the Wind*:
> I became a rush that horses tread:
> I became a man, a hater of the wind,
> Knowing one, out of all things, alone, that his head
> Would not lie on the breast, or his lips on the hair
> Of the woman that he loves, until he dies;
> Although the rushes and the fowl of the air
> Cry of his love with their pitiful cries.
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name: Arita
alias: Arita, sodapinkpink
location: 中国上海
Arita最喜欢的乐队是苏打绿其实苏打绿的核心人物吴青峰也是一位经常被认为性别表达非常规的歌手。她很爱的一首歌是《陪你歌唱》“朝你的方向能够乘著想象/让隐形的我倾在你身旁 睡得多香/让隐形的你走进我梦乡 陪我歌唱”是相当能给人安慰的一首歌呢。Arita也对TVB和英剧感兴趣喜欢两位英国演员James McAvoy和Carey Mulligan。她还看过岩井俊二的几乎所有电影Arita这个昵称应该就是来自岩井的某部短片。笔者后来开始看她豆瓣影视列表上的标记的影片就好像是和她一起看一样现在已经差不多看完了。有时笔者也会幻想可以和Arita一起做的其他事情比如说一起在家做饭煮火锅读小说讨论我们共同感兴趣的关于城市研究的学术话题或者一起去苏格兰高地旅游再或者让她为我transition提供建议
姐姐,希望我们最后总有一天会见面的,不是吗,就好像《魅影缝匠》里的女主在片尾说的那段话:“...他仍然在天上的某个地方等待着我,今生,来生,来生之后还有来生,不管从现在起命运的道路将会把我带向何方...只要我保持耐心,就一定能再次回到他的身边。” 我相信我也一定能做到的,等着我哦。
最后以叶芝的一段诗歌结尾吧haters of the wind.
> I became a rush that horses tread:
> I became a man, a hater of the wind,
> Knowing one, out of all things, alone, that his head
> Would not lie on the breast or his lips on the hair
> Of the woman that he loves, until he dies;
> Although the rushes and the fowl of the air
> Cry of his love with their pitiful cries.
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
name: Arita
alias: Arita, sodapinkpink
location: 中國上海
Arita是個溫柔可愛的大姐姐她所學專業是建築/城市規劃,其實也是筆者小時候非常嚮往的專業呢。除了建築設計之外她也非常喜愛和擅長繪畫,還有一台堆滿了各種照片的相機,是一位很有藝術天賦的人呢。 Arita同樣很了解化妝和穿搭據我的朋友說她會在小紅書上推薦很多冷門但品質出色的化妝品品牌。她偏愛玫瑰色的口紅和玫瑰味道的香水房間裡有時會點上香氛蠟燭看起來是個很熱愛生活的人呢。據她的朋友說據她的朋友說她的性格類型和筆者有些相似給人的第一印像是說話聲音輕柔“總是安靜地坐在角落裡”但對親密的人佔有欲很強會願意在他們面前對世界上的許多事情表達自己的觀點想要一位可以攜手對抗世界的戀人。
Arita最喜歡的樂團是蘇打綠其實蘇打綠的核心人物吳青峰也是一位常被認為性別表達非常規的歌手。她很愛的一首歌是《陪你歌唱》“朝你的方向能夠乘著想像/讓隱形的我傾在你身旁睡得多香/讓隱形的你走進我夢鄉陪我歌唱” ,是相當能給人安慰的一首歌呢。 Arita也對TVB和英劇感興趣喜歡兩位英國演員James McAvoy和Carey Mulligan。她也看過岩井俊二的幾乎所有電影Arita這個暱稱應該就是來自岩井的某部短片。筆者後來開始看她豆瓣影視清單上的標記的影片就好像是和她一起看一樣現在已經差不多看完了。有時筆者也會幻想可以和Arita一起做的其他事情比如說一起在家做飯煮火鍋讀小說討論我們共同感興趣的關於城市研究的學術話題或者一起去蘇格蘭高地旅遊再或者讓她為我transition提供建議
說了這麼多但其實筆者並沒有真正和Arita本人交流過。 Arita是和我同校同級的留學生在我著急寫論文又人際關係破裂的非常抑鬱的8月份的一天國內的網友給我轉發了關於她的尋人啟事當時我也沒有在意這條訊息畢竟需要在意的事情太多了但就是看描述讓我預感很不好。後來我搬了新家另一位女生室友外出剛回來和我以及兩個男生開會的時候突然提到她之前的室友去世了我想了幾分鐘突然意識到了什麼然後直接去搜索了那條尋人啟事裡的微訊號──就是我的新室友。我當時真的過了一天心情都沒有平復也許這就是有某種宿命般的巧合在裡面就好像我後來算過如果我在2027年5月13日去死也就是她的生日我就會永遠比她小一天一樣。
Arita離世後她的手機作為證物被警方封存因此沒有人通知她在國內的朋友最終反倒是我成了那個向她的朋友們公佈死訊的最不討喜的人當時自己在微博打字的時候痛苦得不行讀起來反而常常顯得冰冷僵硬。 Arita的前男友本來想寄給她蘇打綠重製的新專輯但半年多一直無法聯繫到她。我和他在微博上斷斷續續交流了幾個月他和Arita曾經一起在成都生活幾年前因為異地而逐漸失去了聯繫但也許Arita一直還是他真正喜歡的人。他最後的請求是去探訪Arita的墓地但這個心願至少暫時還無法滿足。 Arita的另一位朋友希望我為她送一束玫瑰花我在一周年忌日那天把花送到了她去世的地點。其實在她30歲生日的時候我還幫她訂了一個草莓蛋糕呢。
最后以叶芝的一段诗歌结尾吧haters of the wind.
> I became a rush that horses tread:
> I became a man, a hater of the wind,
> Knowing one, out of all things, alone, that his head
> Would not lie on the breast or his lips on the hair
> Of the woman that he loves, until he dies;
> Although the rushes and the fowl of the air
> Cry of his love with their pitiful cries.
<PhotoScroll photos={["${path}/photos/image0.jpg"]} />

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18111,"content":"事情已经过去一年多了还记得去年Suraimu重生后我们一起参加东京骄傲游行活动后去原宿逛街时她在某个小店里刻印了一枚写着arts的吊牌当时只知道是一位来自清华的已故的姐妹。直到近些天才得知她的真实身份我们曾经在同一个高中的同一个班级做过一年同学只记得她是一个瘦瘦小小、不苟言谈、成绩好到让我艳羡不已的人。可这么久了我竟然始终没有将这两个人对到一起实在感到抱歉没想到我竟然以这样的方式与她重新相识。我也是一位已经RLE许久的跨性别女性只是远远不如她优秀更没有足够的能力为社群做出那么多贡献…写到这儿时我的脸颊已经被泪水浸湿了那个曾经相识过但已默不作声地去往天国的姐妹祝你安好","submitter":"花路","date":"Aug 16, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18167,"content":"令人尊敬的勇气,令人痛心的结局——一路走好,晚安。\n我不知道您所做的是否值得——但世界会因此明亮的。","submitter":"匿名路人","date":"Sep 24, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18302,"content":"晚安❤️","submitter":"飔","date":"Nov 13, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18351,"content":"无言\n我甚至还没能真正的认识你\n有一日我们会再见吗\n我想试试从自己的视角而非他人的视角来认识姐姐","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Nov 15, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":20002,"content":"愿Arts 早安 午安 晚安","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Nov 18, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18263,"content":"晚安","submitter":"A anonymous Minecraft player","date":"Nov 1, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18265,"content":"晚安","submitter":"菊立朝凉","date":"Nov 1, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18272,"content":"晚安 r.i,p","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Nov 3, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18275,"content":"晚安,老伙计","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Nov 4, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18276,"content":"很抱歉以这样的方式认识你...\nRIP\n希望小可爱们都能好好活着...","submitter":"RINKA","date":"Nov 4, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18277,"content":"晚安","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Nov 4, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18279,"content":"安安,会有个好梦的","submitter":"叶琴韵","date":"Nov 6, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18281,"content":"10月27号还跟我打过电话现在就天人永隔了遗憾啊","submitter":"云墨凌","date":"Nov 8, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18285,"content":"晚安。","submitter":"予凌","date":"Nov 9, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18288,"content":"我永远忘不掉知道他离开的那一晚,愿你安息","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Nov 10, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18304,"content":"抄收你信号59,期待与你下次通联,73.","submitter":"BG6PHP","date":"Nov 13, 2024"}

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{"id":18326,"content":"晚安","submitter":"1","date":"Nov 13, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18342,"content":"过去一段时间了虽然不太想再提起这个我跟PBV认识时间不算很长大概从我入坑开始好长时间才互相认识后来他经常给我打电话我们才有所交集虽然没有真正见过面但对他的印象很深的是声音很好听以及他对卫星那种特别的执着。他偶 尔一周给我打好几次电话偶尔一两个月打一次,虽然大多时候都是他给我打,因为脑子慢更喜欢打字发消息,通话中经常要沉默好长才能回他几句,通话内容大多跟我交流一下他最近在折腾什么好玩的东西以及进展如何,我和他电话最密集的时候是今年四五月份,那段时间他经常和我分享他的探空气球计划\n那段时间因为个人原因和家庭原因好长时间没去上课一直躺着精神内耗 那段时间我也是在嗑药片寻求精神解脱 PBV看出我那段时间不太对劲电话中还关心过我有没有事 我是个比较偏执的人就没坦白只是应付着:我还好 不用担心\n我手机常年静音他给我打的好多电话我都没接到 最后一次打给我是八月二十四下午 是个未接来电 直到那天下午听闻他去世的消息我才后知后觉好后悔当时怎么没给他打回去…哪怕是寒暄几句…\n有时候我就静静的翻着和他的聊天记录和他的通话记录我越翻越愧疚…我该好好关心一下他的…\n希望来世你能像热爱无线电一样热爱生活","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Nov 14, 2024"}

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id: BI4PBV
profileUrl: ${path}/photos/profile.jpg
born: '2005-01-27'
died: '2024-10-28'
twitter: https://twitter.com/BI4PBV_1
bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/171644818

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
name: Suigetsu Houka
alias: Suigetsu, BI4PBV/QBG
location: Qingdao, Shandong
> Good bye, Greenland-1
## Introduction
Suigetsu was a gentle girl who was active on radio waves.
She sometimes seemed too obsessed with technology. However, that was also one aspect of her cuteness.
<PhotoScroll photos={[
]} />
> zakozakoCiallo(∠・ω< )⌒★
<PhotoScroll photos={["${path}/photos/image3.png"]} />
> Not just taking a break, but truly lazy, no mistake.
> Ah, wanna play?
Truly a little fox she is~
## Farewell
> Greenland-1 balloon officially lost contact at 17:52:56 last night
> Greenland-1, codenamed SS1TP, was released at 17:43:13 on May 6. It carried an experimental amateur radio payload. However, due to the low antenna, power and flight altitude, the balloon was released at 9 minutes and 43 seconds and lost signal.
<br />
<BlurBlock>See you later…no, never.</BlurBlock>

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
name: 岁月封华
alias: 岁月, BI4PBV/QBG
location: 山东青岛
> Good bye, Greenland-1
## 简介
岁月, 是个活跃在无线电波上的温柔女孩子呢
即使有时会显现对于技术的执着, 但这也是她所可爱的一面呢?
<PhotoScroll photos={[
]} />
> zakozakoCiallo(∠・ω< )⌒★
<PhotoScroll photos={["${path}/photos/image3.png"]} />
> 不是犯懒,而是真懒
> 啊,干干你的
## 回见
> Greenland-1(青岛一号)气球于昨天晚上17时52分56秒正式失联
> 青岛一号代号SS1TP于5月6号17时43分13秒释放其携带一枚试验性业余无线电载荷但是由于天线、功率以及飞行高度太低气球于释放后的9分43秒后失去信号。
<br />
<BlurBlock>回见, 再也不见.</BlurBlock>

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
name: 歲月封華
alias: 歲月, BI4PBV/QBG
location: 山東青島
> Good bye, Greenland-1
## 简介
歲月, 是個活躍在無線電波上的溫柔女孩子呢
即使有時會顯現對於技術的執著, 但這也是她所可愛的一面呢?
<PhotoScroll photos={[
]} />
> zakozakoCiallo(∠・ω< )⌒★
<PhotoScroll photos={["${path}/photos/image3.png"]} />
> 不是犯懶, 而是真懶
> 啊, 幹幹妳的
## 回見
> Greenland-1(青島一號)氣球于昨天晚上17时52分56秒正式失去聯絡
> 青島一號代號SS1TP于5月6日17時43分13秒釋放其攜帶一枚試驗性業餘無線電載荷但由於天線、功率及飛行高度過低氣球於釋放後的9分43秒後失去信號。
<br />
<BlurBlock>回見, 再也不見.</BlurBlock>

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{"id":14116,"content":"||唉。||","submitter":"冬花","date":"Nov 28, 2023"}
{"id":14116,"content":"||唉。||","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Nov 28, 2023"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18108,"content":"放心,大家都会记得你","submitter":"西西","date":"Aug 15, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18217,"content":"晚安","submitter":"某個匿名的MC玩家","date":"Oct 16, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18297,"content":"巴仑,晚安","submitter":"琳欣","date":"Nov 13, 2024"}

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@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ name: Barron
Barron was a happy trans girl who studied drawing in Japan.
She had a dream to open a manga studio.
But unfortunately, due to family discord and her coming out, she was forced to give up her studies and return to China at the end of May 2023 after failing to commit suicide in Japan.
She had a dream of opening a manga studio.
Unfortunately, due to family discord and her coming out, she was forced to give up her studies and return to China at the end of May 2023 after failing to commit suicide in Japan.
After returning to China, she lost almost all her income sources.
To make matters even worse, she was unable to draw again due to her serious PTSD.
She found some good friends in Guangzhou who could keep her company, and then lived for a short time in Beijing.
During her time in Beijing, although she was often bothered by finance and other issues, she was quite happy with everyone's comfort.
To make matters even worse, she was unable to draw again due to her severe PTSD.
She found some good friends in Guangzhou who could keep her company, and then lived briefly in Beijing.
Although she was often bothered by finance and other issues during her time in Beijing, she was pretty happy with everyone's comfort.
However, owing to financial reasons and her beloved, she returned to Guangzhou at the end of August.
She and her beloved spent quality time in Guangzhou, although they had to engage in sex work to survive.
Even though she faced challenges in her relationship with her lover, she bravely confronted the trials of life.
Barron once said that she was on a girl's last tour.
Tragically, she left us too soon and ended her own tour. During her journey, she once left such words, "Really wish that someone would remember me."
Tragically, she left us too soon and ended her own tour. During her journey, she once left such words: "Really wish that someone would remember me."
Rest well, Barron. We will all remember you.
Hope you have a blissful trip to heaven.

people/Blahj1/info.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
id: Blahj1
profileUrl: ${path}/photos/profile.jpg
born: '2001-11-10'
died: '2024-11-18'
twitter: https://x.com/yulianNyanner
iconify:iconoir:spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Q4jgFnzjkpXYgytwuQ3xk?si=0149067a12fe4895&pt=79fe8ff376dd72f8fee2137f2a1f5967

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
name: Lyna
alias: yulian, Nyanner
> This world is fake, I have a masturbation fantasy
## Introduction
> Whats the point of living? If you work until you die, what kind of happiness can you buy? Youve already experienced happiness in your 20s, right? By the time youre 30, youre just a corpse.
Lonely as a Lyna, but still looking for the meaning of life
Its just that didnt return to the present world like Misaka'Sisters .
> Lets fight against this unfair world together after death
> <PhotoScroll photos={["${path}/photos/image0.png"]} />
I want to be something, I want to be, it doesn't matter who I am
But can we really find that star?
> Fuck it! Never mind him
> All thus fake,

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
name: 羽涟
alias: 涟
> 这个世界是假的,我的一个自慰的幻想
## 简介
> 活着又什么意义呢工作到死有什么幸福可以买到呢幸福到20多岁已经体验完了吧到30岁不就是一个死尸吗。
孤独如涟, 但仍然在找寻着生活的意义
只是, 没有像御坂妹妹一样回到现世罢
> 我们一起在死后反抗这个不公的世界
> <PhotoScroll photos={["${path}/photos/image0.png"]} />
なんかになりたい なりたい 何者かでいい
> 去他妈的!管他呢
> 你们都是假的啊,

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
name: 羽漣
alias: 漣
> 這個世界是假的,我有一個自慰的幻想
## 簡介
> 活著又什麼意義呢, 工作到死, 有什麼幸福可以買到呢? 幸福到20多歲已經體驗完了吧, 到30歲不就是一個死屍嗎
孤獨如漣, 但仍然在找尋著生活的意義
只是, 沒有像御坂妹妹一樣回到現世罷
> 我們一起在死後反抗這個不公的世界
> <PhotoScroll photos={["${path}/photos/image0.png"]} />
なんかになりたい なりたい 何者かでいい
> 去他媽的!管他呢
> 妳們都是假的啊,

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18178,"content":"猫猫。。。是你在保佑我跟姐姐吗???下个月要卖房子了,我事业也有起色了,要保佑我们哦。","submitter":"星川樱子","date":"Oct 3, 2024"}

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@ -5,15 +5,24 @@ info:
location: Ji'ning, Shandong
She was born on March 4th, 2009, and she came from Jining, Shandong. She longed to be a girl, to wear beautiful dresses, to have long hair, and to have a gentle voice.
She was born on March 4th, 2009, in Jining, Shandong.
She longed to be a girl, to wear beautiful dresses, to have long hair, and to have a gentle voice.
## Her hobbies
She had many hobbies. She loved rhythm games and liked to play Arcaea. The last song she played was “False Embellishment”. She also liked to listen to music, create music, make videos, write code and so on. Some of her videos were very funny, and her music has a lot of personality. She was a talented and versatile person, always full of curiosity and creativity.
She had many hobbies.
She loved rhythm games and played Arcaea.
The last song she played was “False Embellishment”.
She also liked to listen to music, create music, make videos, write code and so on.
Some of her videos were very funny, and her music had tons of personality.
She was a talented and versatile person, always full of curiosity and creativity.
## Her dreams
She had many dreams. She wanted to become a real girl. She said she wanted to be a forensic doctor in the future. She wanted to help those who suffered from depression and anxiety.
She had many dreams.
She wanted to become a real girl.
She said she wanted to be a forensic doctor in the future.
She wanted to help those who suffered from depression and anxiety.
> She once said she wanted to meet EnderCat
@ -21,36 +30,48 @@ She had many dreams. She wanted to become a real girl. She said she wanted to be
On May 11th, 2023, MoeCat gave Cencen a hair clip and hoped that Cencen would think of her after she left.
On May 12th, 2023, MoeCat started to ask Cencen for blessings and hoped that Cencen could wish her “to be a girl in the next life”.
On May 12th, 2023, MoeCat started asking Cencen for blessings and hoped that Cencen would wish her “to be a girl in the next life”.
On May 13th, 2023, Cencen sensed that she might commit suicide the next day and informed EnderCat at 11:45 pm that night. EnderCat tried to inform her parents but failed.
On May 13th, 2023, Cencen sensed that she might commit suicide the next day and informed EnderCat at 11:45 pm that night.
EnderCat tried to inform her parents but failed.
On May 14th, 2023, EnderCat received a forwarded chat record from “Fixing Broken Hearts” at 1:11 am and tried to contact MoeCat and her parents to confirm her status. At 1:17 am, MoeCat sent EnderCat an apology message and said “I'm really happy that I met EnderCat in this life”.
On May 14th, 2023, EnderCat received a forwarded chat record from “Fixing Broken Hearts” at 1:11 am and tried to contact MoeCat and her parents to confirm her status.
At 1:17 am, MoeCat sent EnderCat an apology message and said, “Im really happy that I met EnderCat in this life”.
## Her departure
But she did not realize her dreams or meet EnderCat. On May 13th, 2023, she was very happy, as if she had returned to normal. In the early morning of the next day, she chose to commit suicide.
But she did not realize her dreams or meet EnderCat.
On May 13th, 2023, she was really happy, as if she had returned to normal.
In the early morning of the next day, she chose to commit suicide.
This was a decision that was hard to accept and understand. I know she endured a lot of pain and pressure. She was forced to stop HRT and was given GnRH analogs. Her parents did not understand her needs, which made her feel hopeless and helpless.
That was a decision that was hard to accept and understand.
I know she endured a lot of pain and pressure.
She was forced to stop HRT and was given GnRH analogs.
Her parents did not understand her needs, which made her feel hopeless and helpless.
Plus she originally had no confidence or sense of worth in herself. She felt useless and unworthy of being loved. But these were not true. We always loved her.
Plus, she initially had no confidence or sense of worth in herself.
She felt useless and unworthy of being loved.
But these were not true.
We always loved her.
Her friend EnderCat called 120 at 1:23 am. Her parents also called 120 almost at the same time... Unfortunately, she lost consciousness at 1:25 am on May 14th, 2023 and was taken to the hospital... I don't know what happened next, but she eventually did not make it.
Her friend EnderCat called 120 at 1:23 am.
Her parents also called 120 almost at the same time...
Unfortunately, she lost consciousness at 1:25 am on May 14th, 2023 and was taken to the hospital... I dont know what happened next, but she eventually did not make it.
> “I could have called 120 ten minutes earlier, but I chose to confirm her status first. I blame myself. I will never forget what she said to me at the end: I'm in so much pain, EnderCat, please help me!’” - EnderCat
> “I could have called 120 ten minutes earlier, but I chose to confirm her status first. I blame myself. I will never forget what she said to me at the end: Im in so much pain, EnderCat, please help me!’” - EnderCat
<PhotoScroll photos={[ '${path}/photos/Photo1.png']} />
## Her gallery
> Selected from MoeCat's Qzone, all are architectural photos
> Selected from MoeCats Qzone, all are architectural photos
<PhotoScroll photos={[ '${path}/photos/Photo4.png', '${path}/photos/Photo3.png', '${path}/photos/Photo2.png']} />
## Other people who appear on this page
EnderCat: MoeCat's friend and one of the main interveners. According to EnderCat, she was the most capable of saving MoeCat, but because of an obvious mistake that could have been avoided, it led to irreversible consequences.
EnderCat: MoeCats friend and one of the main interveners. According to EnderCat, she was the most capable of saving MoeCat. However, because of an obvious mistake, it led to irreversible consequences.
“Fixing Broken Hearts”: MoeCat's friend and the one who invited MoeCat to join “a group chat”. Because of her, MoeCat was able to buy HRT medication and meet everyone. According to her, if she did not pull MoeCat into the circle, MoeCat might not have committed suicide.
“Fixing Broken Hearts”: MoeCats friend and the one who invited MoeCat to join “a group chat”. Because of her, MoeCat could buy HRT medication and meet everyone. According to her, if she did not pull MoeCat into the circle, MoeCat might not have committed suicide.
Cencen: MoeCat's boyfriend, the first one to sense that MoeCat would commit suicide. According to him, “We may have indeed prolonged her life. Without us, she might have left in March...”
Cencen: MoeCats boyfriend, the first one to sense that MoeCat would commit suicide. According to him, “We may have indeed prolonged her life. Without us, she might have left in March...”

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18112,"content":"鱼的繁体很好看,魚魚子亦是如此。","submitter":"匿名","date":"Aug 16, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18230,"content":"生日快樂","submitter":"某個匿名的MC玩家","date":"Oct 20, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18231,"content":"这瓶魔爪,敬你","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Oct 20, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18273,"content":"Спасибо за все, что вы сделали для всего мира.","submitter":"一只猫猫","date":"Nov 3, 2024"}

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ info:
## Description
She loves Sunflowers. She once told me she feels some kind of predestined affinity with Sunflowers.
She loves Sunflowers. She once told me she feels some predestined affinity with Sunflowers.
She is persistent when it comes to her art.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ She likes to drink Monster Energy.
She often tells me she cannot have a good meal.
She thinks she doesn't have many friends.
She thinks she doesnt have many friends.
Her first language is Russian.
@ -23,28 +23,28 @@ She knows how to play guitar.
Her parents fought a lot.
She didn't consider her life more valuable than others'.
She didnt consider her life more valuable than others.
If she believes sacrificing herself would benefit others, she won't have a second thought.
She wouldnt have a second thought if she believed sacrificing herself would benefit others.
She cares about her friends a lot.
She's an Eastern Orthodox Christian.
Shes an Eastern Orthodox Christian.
She doesn't really trust God 100%, though.
She doesnt trust God 100%, though.
She came up with her nickname “Ling Shui Yu Yu Zi” while feeding fish.
She coined her nickname “Ling Shui Yu Yu Zi” while feeding fish.
“Ling Shui Yu Yu Zi” means fish in clear water.
She began transitioning because:
1. Her parents told her they wanted a daughter. She felt she was born with the wrong sex.
2. She decided on who she wanted to become after immersing in ACG culture and found out about the futa character stereotype.
2. After immersing herself in ACG culture, she decided on who she wanted to become. She also learned about the futa character stereotype.
3. A character she created became more and more similar to herself. She wanted to replace her.
4. Pressure from family and school was becoming increasingly heavy. She wanted to escape the body she was born with but didn't have the means to do so.
4. Pressure from family and school was becoming increasingly heavy. She wanted to escape the body she was born with but didnt have the means to do so.
While trying to console her friend, a conflict ensued. She swallowed lots of her meds that night and argued with her father after waking up.
She then attempted suicide and was sent to the hospital. She was confirmed to be dead and cremated by August 1st, 2023.

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18095,"content":"抱抱你……","submitter":"ZS.","date":"Aug 12, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18105,"content":"姐姐贴贴","submitter":"梦梦","date":"Aug 14, 2024"}

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@ -8,21 +8,21 @@ info:
## Description
Sis Cuddly is a somewhat mysterious girl. Although she often posts some incomprehensible things on Twitter, she is actually a very interesting, cute, and empathetic person.
Cuddly is a somewhat mysterious girl. Although she often posts incomprehensible things on Twitter, she is actually very interesting, cute, and empathetic.
Perhaps due to borderline personality disorder or a learning disability, she always likes to add "Cuddle?" at the end of a sentence or a paragraph.
Because of this, everyone always likes to call her "Sis Cuddly"
Because of this, everyone always likes to call her "Sis Cuddly".
She has a peculiar habit of saying, "Cut myself into little pieces and toss them into the sea to feed the fishies..."
She has a peculiar habit of saying, "Cut me into little pieces and toss them into the sea to feed the fishies..."
She always wanted to explore ways to commit suicide, but, ironically, she died in a artificial accident.
She always wanted to explore ways to commit suicide, but ironically, she died in an artificial accident.
## Departure
In early July 2023, she, who had always been updated every day, suddenly lost her message. Soon after, news emerged that she had been arrested for an alleged negligent homicide, and all contact was lost.
In early July 2023, she, who had been posting to social media every day, suddenly stopped posting. Soon after, news emerged that she had been arrested for an alleged negligent homicide, and all contact was lost.
We have no way of knowing the exact date of her death. All we can do is keep her in our memories.
> "Thank you, Sis Cuddly. Don't forget to come and spar with us often in the future."
"Hurry and come cut the watermelon, you can slice it into little pieces! 🍉"
"Hurry and come cut the watermelon; you can slice it into little pieces! 🍉"

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@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ info:
Sakuya had a passion for programming and the web since her childhood. She loved role-playing and simulation games.
She had an interest in game development.
She contributed to the development of many games, including *Pokémon Go* and *The Headmaster*.
Besides being a talented programmer proficient in languages like Java, PHP, and C++, Sakuya was also skilled in stock trading and video editing.
She helped develop many games, including *Pokémon Go* and *The Headmaster*.
In addition to being a talented programmer proficient in languages like Java, PHP, and C++, Sakuya was also skilled in stock trading and video editing.
She once founded a translation group.
She started her own fashion company, but it went bankrupt, leading her to lose almost all her income sources.
She started her own fashion company, but it went bankrupt due to financial problems, causing her to lose almost all her income sources.
She wasn't able to make a comeback.
Subsequently, she moved to Shanghai for a while.
During her time in Shanghai, although she often worried about financial issues, she managed to spend her days relatively happily, thanks to the company and support of her friends.
@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ Rest well, Sakuya. May you find happiness and peace. Wishing you a smooth journe
Contributor for this entry: Nanami[^1]
[^1]: Nanami, Sakuya's friend, who inherit and continue to use Sakuya's account.
[^1]: Nanami, Sakuya's friend, inherits and continues to use Sakuya's account.

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18196,"content":"晚安,一路走好","submitter":"匿名","date":"Oct 10, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18208,"content":"晚安","submitter":"某個匿名的MC玩家","date":"Oct 15, 2024"}

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@ -5,23 +5,24 @@ info:
location: Yubei, Chongqing
## Description
In Fall 2023, Sugar went to Hangzhou, Zhejiang to attend university.
In Fall 2023, Sugar went to Hangzhou, Zhejiang, to attend university.
She was an introverted girl who cared about others' feelings too much such that she wasn't able to express herself when she needed it.
She was an introverted girl who cared too much about others' feelings, so she wasn't able to express herself when she needed it.
She was too shy to express her confusion and anxiety.
Moreover, she hadn't a friend to confide her thoughts, she could only hide these in the heart.
Moreover, she had no friend to confide in her thoughts; she could only hide them in her heart.
That made her look a bit intimidated.
She always prepared a lot ahead of meeting friends in real life.
She was always worried about leaving a bad impression, so she asked them tons of questions in advance (such as which kinds of gifts they would like), and warned them she might exhibit regressive behaviors.
She always prepared a lot before meeting friends in real life.
She was always worried about leaving a bad impression, so she asked them tons of questions in advance (such as which kinds of gifts they would like) and warned them she might exhibit regressive behaviours.
Her family is conservative.
Her father worked in China Railways Group and her mother was a teacher.
Her father worked for China Railways Group, and her mother was a teacher.
She didn't receive enough love from them.
They once threw away her gender-affirming clothing she hid while she was in high school.
Therefore, she was certain her parents were too conservative to communicate with.
They once threw away the gender-affirming clothing she hid while she was in high school.
Therefore, she was sure her parents were too conservative to communicate with.
## The dissipated haze in Hangzhou
@ -39,24 +40,24 @@ When parting, She asked A about her thoughts on her plan to "threaten" her paren
> *Here is what A remembered:*
> Sugar: Perhaps what I need to do is to "threaten", since they are too conservative to be communicated with.
> Sugar: Perhaps I need to "threaten" them since they are too conservative to communicate with.
> Sugar: I'm afraid of pain, but I could hurt myself a bit.
> Sugar: Thereby they might make a compromise eventually, and I might get more freedom in return.
> Sugar: Thereby, they might make a compromise eventually, and I might get more freedom in return.
> Sugar: According to the plan, I will delete you from my friend list after this parting.
> Sugar: You shouldn't be worried about me. Please forget me as soon as possible.
When A left for home, she left Sugar half a bag of oranges, and messaged her "Adios." (Goodbye) on QQ.
When A left for home, she left Sugar half a bag of oranges and messaged her "Adios." (Goodbye) on QQ.
A didn't get any reply.
That night, Sugar actually deleted her contact.
The second day, a Twitter user who claimed to be Sugar's high school classmate brought her some random thoughts on behalf of Sugar.
On the second day, a Twitter user who claimed to be Sugar's high school classmate sent her some random thoughts on behalf of Sugar.
Then A requested them to look after her.
Later, Sugar began her winter vacation, and got her diagnosis certificate of gender dysphoria in Shenzhen Kangning Hospital —— This was only known by A after her death.
Later, Sugar began her winter vacation and got her diagnosis certificate of gender dysphoria in Shenzhen Kangning Hospital —— This was only known by A after her death.
## Thick fog over Jialing River (Her departure)
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ But the dosage she was about to take was fatal.
A and her other online friends couldn't persuade her, so they called for first aid as a last resort.
Because they didn't know her exact location, the ambulance left after more than half an hour had passed.
Unfortunately, Sugar was in critical condition when the ambulance arrived at Second People's Hospital of Yubei District of Chongqing.
Unfortunately, Sugar was in critical condition when the ambulance arrived at the Second People's Hospital of Yubei District of Chongqing.
And she passed away in the early morning of the next day due to chemical poisoning.
## After her departure
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ She said words like Sugar was too selfish and didn't care about them.
Then she tried to unlock Sugar's phone.
A asked her mother to bury Sugar as a daughter, but her mother replied like [this](https://twitter.com/KiraRettosei/status/1749728762261012752?s=19).
(The link may be potentially triggering.)
(The link may be triggering.)
However, her mother's attitude was changing gradually.
@ -101,15 +102,15 @@ Her parents started to tidy up her belongings.
Her mother asked A if she wanted to keep Sugar's IKEA Blåhaj Shark, which she loved to hug.
Her mother said, he was their angel, but unfortunately God made him leave early, and he had to leave.
Her mother said he was their angel, but unfortunately, God made him leave early, and he had to leave.
Her mother had always been grateful to A.
## The new spring
It's February 12th, 2024. The third day of Spring Festival.
It's February 12th, 2024—the third day of Spring Festival.
On this night, A set off for a trip to Guiyang and Chongqing.
That night, A set off on a trip to Guiyang and Chongqing.
At Ningbo Lishe International Airport,
@ -121,22 +122,22 @@ In a daze, a phone call from Chongqing came, and she was familiar with the numbe
> Girl, how are you now? (I am fine, what happened?)
> It's nothing, but…… I always worried about that you might……as well. So I'm calling to ask if are okay or not.
> It's nothing, but…… I've always worried that you might……as well. So I'm calling to ask if you're okay or not.
> Girl, if anything happens in the future, please tell your parents and not hold back and say nothing. Your parents always love you.
> Girl, if anything happens in the future, please tell your parents and not hold back and say nothing. Your parents will always love you.
> After our generation became parents, we no longer keep the authority and stubbornness of our elders.
> So do I…… The path I am currently taking in life is not what my parents hoped, but I think it's no problem.
> We may not fully understand the decisions made by children, but we will support her if she carefully considered them.
> We may not fully understand the decisions made by children, but we will support her if she carefully considers them.
> Girl, I am glad you're okay, wish you a happy life.
> Girl, I am glad you're okay. I wish you a happy life.
Sugar had a very cute face and figure.
Sugar had a cute face and figure.
If we change a character of her name to another homophonic one, it would become a girl's name that perfectly matches her gentle and soft temperament.
But she just departed, with a mentality of "take a gamble".
But she just departed with a mentality of "take a gamble".
Her life was frozen at the age of 19.
When Sugar just passed away, her mother couldn't accept her decisions. But what did her mother say in the end?
@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ Anyway, she had passed away.
<!-- 关于清明的翻译问题,海外有 Ching Ming 之说此处取现代汉语拼音翻译。对于“清明节”Festival可以包括清明的踏青部分但此处基于条目的追思方向故省去Festival。 -->
Just before Qingming, her mother suddenly sent messages to A.
Her mother told A how she was diligent and excellent, and how much they loved her.
Her mother told A how diligent and excellent she was and how much they loved her.
Sugar's father said that Sugar was the brightest star in the sky.
@ -164,17 +165,18 @@ It was a pity that she departed abruptly, without waiting for a turn for the bet
> Hope you'll all remember Sugar.
> Hope you can share important information, such as your address, with trustworthy friends to avoid any unexpected situations.
> I hope you can share important information, such as your address, with trustworthy friends to avoid any unexpected situations.
> Hope that if you see a help request message, don't just swipe.
> I hope that if you see a help request message, you don't just swipe.
> Hope that if you have the ability to call the police, you can dial decisively. You are a lifesaver, not a murderer. Don't be afraid.
> I hope that if you can call the police, you can dial decisively. You are a lifesaver, not a murderer. Don't be afraid.
> Hope you cherish life, hope still exists; you will only miss the opportunity if you leave too early.
> I hope you cherish life. Hope still exists; you will only miss the opportunity if you leave too early.
> Hope you'll all remember Sugar.
Take care.
<!-- Contributor[KiraRettosei](http://github.com/KiraRettosei) -->
<!-- The contributor of this entry is anonymous on the fore-end -->
<!-- This entry's contributor has requested not to be featured on the webpage. -->

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@ -7,92 +7,93 @@ info:
## Description
Huacha means flower-scented tea.
Huacha was a lovely and determined trans girl who loved this world.
She was an OIer and once participated in the National Olympiad in Informatics(NOI).
She adored long hair, so she opted for hair extension to fulfill her love for it.
She adored long hair, so she opted for hair extensions.
She loved writing and reading, and she often delved into the works of Lu Xun.
She showcased her fluency in poetry and her ability to critique the world by writing essays, reminiscent of Lu Xun's style.
She showcased her fluency in poetry and her ability to critique the world by writing essays in a style reminiscent of Lu Xun.
Realizing her true gender identity at an early age,
she struggled with severe anxiety,
which she endured silently for a long time.
She always felt that she was trapped in a nightmare of not being recognized as a girl,
and she hoped to wake up from it every day.
Later, she chose the path of self-discovery, and embraced her identity as a girl.
Later, she chose the path of self-discovery and embraced her identity as a girl.
Huacha was a gentle girl, akin to her friend [Xuewulihuameng](https://one-among.us/profile/xuewulihuameng).
She offered helpful advice in Zhihu Question [How can I help my MtF friend?](https://www.zhihu.com/question/274131925/answer/372594163).
After introducing some suggestions, she wrote at last:
After giving some suggestions, she wrote at last:
> "If you actually don't understand how to give reasonable advice when she experiences an emotional breakdown, you can simply accompany her at her side silently (you can even hug her, because when I was in emotional breakdown I hoped someone would hug me)...spend more time with her..."
> “If you dont understand how to give advice when she experiences an emotional breakdown, you can simply accompany her at her side silently (you can even hug her because when I was in an emotional breakdown, I hoped someone would hug me)...spend more time with her...
## The Blood Mary Observer
*The Blood Mary Observer* was a series of articles on Zhihu authored by Hucha.
She passed away shortly after she wrote down these articles.
So there were only three articles in *The Blood Mary Observer*.
but the profound content was still worth reading.
Tragically, Huacha took her life shortly after she penned these articles.
So, there were only three articles in *The Blood Mary Observer*.
But the profound content was still worth reading.
The first article was *[In Memory of Ms.MtF (Mr.Ftm)](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38000835)*[^1].
The article was written around May to June 2018.
At that time, Zhihu, which was a platform originally claimed to LGBT friendly, started to conduct strict censorship on transgender related topics.
Many transgender users were blocked due to this crisis,
and many records about transgender community were deleted on these days.
She wrote the article around May to June 2018.
At that time, Zhihu, which was a platform initially claimed to be LGBT friendly, started to conduct strict censorship on transgender-related topics.
Zhihu blocked many transgender users
and deleted many records about the transgender community at that time.
Huacha wrote down the article to accuse Zhihu and express her indignation towards persecution of Transgender community.
She appealed to people that everyone to respect the right of transgender individuals to express their inner thoughts - whether they were MTF or FTM, or individuals of any other gender.
Huacha wrote down the article to accuse Zhihu and express her indignation towards the persecution of Transgender community.
She appealed to people that everyone should respect the right of transgender individuals to express their inner thoughts - whether they were MTF FTM or individuals of any other gender.
The article was concise and straightforward, and its words didn't pull any punches.
just as the comment said:
The article was concise and straightforward, and its words didnt pull any punches.
Just as the comment said:
> "This article is quite in the style of Lu Xun. #LOL#"
> This article is quite in the style of Lu Xun. #LOL#"
The third article was *[Yazyuu Senpai Zhihu Setu](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38419017)*, the original point of it was the same as the first article.
The third article was *[Yazyuu Senpai Zhihu Setu](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38419017)*. Its original point was the same as the first article.
The article humorously expressed her dissatisfaction with the strict censorship of transgender related topics by Zhihu, which originally claimed to LGBT friendly.
The article humorously expressed her dissatisfaction with the strict censorship of transgender-related topics by Zhihu, which initially claimed to be LGBT-friendly.
The second article was *[Invisible Poison](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38173742)*.
The article mainly focused on the persecution experienced by transgender individuals at the hands of their original families.
She pointed out that some parents were essentially murderers,
and the so-called "love" ultimately became the "poison" that killed children.
and the so-called “love” ultimately became the “poison” that killed children.
> There were many transgender individuals who have been exposed to an invisible poison called "love" and left the world at last.
> The parents deprived their basic rights as human beings in the name of "love".
> Many transgender individuals have been exposed to an invisible poison called “love” and left the world at last.
> The parents deprived their fundamental rights as human beings in the name of “love”.
> Legally, due to parents have the special status of "guardian",
> Legally, due to parents having the special status of “guardian”,
> the difficulty for transgender individuals to obtain assistance has greatly increased.
> Excerpted from *Invisible Poison*
Today, many transgender individuals choose to leave this world due to this kind of "Invisible Poison".
Today, many transgender individuals choose to leave this world due to this kind of “Invisible Poison”.
This article still has its profound practical significance.
Before the article published, one of her transgender friends (probably Xueli) took herself due to domestic pressure and violence.
Another reason for writing down this article was to mourn her, as well as countless transgender friends who passed away owing to the invisible poison.
Before the article was published, one of her transgender friends (probably Xueli) took her life due to domestic pressure and violence.
Another reason for writing this article was to mourn her, as well as countless transgender friends who passed away owing to the invisible poison.
## Her Departure
On April 2nd, 2018, Xueli passed away by suicide.
From the first seven day to the seventh seven day[^2] of Xueli's death,
she always missed Xueli, the lovely gentle girl who quietly left alone.
From the first “seven days” to the seventh “seven days” [^2] of Xuelis death,
she always missed Xueli, the lovely, gentle girl who quietly left alone.
> May the world treat you gently.
> It's suddenly raining heavily in Chongqing...
> Its suddenly raining heavily in Chongqing...
> Is this your way of calling me...?
During the days, Huacha's mental health became worse and worse.
She said that frankly that she was not sure about that if she could live to the seventh seven day of Xueli's death.
During the “seven days”, Huachas mental health became worse and worse.
She said that she was not sure about whether she could live to the end of the seventh “seven days” of Xuelis death.
On the fourth seven day,
she almost couldn't control the thought of suicide on the Huanghuayuan Jialingjiang Bridge,
On the last day of the fourth seven days”,
she almost couldnt control the thought of suicide on the Huanghuayuan Jialingjiang Bridge,
which was a land of fate —— the place of death of Xueli and several other MtFs in Chongqing.
At the end of June, she attempted to take her own life again and was admitted to ICU.
@ -103,25 +104,25 @@ After her physical condition improved, she wrote down this little poem:
]} />
In fact, she still hoped to live.
Until days before she departed, she was still finding hope of living,
Until days before she departed, she was still finding the hope to live,
and she asked Siri about methods to prevent suicide.
But the unfortunate thing still happened at last.
On the evening of July 10th, she walked up to the Huanghuayuan Jialingjiang Bridge again.
The dreamlike lighting seemed to immerse her in a dream...
In the same place, a similar night, she took her own life as Xueli did.
In the same place, on a similar night, she took her own life as Xueli did.
The rescue in the late night failed to save her life.
In the early morning of the next day, The girl chasing the Milky Way left the world at last.
In the early morning of the next day, the girl chasing the Milky Way finally left the world.
> Farewell, Huacha. Hope you and Xueli can be together well in heaven.
> Farewell, Huacha. I hope you and Xueli can be together well in heaven.
> Only thing we can do is living with hope...
> The only thing we can do is live with hope...
> NekoyaFam, 2018-07-11, on Zhihu
Contributors for this entry: One-Among-Us, [Kristall Wang](https://github.com/KristallWang)
[^1]: The title format imitates *In Memory of Ms.Liu Hezhen*, which was a famous work of Lu Xun, published on April 12th 1926.
[^1]: The title format imitates *In Memory of Ms.Liu Hezhen*, which was a famous work of Lu Xun, published on April 12th, 1926.
[^2]: Funeral customs in East Asia. In tradition, the memorial ceremony is held every seven days after a person's death, with one session lasting seven days and a maximum of seven sessions. It will take 49 days to complete.
[^2]: Funeral customs in East Asia. In tradition, the memorial ceremony is held every seven days after a persons death, with one session lasting seven days and a maximum of seven sessions. It will take 49 days to complete.

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@ -1 +1 @@
{"id":14086,"content":"想念","submitter":"冬花","date":"Nov 10, 2023"}
{"id":14086,"content":"想念","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Nov 10, 2023"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18344,"content":"随机点了一下没想到抽到了同样喜欢语言的你马上5年了愿你安息","submitter":"vanguard","date":"Nov 14, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18345,"content":"树犹如此,人何以堪","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Nov 14, 2024"}

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@ -10,44 +10,45 @@ info:
As her bio says, Shizuha is “a cute girl researching linguistics”.
Shizuha is talented in linguistics and passionate about it.
She researched many languages, including both languages originated from China and foreign languages.
She often switch languages while chatting online, so she always seemed lively, cheerful, and even humorous in group chats.
She researched many languages, including both languages originating from China and foreign languages.
Her ability to effortlessly switch between languages in online chats always brought a lively, cheerful, and even humorous atmosphere to the group.
Not only was she proficient in communicating with many languages,
but she also was quick to come up with examples of how pronunciation and grammar are used in everyday conversations for those languages.
Shizuha's work is not limited to linguistics.
Shizuhas work is not limited to linguistics.
She had contributed to the community of the *Half-Life* series.
She designed some "GMod" plugins and maps; and she was the director of a fanmade work called *Combine Prelude* for *Half-Life 2*.
The fact that worth mentioning the most is, she started doing constructed language research,
She designed some “GMod” plugins and maps and directed a fan-made work called Combine Prelude for Half-Life 2.
The most noteworthy fact is that she began conducting research on constructed languages,
constructed [Combinese](https://yuyan.fandom.com/zh/wiki/联合军语), [Yupoian](https://yuyan.fandom.com/zh/wiki/尤波伊语) and [Crigàt](https://yuyan.fandom.com/zh/wiki/克里加语) for the project mentioned above, *Combine Prelude*.
Because of her work on this project, she was famous both in the *Half-Life* community and in the constructed language community.
Because of her work on this project, she was famous in both the Half-Life and constructed language communities.
Shizuha's favorite anime is *YuruYuri*.
Shizuhas favourite anime is *YuruYuri*.
She used the main character, Akari Akaza, as her profile photo.
Shizuha is persistent and brave, both for creative work and for life, sometimes even stubborn.
Shizuha is persistent and brave, both for creative work and life, and sometimes even stubborn.
Because of that, she had some verbal conflicts with her friends.
These incidents were however resolved quickly because of her friends' understanding towards her character.
These incidents were, however, resolved quickly because of her friends understanding of her character.
Shizuha asked for company very often from friends she found in the linguistics community because she didn't feel safe enough.
Whether online or in real life, she was always gave and sought warmth from other trans women and girls.
Shizuha often sought company from friends in the linguistics community because she didnt feel safe enough.
Whether online or in real life, she always gave and sought warmth from other trans women and girls.
Since Spring 2019, Shizuha was finally able to pass and live as a woman.
Because of that, she was much more confident and more open to showing her cuteness by sharing photos on social media.
However, her life quality went down as both her financial situation and her depression got worse, even went to the edge of suicide sometimes.
Because of that, she was much more confident and more open to sharing photos on social media to show off her cuteness.
However, her life quality went down as both her financial situation and her depression got worse, and she even went to the edge of suicide sometimes.
Even then, she did not stop her efforts to help other trans people.
In [one of her posts on ZhiHu](https://www.zhihu.com/pin/1091048372731047936), she wrote:
> “Although living is painful for me and I do not know the meaning behind life, I know that I would never regret helping others.”
> “Although living is painful for me, and I do not know the meaning behind life, I know that I would never regret helping others.”
Even now, this sentence still give strength to many suicide prevention social workers.
Even now, this sentence still gives strength to many suicide prevention social workers.
Unfortunately, Shizuha eventually left us, leaving behind many unfinished works.
After Shizuha's death, many people in the linguistics community, the constructed language community, and the trans community changed their profile photo to black and white to mourn her.
After Shizuhas death, many people in the linguistics community, the constructed language community, and the trans community changed their profile photos to black and white to mourn her.
Under the ZhiHu question of [What are your thoughts about ZhiHu user @Cang_Shan_Jing_Ye ?](https://www.zhihu.com/question/307482232),
Under the Zhihu question of [What are your thoughts about Zhihu user @Cang_Shan_Jing_Ye ?](https://www.zhihu.com/question/307482232),
not only were there goodbyes from the friends she made,
but also messages from the linguistics community, to achieve more in this field;
and messages from the trans community, to encourage each other to keep going.
but also messages from the linguistics community to achieve more in this field;
and messages from the trans community to encourage each other to keep going.
Contributor for this entry: [unt](https://phesoca.com)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18303,"content":"晚安哦…","submitter":"無糖桦树汁","date":"Nov 13, 2024"}

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@ -5,17 +5,16 @@ info:
location: Shijiazhuang, Hebei
## Description
Hangmster is our ally.
They often interacted with friends on Twitter/X, bringing us laughter. They gave warm hugs when we needed, consoled us when we were anxious, and mourned for our departed friends.
They often interacted with friends on Twitter/X, bringing us laughter.
They gave warm hugs when we needed them, consoled us when we were anxious, and mourned for our departed friends.
They seldom mentioned what they loved. But according to their tweets, they were interested in cute things such as cats. They were fond of Hatsune Miku as well. On the Hatsune Miku 15th anniversary, they expressed their happiness by drawing an illustration:
They seldom mentioned what they loved. However, according to their tweets, they were interested in cute things such as cats. They were fond of Hatsune Miku as well. On the Hatsune Miku 15th anniversary, they expressed their happiness by drawing an illustration:
<PhotoScroll photos={[ '${path}/photos/fufu.jpg',]} />
Hangmster was often troubled by insomnia and anxiety. They once said that they actually didn't like their body, and their less traditional self-expression online made them more comfortable.
Hangmster was often troubled by insomnia and anxiety. They once said that they didn't like their body, and their less traditional self-expression online made them more comfortable.
Unfortunately, although they always encouraged us to live bravely, they still chose to leave at the beginning of the year.

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18119,"content":"愿天堂没有暴力","submitter":"西西","date":"Aug 18, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
{"id":18166,"content":"希望下辈子你不要住错了房子,当一个真正的女孩子,晚安","submitter":"米卡柳丁","date":"Sep 23, 2024","replies":[
{"content": "这辈子也是真正的女孩子\n住错了房子的也是真正的女孩子", "submitter": "Maintainer"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18189,"content":"唔,有个好梦哦~安安啦~","submitter":"叶琴韵","date":"Oct 9, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18242,"content":"晚安。🕯️","submitter":"阿弃","date":"Oct 22, 2024"}

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@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ info:
Jennifer was a trans girl longing for happiness.
Her avatar was Vtuber Yukihana Lamy,
and she enjoyed playing rhythm game Project Sekai.
and she enjoyed playing the rhythm game Project Sekai.
When she was 13 years old,
she told her parents for the first time, "**I want to be a girl.**"
However, her parents dismissed it,
thinking that she was influenced by her classmates,
and strongly denied her thought with harsh words.
and vehemently denied her thoughts with harsh words.
At that time, Jennifer didn't know what "transgender" meant,
but she understood the negative connotation of her parents' harsh words.
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ but it was only the beginning of her nightmare.
After starting junior high school,
she tried to make her parents understand her better.
So she start to find information about "transgender" online.
So, she starts to find information about "transgender" online.
She even read academic papers, attempting to communicate with her parents.
Jennifer said:
> "Transgender identity is something I was born with... It's just that a girl's soul is in the wrong body. I don't even ask for SRS. But can you just let me wear girls' clothes, and grow my hair long? I know I'm not pretty, but is it a crime to want to wear girls' clothes?"
> "Transgender identity is something I was born with... It's just that a girl's soul is in the wrong body. I don't even ask for SRS. But can you just let me wear girls' clothes and grow my hair long? I know I'm not pretty, but is it a crime to want to wear girls' clothes?"
But all her efforts were in vain,
and what she received in return was more scolding.
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Due to her lack of education,
she could only work at a local beverage shop,
earning just enough to make ends meet.
But she knew it would be a long time to escape her original family.
But she knew it would be a long time before she could escape her original family.
She had to present herself as male for job interviews and work,
and everyone referred to her with the wrong pronouns,
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ which caused her great distress.
> "I really can't live with a mask on... Is it so hard to be myself..."
Despite this, she felt that even working as a server every day was better than staying in the suffocating environment at home.
Despite this, she felt that working as a server every day was better than staying in her suffocating home environment.
She seemed to see a glimmer of hope.
During that time, she even thought that if she could just endure and save enough money,
@ -97,22 +97,22 @@ her heart had grown numb.
## Departure
Jennifer once said, "Jennifer is a strong girl nya~ Jennifer won't block anyone."
Jennifer once said, "Jennifer is a strong girl, nya~ Jennifer won't block anyone."
But there was one time, and the last time,
she made an exception:
"I blocked the account of Han Lianyi. I think she's a great person, but I don't want her to save me. I'm sorry, Sister Han, I'm so sorry..."
"I blocked Han Lianyi's account. I think she's a great person, but I don't want her to save me. I'm sorry, Sister Han, I'm so sorry..."
As the New Year approached,
fireworks and firecrackers were alight with spark,
fireworks and firecrackers were alight with sparks,
carrying people's best wishes.
The warm glow of lights filled thousands of homes.
But Jennifer left this world in the biting cold wind,
Her story remained in the New Year's Eve.
Her story remained on New Year's Eve.
Brief illusions brought her happiness and kept her from the cold...
@ -121,4 +121,4 @@ she never got to take estrogen,
wear a beautiful dress,
or be called "Miss."
Jennifer, may you no longer suffer and find the happiness in another world.
Jennifer, may you no longer suffer and find the happiness you deserve in another world.

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18132,"content":"对不起,之前没有好好爱你,卡捷琳娜,我才知道你是除了我父母之外最爱我的人。","submitter":"凡诺","date":"Aug 23, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":19009,"content":"时光的流逝让我们相见恨晚直到去年10月18日我们终得相见。还记得那个深秋的早晨你依然在劝说我做慎重的决定而这一切仿佛成了我们之间的约定。但命运终究又将我们隔开。你的离去却伴随着我被送往扭转机构。在我被那个地方折磨的第十一天你的噩耗却因为时空的力不从心令我无法得知。无论怎样娜塔莎姐姐愿你在那边没有歧视和欺辱……\n走好。","submitter":"魔理沙","date":"Nov 16, 2024"}

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@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ She also liked liquor; she hoped to open a bar for trans people.
Born in 2003, she always celebrated her birthday on the 27th day of the first lunisolar month.
Katerina was a national second-level archery athlete, and once won a provincial competition.
She had riding experience in many provinces, and rode a long distance to visit her partner once.
Katerina was a national second-level archery athlete and once won a provincial competition.
She had riding experience in many provinces and rode a long distance to visit her partner once.
Her QQ avatar came from the opening song video of *Super Cub*. It was an animation of a girl, Koguma, and her story with her second-hand motorcycle.
Following are some of her photos, including her own motorcycle:
Following are some of her photos, including her motorcycle:
<PhotoScroll photos={[
@ -27,23 +27,23 @@ Following are some of her photos, including her own motorcycle:
]} />
Katerina loved many kinds of food, including balsam pear and lemon tea, pizza, jiaozi, and Tiramisu.
It could be said that she loved all delicious dishes.
It could be said that she loved all the delicious dishes.
She was also skilled at cooking.
During the time in Guangdong, she grew fond of white cut chicken.
The dish then became her speciality.
While living in Guangdong, she grew fond of white-cut chicken.
The dish then became her specialty.
She suffered from domestic abuse in her childhood.
After her parents' divorce, she lived with her mother.
After her parents divorce, she lived with her mother.
But their relationship worsened after she came out to her mother about being trans.
According to her friends, although she was sometimes conceited, she was amiable to her friends.
When she was together with friends, she was very happy and energetic.
She “adopted” a lovely child as her daughter, and cared about her.
When she was together with friends, she was thrilled and energetic.
She “adopted” a lovely child as her daughter and cared about her.
In September, she sent a composite bow kit as a present to her partner.
Unfortunately, Katerina was threatened by her family during her visit and eventually chose suicide to escape from the pressure.
Katerina, no matter what you want to eat, we would be together with you to toast with you.
Katerina, no matter what you want to eat, we will be together to toast with you.
Спокойной ночи, Катерина.

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18313,"content":"好佩服擅长数学和物理的你。不知道你喜欢的电影里,会不会有星际穿越这一部呢?真正懂得物理的你,又会对里面对时间和黑洞的表达如何评论呢?你本该是一条求真的鲸鱼呢……","submitter":"AF","date":"Nov 13, 2024"}

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@ -7,62 +7,59 @@ info:
# Shangrao, Jiangxi
> All things contain mathematical structures.
> The beauty of math hides in everything.
> By Kotori
## Description
Kotori was a girl who was fond of mathematics and physics, she entered the Department of Physics, School of Physical Science, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in the fall of 2017.
Kotori was fond of mathematics and physics.
She enrolled in the Department of Physics at the School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in the fall of 2017.
She also operated another account under the alias "Partial Differential",
using an avatar depicting the character `∂`,
which was a stylized cursive `d` mainly used as a mathematical symbol, usually to denote a partial derivative such as `∂z/∂x`.
Her old account was “Partial Differential”, with an avatar depicting the character `∂`,
which was a stylized cursive `d mainly used as a mathematical symbol, usually to denote a partial derivative such as `∂z/∂x`.
Kotori was an introverted girl.
She seldom talked with others or expressed her points of view in public.
However, she was passionate about academic questions,
and she always joined in the discussion and applauded her friends for their neat ideas.
Kotori was an introverted girl. She rarely engaged in conversations with others or shared her viewpoints in public.
However, she was enthusiastic about academic inquiries and always actively participated in discussions, occasionally expressing appreciation for her friends excellent ideas.
She frequently deleted her responses on Zhihu or made them anonymous.
Nonetheless, we can still find many of her insightful answers, continuing to reflect her brilliance.
She often deleted her own ideas or works after creating them, or she posted them anonymously.
Nonetheless, there are still some answers of her remained on Zhihu now, radiating her brilliance.
She immersed herself in her favourite subjects and achieved the following:
“*Scientia et studium quaestio et cogitatio*”, which means rich in knowledge and tenacious of purposes, inquiring with earnestness and reflecting with self-practice.
She was obsessed with her favourite subjects, and achieved that "erudite and Atsushi, cut near the question thinking."
Kotori had another well-known nickname, “Truth-seeking Salted Fish”.
But considering her ability, it might be more appropriate to call her a truth-seeking whale in the ocean.
Kotori had another well-known nickname, Truth-seeking Salted Fish.
But in terms of her ability, she was truly a truth-seeking whale in the ocean.
She could be considered a genius in mathematics and physics.
Maybe she couldve made significant contributions to the field of theoretical physics...
She was so good at mathematics and physics that she could also be considered as a talented girl.
Maybe she would make great contributions in the field of theoretical physics in the future...
But fate always interferes with geniuses.
But as the saying goes, “The talented die young”.
## Departure
Kotori suffered from depression and gender dysphoria,
and her mental health was not so good.
She had attempted to take her own life before but was rescued.
Kotori struggled with depression and gender dysphoria, which negatively impacted her mental health.
She attempted to take her own life but was rescued.
After consulting numerous references to ascertain the lethal dose of the drug,
she ultimately decided to end her life on the morning of September 24th, 2019.
she ended her life on the morning of September 24th, 2019.
After that, her friends endeavoured to contact with USTC authorities, and police in Poyang, Shangrao.
However, due to the lack of timely treatment, she was unable to recover and left us at last.
After that, her friends tried to contact the local police and USTC management.
However, it was too late.
## Memorial
In Zhihu question [What are your thoughts about ZhiHu user @Cheng Peiqi](https://www.zhihu.com/question/347747351) and her obituary, many friends of Kotori expressed their sadness and regret of the death of her.
Under the Zhihu question [What are your thoughts about Zhihu user @Cheng-pei-qi-52](https://www.zhihu.com/question/347747351) and related obituaries, many friends of Kotori expressed their sadness and regret at her passing.
Sakura Moeka wrote:
> In the Zhihu question of thoughts about me, Kotori replied that I was lovely, and she wanted to see my wedding day.
> Under the Zhihu question of what others think about me, Kotori replied that I was lovely and she wanted to see me married.
> But she would never see that.
Her friends perpetually felt a deep longing for her presence.
Even the mere sight of the character `∂` evoked profound sorrow within them.
Her friends continued to long for her presence.
Even the very sight of the character `∂` filled them with deep sorrow.
Countless companionships, and stories of getting to know each other had finally become fragments of the past...
Countless friendships and tales of acquaintance had now become mere fragments of the past...
> Goodbye, world.
@ -72,6 +69,8 @@ Countless companionships, and stories of getting to know each other had finally
Goodbye, Kotori, but we will never say goodbye.
*May your memory be eternal.*
You will live on in our hearts.
<!-- May her memory be eternal -->
Contributors for this entry: One-Among-Us, [Hanlianyi](http://twitter.com/HANLIANYI520), [Kristall Wang](https://github.com/KristallWang)

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@ -57,4 +57,4 @@ info:
<!-- May her memory be eternal -->
条目贡献: One-Among-Us, [寒涟漪](http://twitter.com/HANLIANYI520), [K 酱](https://github.com/KristallWang)
条目贡献: One-Among-Us, [寒涟漪](http://twitter.com/HANLIANYI520), [K 酱](https://github.com/KristallWang)

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@ -58,4 +58,3 @@ info:
<!-- May her memory be eternal -->
條目貢獻: One-Among-Us, [寒漣漪](http://twitter.com/HANLIANYI520), [K 醬](https://github.com/KristallWang)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18103,"content":"坊洛猫猫贴贴","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Aug 12, 2024"}

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"id":18161,"content":"台风已经过去了哦……","submitter":"Anonymous","date":"Sep 16, 2024"}

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